Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 161, Did you read it wrong?

Chapter 161, Did you read it wrong?
"Come here to take the exam after reading the book for a few days? Isn't this a waste of money! It's better to farm the land at home honestly!"

The young man snorted coldly, thinking of his hard work in studying.

In addition to hard work, reading depends on talent.

He thinks that he has devoted more to studying than Li Zicun, but his knowledge is still not as good as him.

Compared with some country folks, he must have an advantage over them.

"Uncle Feng has his own ideas. If he is on the list, even if he is the last one, he is considered a success."

Li Zicun spoke lightly.

"It's not his turn to be the last one. Let's not talk about age, just say that he only read the book for a few days, so it's no wonder he can pass the exam!"

The classmates in Lizicun were not optimistic about Feng Minsheng, and there was a trace of joking on their faces.

It's just a self-righteous and daring farmer.

"His family's situation is special. If he can pass the exam this time, he can also get everyone's recognition. I really admire Uncle Feng's courage a little bit."

After Li Zicun finished speaking, he added another sentence in his heart.

It's just that the education of my daughter is not very good, and I have taught a daughter who wrote a book of common sayings.

Li Zicun's words seemed to be on Feng Minsheng's side, but they were actually ridiculing.

From the very beginning, he didn't believe that Feng Minsheng would pass the exam.

Not even the last one.

"Zicun really knows how to talk, no matter how bad a person is, he can become special in your mouth."

The boy glanced at the direction of the luxury carriage, and shook his head slightly.

He didn't recognize the real value of a luxurious carriage, he only knew that it was hard to see in the village and the county town.

On the surface, this man must be a hypocrite.

While Li Zicun was talking to his classmates, two yamen servants walked over slowly holding a wooden box in both hands.

All of a sudden, everyone fell silent, quietly looking at the wooden box in the hands of the yamen servant.

What is contained in this wooden box is the list, carrying the hopes of all scholars.

A child's birth test is the first step towards scientific examination.

The ranking is also very important. If the ranking is higher, the chances of being selected by the middle school will be higher in the future.


Li Zicun tidied his clothes subconsciously to make himself look more decent.

He believes in himself and must be at the top of the list.

for sure.

Li Zicun stared straight at him, with fire in his eyes, eager to try.

The two yamen servants didn't say anything, walked to the position where the list was posted, and got busy.

In the past, if these students didn't give them any benefits, they would wait half an hour before posting.

Not anymore, my lord has changed for the better.

They can only change their attitude abruptly.

Li Zicun looked at the list taken out of the wooden box, and subconsciously took a step forward.

The list was casually held in the hands of the yamen servants, and batter began to be applied to the positions where it was posted.

One, two, three...

In the blink of an eye, Li Zicun felt that several years had passed.

Not only Lizicun, but also other scholars feel this way.

No one urged the yamen servants, so nervous that he forgot to breathe.

The ten-year cold window is just at this moment.

Finally, the list was spread out and glued to the wall.

"Clap clap clap!"

Fearing that it might not stick firmly, the two yamen servants stretched out their hands vigorously and patted on the list.

Their actions looked a little vulgar, but as subordinates of corrupt officials, they had already done well enough.

"The list is out, no one should damage it."

After the two yamen servants finished posting, they stood on both sides and looked at the list.

"Zicun! I passed the exam, and I'm still in the top 2! You are No.[-]! You're amazing!"

The classmate next to Li Zicun suddenly shouted, looking enviously at the second name on the list.

God is really unfair, he forgot to sleep and eat every day, and barely managed to get to the top of the exam, while Zicun easily got No.2.

In his eyes, there is no difference between No.2 and No.1, they are both rankings that he can't take the exam.

Li Zicun was so stiff that he couldn't even hear the voice of his classmates, and his eyes were fixed on the first two names.

No.2, Lizi Village.

Top of the list, Feng Minsheng.

Was it the Feng Minsheng he knew who had only studied for a few days and had never been to a private school?

He must have read it wrong!

His body shook violently, and he began to wonder if the list was real, or he had hallucinations.

He stretched out his hand and pinched his arm vigorously, the skin under the clothes turned red visibly, and the piercing pain was transmitted to the brain from the pinched position.

Li Zicun closed his eyes, rubbed his eye sockets with his hands, took a deep breath, and looked at the list again.

He is still No.2.

No.1 is still Feng Minsheng.

Li Zicun finally believed that he did not have hallucinations, he was really No.2.

Li Zicun's first reaction was, did Feng Minsheng cheat in the exam?
But the exam is very strict, as long as you are caught cheating, you will be beheaded, and if it is serious, it may endanger the three clans.

Furthermore, even if you cheated in the exam, you will definitely not get No.1 in the exam.

Because the questions are open, the test questions will not be leaked. Under normal circumstances, a person who has only studied for a few days will not get No. 1 even if he uses the questions to copy someone else's.

Either Li Zicun couldn't accept his No. 2 exam, or he couldn't accept that his name was behind Feng Minsheng.

If it is passed back to the family, how can it raise its head in the village.

Thinking of the scene of being sent off by everyone, Li Zicun's face instantly turned dark.

Everyone kept saying that their grades must be excellent, and they were all satirizing Feng Minsheng who had only been studying for a few days.

He even thought it would be nice for Feng Minsheng to write his name.

Unexpectedly, he was No.1!
Li Zicun had mixed feelings in his heart, and his eyes were darkened. If he hadn't supported his classmates, he would have passed out uncontrollably.

"Zicun, who is Feng Minsheng? Which college does he belong to? He is the top of our list this year. In the next college exam, who will be the top of the case between you and him!"

The boy's eyes were filled with anticipation.

In fact, he was very optimistic about Lizi Village, but there were people out there, and he didn't expect there to be someone more powerful than Lizi Village.

Li Zicun was slightly taken aback when he heard what his classmate said.

Yes, even my classmates subconsciously thought that Feng Minsheng was someone from a certain academy.

That means that the Feng Minsheng at the top of the list is not necessarily the Feng Minsheng in their village.

Must be the same name.

After slowing down, he felt that he was a madman.

How could Feng Minsheng be No.1, probably a genius from another academy!
"Maybe it belongs to Yingtian Academy!"

Li Zicun thought for a while and said this sentence.

There will always be dark horses in this academy, presumably they are the outstanding students they cultivate.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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