Chapter 163, the boss ran away

"Of course the teacher is number one. I knew the news last night. Don't you believe in the teacher's strength?"

When Wang Tong said this, he was confident.

If there is really a god in this world, it must be his teacher.

"But Li Zicun said that my father is not No.1!"

Feng Jin rolled her eyes, and soon thought of something, and asked,
"Do you know the number of Lizi Village?"

"I don't know. Under normal circumstances, ordinary people will only remember the existence of No.1, and No.2 will naturally not remember."

Wang Tong shrugged his shoulders.

"It must be because I didn't take the teacher's test, and I was jealous, so I deliberately said that No.1 is not the teacher's name."

Wang Wu told the truth in one word.

"Forget it, since we know the ranking, we won't wait here anymore. Let's take advantage of our visit to the county seat and go check out our own shop. It will open in two days!"

Feng Minsheng waved his hands, his face was not affected by Li Zicun's lies.

I am not excited to win No.1, it is not No.1 that makes me feel a little regretful.

"Our shop?"

Wang Tong was instantly excited.

From now on, he will beg at the door of the teacher's shop!
Not only can you eat and drink for free, but you can also help guard the door.

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose a date, it's better to open today!"

Wang Wu was also excited.

He can eat delicious modern food in this place that doesn't shit, please fill his stomach with all kinds of junk food!

Can't wait.

"It's Feng's shop!"

Feng Minsheng looked at the excited two, and began to worry about his own business.

Shouldn't it go bankrupt as soon as it opened?

A foodie, a beggar, a combination of evil spirits, if it doesn't go bankrupt, it can only be his fate!
The luxurious carriage drove slowly on the street, and finally stopped at a good location near the Yamen.

Everyone got out of the carriage and looked at the shop in front of them.

The former plaque has been taken down, and the top is empty.

Looking up to the front right, the big drum of the yamen is there, and two yamen servants are guarding the gate.

The door was cold, and no one beat drums to appeal for grievances, and no one filed a lawsuit.

"The location is not bad, why did the last shop owner sell the shop?"

Feng Jin was a little surprised.

Although Lin Chengjie was originally a corrupt official, he had to admit that the street in front of the Yamen was the busiest street in the entire county.

There will be a "protection fee", but compared with the profit part, it still makes a lot of money.

"I heard that the boss here offended the county magistrate and ran away selling the shop overnight."

Feng Minsheng looked up at the sky, with a touch of sadness on his face.

I don't know why, but sometimes I think it's good to have a corrupt official among my students.

Pick up the leak!

"How did you offend the county magistrate?"

Feng Jin showed the original expression, but she was still curious about what happened and ran away.

It shouldn't be such a big expense for a small matter!

"And the future eighth concubine of County Magistrate Lin saw each other right, and eloped overnight."

Wang Tong grinned.

There is no gossip on this street that he doesn't know about.

No one will avoid beggars when speaking, and no one will treat beggars as normal people.

Therefore, he with many younger brothers is the one who knows the most secrets.

"So ruthless? Hefeng Xiaolian?"

Feng Jin instantly felt that student Lin Chengjie's head had become green, and even wanted to sing green light to him.

Probably because Feng Xiaolian insisted on being the concubine of County Magistrate Lin before, Feng Jin subconsciously thought it was Feng Xiaolian.

"No, she is a girl from a good family. It is said that she is quite beautiful. She was spotted by Mrs. Lin. She offered the bride price on her own initiative. She wanted to give birth to a son for Lin Chengjie, but she ran away!"

Wang Tong would still sympathize with his brother in his heart, but this did not prevent him from laughing loudly.

"The evil feudal dynasty!"

Feng Jin sighed, suddenly thought of something, looked at Feng Minsheng and said in a dainty voice,
"Daddy, when are you going to give birth to a younger brother for me?"

She actually wanted a younger sister, but things were the opposite. She said that if she wanted a younger brother, she would definitely have a younger sister in the end!
"Give me a hammer!"

Feng Minsheng rolled his eyes, and found a hammer out of nowhere.

Feng Minsheng punched the lock open.

The boss was too hasty when he ran away, Feng Minsheng gave him enough money, so he sold the shop to him, even when the deed was transferred, his legs were shaking.

It was sold for several hundred taels of silver.

As soon as he left the Yamen, he ran away with his little daughter-in-law.

The keys were not given in time.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law didn't object, they were very supportive, and they were even afraid that they would run too slowly.

Normal people will know which is more stable, marrying a corrupt official as a concubine or marrying a normal small boss.

The shop door opens.

Although the plaque has been removed, the contents inside have not been cleared.

This is a ready-to-wear store, the cloth clothes have been given to relatives and friends by the boss, and only some furniture is left.

Not worth any money.

Feng Minsheng didn't plan to stay either, he would turn this place into a brand new shop, different from all the shops outside.

"It's quite big here."

Feng Jin played with a pair of scissors left behind, and looked around.

It is a small two-story building with an area of ​​about [-] square meters. It is definitely the largest clothing store on this street.

There is even a backyard. There is a row of houses in the backyard, and there is also a well that has been drilled.

This is where the servants live, the servants who specialize in making clothes.

After the boss ran away, the subordinates also disbanded, and let them go and take root on their own.

"Take your younger brother."

Feng Minsheng handed the hammer to Fengjin, took out a blueprint from his pocket, and paced back and forth in the room.

Dense numbers on the drawings.

The first floor is divided into two main areas.

One is a place to eat, and the other is a place dedicated to selling groceries.

Groceries include jams, wine, drinks, dried fruits and various flavors of melon seeds, as well as various modern snacks researched by Feng Minsheng. One snack will be withdrawn every month.

And the place for eating is simple, just make a large iron pot divided into dozens of areas, and make it into a pattern of stringing incense.

Of course, it not only sells string incense, but also sells some home-cooked dishes, and a room in the backyard is used as a kitchen.

The second floor is divided into boxes.

Feng Minsheng wrote a lot of words densely on the drawings, making reasonable and full use of all the space here.

"Father, shouldn't we buy someone?"

When Feng Jin said this, his eyes lit up.

No, she will become a young lady soon!

Dozens of servant girls follow her as soon as she goes out, thinking about it will save face!
"Yes, you have to buy a death contract, but not a maid!"

Feng Minsheng saw through what his daughter was thinking at a glance, and his face twitched.

They still live in the village now!
The daughter is useless enough, he thinks it's better to suffer for a while!

The most important thing is that he is relatively nervous about money now.

My daughter has a lot of money, and Feng Minsheng is not ready to use it.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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