Chapter 166, King of Bargaining

The middle-aged black-robed man blinked and stretched out two fingers silently.

Normally, a slave is about 20,000 taels - gold.

Every slave is worth the price.

Some merchants will come here to buy one and use it as a bodyguard.

Excellent value for money.

Of course he wouldn't ask Feng Minsheng for so much, after all, the person next to Feng Minsheng...

"20 taels?"

Feng Minsheng was stunned for a moment, but he could accept it.

It's a big deal to sell a few recipes later when I go out, and it doesn't hurt to buy more.

"No, it's... two taels of silver."

When the middle-aged man in black robe said two taels of silver, his hands were shaking.

Too loser.

This is his most ruthless prodigal.

Almost like a free gift.

If those families and killer organizations knew about it, they would flock to it, trying to catch the leak!

Not only the hands of the middle-aged man were shaking, but the legs of the other men in black robes and slaves were also shaking.

This is the real price of Chinese cabbage!

The slaves have always been reluctant to show off, but when they heard the price, they still couldn't calm down.

Each of them will have a good treatment after being bought back at a high price, but if they are bought back at this price...

Are they afraid they have to sweep the floor?

They began to doubt themselves, fearing that their martial arts might be abolished.

Even so, they still have to obey the master's orders carefully, because they are slaves, and slaves must obey the master's orders.

Even if you die, you have to die in front of your master.

This is what they have been taught since childhood.


Feng Minsheng was a little surprised.

I didn't expect these people to have kung fu background, and the sellers were so cheap.

"Why is it two taels of silver again!"

Feng Jin stomped her feet when she heard the price.

Good guy, when she traveled over here, the so-called grandma in her original body was planning to sell her to Qingfenglou for two taels of silver.

These people are also two taels of silver.

Are the prices the same here?
A little girl is two liang, and an adult man is also two liang!

This price made Feng Jin feel unknown anger, not because of the fact that the middle-aged man in front of him was betraying someone.

He is angry with the world.

Damn, once she received the nine-year compulsory education, she was admitted to the third university by virtue of her strength, so she was only worth this price?
"It's too expensive. Let's buy a lot, one tael of silver each!"

Wang Tong glanced at Feng Jin who was a little crazy, coughed, and began to bargain.

"...If you buy more, it's not impossible for the price to be lower."

The face of the middle-aged man in black robe was already numb.

Anyway, two taels of silver is already equivalent to free gift, even if it is one tael of silver, so what?

Prodigal No.1!
"Hey, it's really cheap. If this place is in the capital, I'll appoint you to take over here! Everything!"

Wang Wu was a little emotional.

The servants in the family are all dead contracts. In the capital, the more expensive slaves cost several hundred taels of silver each!

It was the first time I saw such a real businessman.

The middle-aged man in black robe had a smile on his face, he was a little stiff, and he was not in the mood to admire Wang Wu, a big beauty.

As long as his master, the king of bargaining, follows, he will sell for any amount of money!
It's just bleeding from the heart. His palpitations probably won't heal forever!

"Teacher, pick someone!"

Wang Tong brushed his messy hair, hiding his achievements and fame.

Feng Minsheng glanced at Wang Tong in surprise, and vaguely thought of something.

Presumably, Wang Tong must have a good relationship with these people, so he can bargain at will.

No matter how witty Feng Minsheng was, he still couldn't guess how thoroughly Wang Tong actually bargained.

Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin glanced at each other, they walked up to these slaves and looked at them one by one.

"This, this, this..."

With just one finger of Feng Minsheng, the heart of the middle-aged man in black robe will ache.

This is really like buying Chinese cabbage!

Other customers will at least let these slaves show some of their kung fu.

As for the two in front of me, I chose...they are both slightly taller and better-looking.

When is it time to buy a slayer, is it based on face?
The middle-aged man in black robe didn't understand, he knew it was a big loss.

Nodding with a smile, he secretly looked at Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin, why did the master treat them differently?
He looked at Wang Tong, then at Feng Jin.

The middle-aged man's eyes widened.

isn't it?
isn't it?
Their master, the old cow, wants to eat tender grass?

Is the age difference a bit big?
The master looks like more than 20 years old, almost 30 years old, about 40 years old and stable.

And the girl in front of her is only thirteen or fourteen, right?
Just... outrageous!
The middle-aged black-robed man didn't feel that he was at a loss in an instant. If it really happened, the little girl would really be at a loss!
It's no wonder that the middle-aged man in black robe thinks that Wang Tong eats tender grass in his old age. After all, Wang Tong's face is covered with dirt all the year round, and his real age has never been known.

No one knew where Wang Tong was from and how much property he had.

All he knew was that he was his master and he had to obey the arrangements, that's all.

Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin really chose based on their faces, picking fifteen people back and forth.

Feng Minsheng saw that they had a good temperament and might be good at kung fu, so he picked two more fifteen or sixteen-year-old female slaves to serve as Fengjin's maids.

The province was then inexplicably kidnapped.

"A total of 15 taels of silver, thank you."

The middle-aged man in the black robe handed over fifteen death deeds to Feng Minsheng with shaking hands.

The death deeds are all filed in the yamen, and Feng Minsheng only needs to take the death deed to go to the house again when he finds time, just like the transfer of land, and that's it.

Feng Minsheng simply took out 15 taels of silver, which he thought was quite cheap, thanks to Wang Tong.

If Wang Tong is not here, it will cost dozens of taels of silver, right?

"Xiao Jin, do you want to buy two more maids?"

Wang Tong said.

The two female slaves are very powerful, but Wang Tong is always worried.

"Not for now."

Feng Jin scratched her head, there really wasn't that much room for them to live at home.

"Buy two more! Aren't you writing a storybook? If your hand hurts, you can dictate and they will write it for you, saving trouble!"

Wang Tong continued to persuade.

The middle-aged man in the black robe silently watched his master continue to prosper, his face twitching wildly.

A slayer cultivated in more than 20 years is the most suitable for helping with writing, err...

It hurts!

"Good idea! Daddy~"

Feng Jin touched his aching wrist, and glanced at his father.

To have four servant girls at once, cool!

Feng Minsheng took out another two taels of silver from his pocket with a toothache.

The middle-aged man in the black robe also had a toothache and drew out two more death contracts.

Seventeen people, lined up in two rows, followed Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin neatly, looking at them with eyes in unison.

Regardless of the price, they know that these two will be their masters in the future, and they will follow them to the death.

They couldn't believe it until they walked out of this camp of dead soldiers.

One tael of silver is really cheap.

Also, these two masters must have strong backgrounds.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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