Chapter 167, Benefits

Feng Jin and his group walked out of the yard in a mighty manner.

Only the middle-aged man in black robe whose heart was bleeding was left behind.

As soon as he left the gate of the courtyard, he happened to see another group of people.

It was Feng Che Fengzhengnian who was wearing brocade clothes.

A dozen slaves followed behind them.

The clothes on these slaves were not very shabby, and they seemed to be of a higher rank than the slaves behind Fengjin.

But their eyes were very confused, and they walked timidly on the street, with their heads drooping very low.

Temperament is not on one level at all.

Feng Che glanced at Feng Jin and the others, and his gaze stayed on the slave they bought for a moment.

There was a low hum in the nasal cavity.

Nostrils upturned.

A high-spirited look.

Even if the country people buy slaves, they are still poorly bought slaves. Compared with his scholarly family in the capital, they are still far behind.

When Feng Che looked over, Wang Wu quickly hid at the back of the team.

There was a creaking sound in his mouth.

He naturally knew Feng Che.

It's the person who has good grandparents in vain, but is ignorant, wants to eat swan meat all day long, and wants to embezzle her family property!
Feng Zhengnian took a look at Feng Minsheng, the corners of his face and mouth curled up slightly, looking gentle.

But the disdain in the eyes still betrayed his thoughts at the moment.

"Let's go!"

Feng Zhengnian glanced at Feng Che and motioned him not to stay.

Staying with country people for a long time will affect your self-cultivation.

After all, they are not people at the same level, why bother to overlap too much.

Feng Zhengnian and Feng Che didn't notice at all, as soon as the old slave Feng Cheng came out of Feng Minsheng, his eyes were fixed on Feng Minsheng.

so similar!
Just like the young master when he was young!
"Hey, how much money is a servant girl in your family?"

As Feng Che walked, he jokingly asked Feng Minsheng.

The tone was frivolous, as if asking how much is an egg today.

A slave with a death contract is not considered a human being.

It's the same even in the government, let alone a son like him.

Feng Minsheng frowned, not liking this young man's frivolity.

But after all, he is already the father of a child, so he won't be able to compete with a child.

"One or two."

Feng Minsheng replied dully.

My heart is already digging a hole.

Boy, don't let him get a chance.

Otherwise, you must "convince people with reason"!
"whispering sound!"

When Feng Che heard the price, he curled his lips without looking at the slave behind Feng Jin.

These days, slaves with a tael of silver dare to buy it, it's really enough to swell your face and make you fat!
The slaves they bought cost more than ten taels of silver per person, and all the slaves they bought were literate.

This is worthy of his title of Young Master Feng!
I'm afraid their slave is worth all the slaves they have there.

A countryman is a countryman, poor and crazy!

When Feng Zhengnian heard Feng Minsheng's answer, the corners of Feng Zhengnian's mouth curved further.

There was no hiding the mocking look in his eyes.

The father and son have a natural sense of superiority.

Feng Minsheng had no expression on his face, he just looked at them twice more.

"Daddy, are you not angry?"

Feng Jin asked Feng Minsheng in a low voice.

"Don't be angry, I've always been magnanimous."

The corners of Feng Minsheng's mouth turned up, revealing a "kind" smile.

" better stop laughing, it's Shen Shenren's fault."

Looking at Feng Minsheng's smile, Feng Jin felt goosebumps on her body, and decided not to look at her father again.

Her father is best at settling accounts after autumn.

It's okay if these two people can't meet in the future, but if they can meet, I'm afraid they will be cheated!

Feng Zhengnian and his son led the most expensive slave in Fengyang County back to Feng's old house.

Feng Minsheng's father and daughter brought the cheapest slaves in Fengyang County back to the shop they bought.

"What's your real name?"

Feng Minsheng asked the oldest middle-aged man who looked the most mature and steady.

"Back to the master, why is the name of the little one correct, and now I have followed the master, please give the master a new name."

He Zheng bent down to salute, with a humble face.

He is full of martial arts, but in front of his master, he must respect him.

This is the belief that he has carved in his bones since he was a child.

"Let's call it Fengzheng! From now on, you will add the word Feng to your names, and your real names will remain."

Feng Minsheng was too lazy to choose a name, so he just changed his surname.

Not changing the surname will make the slaves feel that they are still the same, and may be difficult to discipline.

"By the way, do you know how to read?"

Feng Minsheng patted his forehead, and then he remembered that he and his daughter were only looking at their faces, and they really didn't ask them carefully.

"Get to know some."

Feng Zheng opened his mouth to respond, and his whole body was slightly bent over, looking no different from the servant girl of a rich family.

Behavior and speech are quite decent.

Feng Zheng's answer made the slaves beside him shiver silently.

This guy is the oldest. The reason why more than 30 years old has not been sold is not because he is not good at kung fu.

It's because the kung fu is so good.

Many cheats are written by him.

This time, if the master hadn't come to select the slave, this man would never have been sold.

And he said lightly that he knew some words, and he really let those who knew the truth feel stuck in their throats.

Very cautious.

If this is called knowing a little bit, they can only be regarded as ordinary people without the power to restrain a chicken!
"Success! Then you will be the manager of this place from now on. This is 100 taels of silver. You take people to buy some quilts and clothes, and live in the house in the backyard. We will open in a few days, and you will be busy!"

This time, Feng Minsheng simply took out the 100 taels silver note and gave it to Fengzheng.

Anyway, since the death contract is in his hands, he is not afraid of them running away with the money.

Without status, fleeing from the master's house is also a dead end.

The law here has strict conditions for the slaves of the death contract.


Feng Zheng took the bank note with both hands, showing extreme respect.

"The two of you, and the two of you will follow us back and live in the back mountain first, and the back mountain needs you to take care of it temporarily."

Feng Minsheng picked two maids and two servants.


Those who were selected did not feel that there was anything wrong with taking care of the back mountain.

The master's confession must be completed.

It's okay to pick big shit!

"Huh? Dad, where is my maid?"

Feng Jin was speechless.

She just married the names of the four major servant girls.

Feng Xiaofeng, Feng Xiaohua, Feng Xiaoxue, Feng Xiaoyue.

Beautiful scenery.

How did it get arranged so quickly?

I can't even find a person to help copy the script!

"When we finish building the house, buy another seven or eight people, and then let them follow you!"

Feng Minsheng rolled his eyes.

Now the dilapidated house in his family can barely accommodate three people, and if there are four more maids, the master will have to sleep in the yard and watch the stars!

"If you want to buy someone, call me next time, I'll take you there to bargain, it's a bargain!"

Wang Tong said carelessly.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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