Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 162 No one is more perverted than the teacher

Chapter 162 No one is more perverted than the teacher
"The next exam, we must make them look good!"

The boy clicked his tongue, dissatisfied.


Li Zicun responded, subconsciously glanced at the direction of the carriage, and squeezed out of the crowd.

The people in the back kept pushing toward the list. He had seen the rankings, so it was not easy to occupy his position.

"By the way, Zicun, does the elder in your village have his name?"

The young man's voice was a little smug.

Unexpectedly, I got a good ranking, maybe I can become a scholar in one fell swoop next time.

For him, the title of a scholar can be regarded as a glorious ancestor.

Li Zicun turned his head and looked at the position of the list among the crowd.

Quickly skip the No.1 position until you see the last Ming.

Except for No.1, none of the other candidates had the surname Feng.


Li Zicun replied two words.

Feng Minsheng will definitely not be him.

The government with the same name and surname can't be mistaken.

Even if it is a child's birth test, the top three officials will go to the family to announce the good news, and the name and place of origin will be verified at that time, so there is no need to worry about making mistakes.

"Hey! It's not enough to just watch for a few days. Please tell him that you need to prepare for the exam ten years in advance, otherwise even if you are the last one, you may not be able to have his name. .”

The teenager was a little gloating.

Li Zicun suddenly thought of Feng Jin, the writer who wrote love and love, and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes.

"Maybe, this is just their family tradition."

Lizi Village Road.

This is the first time he has opened his mouth to slander his elders.

What he did to Feng Jin in the past was all because Feng Jin had a good impression of him, and he still had an attitude towards Feng Minsheng that he should have.

Even if he disagrees in his heart, he will definitely not speak ill of him.

Today, his "disrespectful words" seem to be a lot more.

Lizi Village continued to squeeze in the direction of no one, and was not satisfied with the ranking, but there was nothing he could do.

It doesn't matter if it's not No.1 this time, it will be the top case next time, and he still has a chance to win three yuan in a row.

The three elements are Jieyuan, Huiyuan and Zhuangyuan.

Everything is still in time.

in the carriage.

Feng Jin opened the curtains, squinted her eyes to look at the position of the list, and couldn't see the words clearly after reading it for a long time.

But it can be seen with the naked eye, and the lively movement over there can be heard with the ears.

Some cried loudly, some sang and danced, some remained silent, and some watched it over and over again.

Feng Jin thought of the scene of the college entrance examination, spanning an unknown amount of time and space, and still being able to overlap.

"Hey! Have you seen the list?"

Feng Jin saw Li Zicun who had just squeezed out, although he hated it in his heart, and yelled at him several times, Feng Jin stopped him.

She really didn't want to squeeze in, as soon as the list was posted, there would be more people.

In addition to the scholars, there are also the family members of the scholars. Depending on the situation, this scene will be the same every day.


Li Zicun pursed his thin lips, not caring about hating Fengjin anymore, his eyes flickered a few times.

An extremely disturbing thought came to my mind.

Feng Minsheng should not really be Feng Minsheng, right?
"Is No.1 my father?"

Feng Jin asked directly.

When she said this, she was indeed suspected of arrogance.

But daddy is so powerful, if you don't ask, you are underestimating her daddy.

Feng Jin's words also attracted the eyes of many people, and there was more or less a hint of contempt in their eyes.

This man has such a big voice!
Li Zicun's throat tightened, and he glanced at Feng Minsheng who had just poked his head out.

Feng Minsheng looks elegant and easy-going, completely gone from being carefree and honest.

His face became more and more white.

If you don't know someone, you really feel that Feng Minsheng in front of you is a scholar.

Feng Minsheng also looked at Lizicun, did not speak, but acquiesced to the girl's question.

So, is he No.1?
Under the watchful eyes of Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin, Li Zicun shook his head slowly, turned and left without saying anything.

I don't know how sacred No.1's Feng Minsheng is, he has to go back to study his homework, and strive to become the leader of the case in the college exam, crushing that unknown person!

"Not number one!"

Feng Minsheng was a little surprised.

Quickly recall the content of the questions you did.

I feel good about myself when I write, I don’t write bad remarks, and I firmly maintain the dignity of the royal family between words.

What he wrote almost moved him.

Didn't even take the first place?

Could it be that No.1 is a dog licking more knowledgeable than him?
Feng Minsheng was silent.

He is a modern person, and it seems that he really can't adapt to the scientific examination system here.

He has gone through no less than 1 exams, big and small, and finally met one who is not No.[-].

After Feng Minsheng was silent, he was excited, finally there was a challenging exam!
"Impossible! Who is No.1? Did he bribe the examiner to cheat?"

When Wang Wu heard that Feng Minsheng was not No. 1, her first reaction was that the evil feudal society exams were not to be seen.

His teacher is not No.1, so how perverted is No.1?
"I can't see clearly, let's go and have a look!"

Feng Jin is also curious about how perverted that pervert is compared to his father!
Several people are also big-hearted, and they didn't ask Feng Minsheng when they heard that it was not No.1.

In their bones, they believed that Feng Minsheng would definitely pass the exam.

Regardless of whether he is number one or not, his name will definitely be there.

"to make!"

Wang Wu also waited patiently.

Brush brush.

While waiting for the crowd to decrease, Feng Jin did not forget her words.

The plot of the next book has already been thought up, the journey of the perverted scholar's scientific research.

Pass all the way to test the existence of No.1.

The story comes from the father who is suspected of failing the exam in reality.

An hour later, the crowd still became smaller, but if you want to see the list, you still have to squeeze through.

"Xiao Jin, why are you here? Haven't you seen the list yet?"

Wang Tong got out of nowhere and got into the carriage directly.

The carriage is big enough, and it doesn't look crowded when four people sit in it.

"We are waiting to see the list, and we want to see who the No.1 pervert is!"

Wang Wu spoke quietly.

After all, they were old classmates, and the unhappiness of being caught earlier disappeared when the vest fell off.

It's just that you can't say it openly, or Wang Wu will scratch him to death!
"That's right! I didn't expect there to be more perverted than my father in this world!"

Feng Jin also looked serious.

"Heh, that pervert is at most a little bit more perverted than me, and he won't be able to make a fuss for a few days!"

Feng Minsheng folded his arms, and decided to go back and work hard for an extra hour, to fight for the top case next time.

When Wang Tong heard what the three of them said, the corner of his mouth twitched violently.

"Teacher, aren't you the No.1 child student? You didn't look at the list? Who can pass you in the exam?"

Wang Tong's words stunned all three of them.

"What? My dad comes first?"

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, and instantly thought of the scene where she and Li Zicun scolded and satirized each other in the study.

Oh, this man is quite vengeful!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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