Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 165, Just buy a few people

Chapter 165, Randomly buy a dozen people
A group of people came to a street that looked the most dilapidated.

There are very few pedestrians on the road.

Occasionally, a few well-dressed people walked towards the innermost courtyard.

This street is not prosperous, and the only few big houses are also places for businessmen.

If you listen carefully, you can hear depressive cries from some house.

Here, selling people is legal.

Some families who can't make it through will sell their daughters and sons for a few taels of silver.

If the children who are sold are lucky, they can work as servants in a wealthy family. Compared with ordinary people, they can be regarded as living a "rich" life.

The only downside is that the servant girl who signed the death contract can beat and scold to death at will, even the government doesn't care.

While they were walking, they saw a fierce-looking man dragging a thin girl into a yard.

The result can be imagined.

The whole street is filled with a depressive atmosphere.

"I'm introducing the one on the corner. Even though it looks small, the people who sell it are all capable servants."

Wang Tong pointed to the least conspicuous one.

He just glanced at it, and the little girl who was about to be sold had no special expression on her face.

He has seen enough of this kind of thing, and he has experienced too many darker things.

Even though he looked as jovial as before, his state of mind was completely different from before.

Everyone looked in the direction Wang Tong pointed.

The dilapidated door looked like it could collapse with a kick, but it was very quiet inside.

Unlike other houses, there are thugs with sticks at the door to guard the door.

The door of this house is empty, and the business is not good at first glance, and it looks like it is about to close down.

"The people who sell this house don't have many choices, do they?"

When Feng Jin saw the small wooden door, he felt that the courtyard was not that big.

"You will know when you go in, ordinary people can't come in and buy people!"

Wang Tong smiled mysteriously and led everyone in.

At the same time, a carriage came up the street.

The father and son in brocade clothes got off the carriage in the courtyard of the most dignified family.

"Is this the biggest dental clinic?"

Feng Che looked around in disgust, and happened to see Feng Minsheng who finally entered the dilapidated small wooden door at the corner and closed it.

The contempt in his eyes was even worse.

Hitting a swollen face to pretend to be a fat man, in the countryside, if you come to that kind of place to buy people, what kind of capable slaves can you buy!
"Young master, the people who sell here are all official servants. I think they will be able to serve the young master and the young master well."

The old slave Fengcheng spoke respectfully.

"Hmph, what's good, let's make do with it these few days!"

Feng Che snorted coldly, and stepped into the courtyard.

Someone had already come up to him, with an exaggerated smile on his face.

It has been several days since Feng Che and Feng Zheng came to Fengyang County, and they haven't found any trace of Miss Wang's family yet.

There are also some old slaves in the old house of the Feng family, and they can't serve them at all.

When I came here, I packed lightly, so that the old man Feng at home would think that they were too extravagant.

Now that they have arrived at the place, it is natural to buy a few beautiful maids to serve them well.

Feng Cheng saw the two masters entered the yard, he raised his feet and hurriedly followed.

But he still glanced suspiciously at the small yard around the corner.

Just now, was he dazzled?

Why do you seem to see the young master when you were young?

Feng Cheng shook his head, rubbed his old and dim eyes, hurried into the yard, bent down and guarded Feng Zhengnian's side.

He is afraid that he is old and confused.

I haven't seen the young master for a long time, and I almost forgot what the young master looks like.

The one next to him is the young master's own son, he should be the most like the former young master.

——Even the old slaves in the family couldn't see the shadow of the young master in his youth. He was also the only son of the young master.

the other side.

Feng Jin and the others entered the courtyard, slightly stunned.

From the outside, the gate here looks like it is about to collapse, and there is no sign of business.

But after entering, you can find that the area covered here is really large.

Rows of houses are neatly located in the house. Just looking at the decoration, it is not like the decoration that can be installed in ordinary county towns.

Occasionally, you can still see a few precious flowers and trees.

There were a few people in uniform black robes in the yard. When they saw someone coming in suddenly, their eyes instantly became sharp.

But after his eyes fell on Wang Tong, he became peaceful again.

"Hello, let's buy people, just buy a few people at will!"

Wang Tong said with a smile.

"May I ask what kind of servant the master wants to buy?"

A few people quickly came to Fengjin, with gentle smiles on their faces, a man in a black robe turned around and entered the room.

Scattered voices came from the room, and the sold slaves came out one after another.

Feng Jin noticed that although those people were slaves and their clothes were not very good, their eyes were not confused.

The steps are light.

Even Feng Jin, a layman, can tell that these people are more or less skillful.

"There are no special requirements, just buy a dozen young and strong men!"

Feng Minsheng's eyes fell on the slaves, his pupils flickered.

He glanced at Wang Tong from the corner of his eye.

These people have kung fu, and they are not the kung fu of ordinary three-legged cats.

On the night Xiao Jin was taken away, he saw many killers and hidden guards, and the aura of these people was very similar to theirs.

The leader, a middle-aged man in black robe, twitched when he heard Feng Minsheng's words.

How many people do you want to buy?

He is no ordinary human tooth, but a well-known killer who specializes in selling killers.

In the corner of this unassuming county town, the sold-out dead soldier dark guard is widely acclaimed.

Each one is priceless.

These slaves were picked up from various places in the dynasty since childhood.

Cultivated since childhood, he has an indifferent personality, absolutely obeys his master, and has high martial arts skills.

Thousands of people survive one person, and one person can equal a thousand troops.

The major families, even the major killer organizations, will come to buy people.

I have never heard of buying more than a dozen at once.

too expensive.

If someone came in and said that, he must think this person was making trouble!
The middle-aged man in black robe glanced at Wang Tong unobtrusively.

Wang Tong nodded lightly, and made a subtle look.

In the time it takes to speak, more than 20 slaves have been lined up in a row for anyone to choose.

"These are young and strong men... know a little bit of three-legged cat kung fu, what do you think?"

The voice of the middle-aged man in black swallowed slightly, and his tone was soft, exhausting all the gentleness in his life.

"How much silver per person?"

Feng Minsheng thought to himself, these slaves really have kung fu, and their demeanor is different from that of ordinary maids.

If the price is too expensive, just buy two or three, and it's good to keep them to protect their father and daughter.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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