Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 168, It is obvious that you can grab it directly, but you still have to give money

Chapter 168, It is obvious that you can grab it directly, but you still have to give money
I heard Feng Minsheng and Wang Tong casually say to buy a few more people.

The slaves were silent for a moment.

Why not buy it!
A tael of silver, high quality and low price!

According to this situation, in the not-too-distant future, the master will unknowingly become the leader of the biggest killer organization!
They are now members of the Feng family, with both hands and feet in favor of robbery!
Try to buy back all the slaves of the "Lie" organization!
After making arrangements, Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin led the four servants towards Yangliu Village.

Still sitting in Wang Wu's carriage.

Because there were too many people, the four servants could only walk on the ground.

The carriage was moving very slowly, but it was still a bit faster for normal people.

But the two servant girls and the servants walked on their way without blushing or beating heartbeats.

Feng Minsheng originally wanted to be more busy with the store.

Wang Wu patted his chest and promised that the store could be made exactly like the drawings, but Feng Minsheng still wanted to see it with his own eyes.

This is the first shop.

But now it's time to go back.

He passed the No. 1 exam, and the people from the government should go to his home to announce the good news. It would be inappropriate for him not to be around when the time comes to beat the gongs and drums.

What's more, he and his daughter have never held their heads up very well in the village.

Even if there is money later, some people still look at them with their nostrils.

It's good to be high-profile, so as to save yourself from being useless.

Feng Minsheng, who spent a "big price" to buy slaves, didn't know. After they left the yard, the boss of the "Lie" organization cried on the spot with 17 taels of silver.

The one who cried was called a splinter, and the waves were turbulent.

I can't wait to sell myself cheap!

Seventeen excellent dead soldiers, this configuration is enough to assassinate the old emperor.

34 taels of silver, 30 years of hard work, was ruined by the master in one fell swoop.

My heart ached to death.

Bang bang bang!
Just as the boss of the Lie organization was beeping, there was a knock on the door.

Come to business!

"Hi, may I ask what you need?"

Before anyone else could open the door, the leader of the Lie organization opened the door himself, with a chrysanthemum smile on his face.

The smile is so brilliant.

It's just that the eyes are still a little red, and it looks like there are red bloodshots.


An old man in brocade clothes spoke with a serious face.

Beside him was a middle-aged man with a cold face.

The cold-faced middle-aged man walks very lightly, and he looks like a Lianjiazi at first glance.

On his cuffs, the word "King" was embroidered.

The boss of the Lie organization recognized it at a glance, the person in front of him was the head of the richest Wang family, Wang Wu's biological father.

The boss of the Lie organization subconsciously glanced behind Patriarch Wang, and confirmed that Feng Minsheng, Feng Jin, Wang Wu and the others did not come together, he was relieved.


The leader of the Lie organization made room for Patriarch Wang to walk in.

Since those people didn't come, it meant that he could earn gold.

"How many people does Patriarch Wang want?"

The leader of the fierce organization gave his subordinates a wink, and soon, those dead soldiers who were not picked up by Feng Minsheng Fengjin stood in the yard again.

Sparsely, barely 20 people or so.

"Buy two."

Patriarch Wang's voice was a little old, and he let out a sigh from his throat.

I always feel that His Highness the Crown Prince wants to copy the Wang family's house recently, and he is a little uneasy.

Because he wanted his daughter to be the princess, he annoyed the prince.

The crown prince is a lunatic, and Patriarch Wang is really afraid.

It is impossible to rebel. I just want to buy two people for peace of mind.

When that day really comes, the dead man can still protect his unfilial daughter, hoping to leave a trace of blood for the Wang family.

There is no way, just this single seedling, it must be protected better.

"These are the elites among the elites. One person can withstand thousands of troops. Please choose as you like."

The leader of the strong organization looked at Patriarch Wang with a smile, and the lion opened his mouth wide.
"However, because they are all elites who are unique in ten thousand, the price is much more expensive, 50,000 taels gold per person!"

What is lost there must be retrieved elsewhere.

Speaking of it, you may not believe it, but his seventeen dead soldiers sold 17 taels of silver.

He also specially selected good-looking dead soldiers.

The rest are crooked melons and split dates (referring to appearance).

Obviously, the father and daughter could rob directly, but they wanted to give him money.

He... was so moved!
"Why did the price increase?"

Patriarch Wang gasped when he heard the price.

He has 50,000 taels of gold, but it really hurts to dig it out.

Even though he was the richest man on the surface, for a moment, he felt that an unfilial daughter didn't need to be protected.

If he accidentally dies, he feels that he can continue to carry on the family line.

Don't have to rely on Wang Wu's unfilial daughter!

"These are all elites!"

The leader of the fierce organization answered with confidence.

The remaining dead soldiers are a little sorry for everyone, but their professional level is still leveraged.

As for why the price is increased, it is also a selective price increase.

Rare things are more expensive!
Of course, Patriarch Wang can actually rob, and buy it at a high price of one tael of silver.

But he came a step late, if he came with Feng Minsheng and his daughter, it would be fine.

But now, it is 50,000 taels of gold.

It will be this price from now on.

Who knows if the robbers will come again, if they still come, the price will have to increase in the future!

"Then... buy one!"

The white beard on Patriarch Wang's face twitched, and his flesh hurt extremely.

After all, there is only this girl, so buy it if you buy it.

That is, is he old and dizzy?

I always feel that the quality of the dead soldiers this time is not good enough.

The face is not very good, there are too many crooked melons and cracked dates.

I believe they are worth the price. As an old man with some face control, he still feels that the gold is too much money!


Yangliu Village, the village entrance.


The groom didn't move on, but stopped suddenly.

"Master, there are too many people ahead, it is inconvenient to pass."

The groom whispered to Wang Wu in the car.

Feng Jin and Wang Wu opened the curtain at the same time and looked towards the entrance of the village.

A group of people were bustling and bustling at the entrance of the village, it seemed really inconvenient to pass.

Even when they saw the carriage approaching, no one gave way.

There are too many people, and there is an ox cart at the entrance of the village.

Everyone looked very excited, completely unexpected to give way.

Other roads are too narrow to pass.

Faintly, the voices of everyone's heated discussion can be heard.

"Zicun is amazing. He got No.2 in one fell swoop, and he will definitely be admitted to the Jinshi in the future. He is the most promising scholar in our mountain village!"

"That's right! Except for Zicun, no one knows how to study!"

"People from the government are coming to announce the good news! Everyone stay here, and be happy when the time comes, maybe you can get your baby a good grade in the exam!"

"Didn't Feng Minsheng also participate? What is his ranking?"

"That's needless to say? I must have failed the ranking!"

"That's right! Let's see how it's possible to pass the exam in a few days! Zicun is still very good!"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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