Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 169, I will definitely pass the exam next time 1

Chapter 169, I will definitely pass the exam next time
"Father, why is that Lizi Village so calm? He has already seen the list and didn't say anything. What will the people in the village think of him then?"

Feng Jin raised her eyebrows and looked at Li Zicun standing in the middle of the village entrance.

There is a faint smile on his face, which is completely different from many farmers who have done too much farm work.

A pure scholar.

Li Zicun is touted by everyone, but he is not very satisfied with his results, but he is sure that he will be the first in the exam next time.

It's just that there is still a trace of depression between the brows.

"He's so conceited."

Feng Minsheng looked at the young man and shook his head gently.

He is a teacher and has taught many wonderful students. He has seen many wonderful things and knows the complexity of human nature.

That Lizi Village is the hope of the whole village, and the burden on its shoulders is too heavy.

That's why he didn't allow himself to fail once.

Nor do you allow people who seem weaker than you to be stronger than you.

When he saw that his ranking was above him, he would probably try his best to comfort himself in his heart, maybe it was just the same name and surname.

For such a person, it would be fine if everything went smoothly, but it would be difficult for them to withstand the blow if they met someone better than themselves.

"It seems that we can only get out of the car!"

Wang Wu picked up the bamboo hat she had prepared and put it on her head directly.

Many people in the village have seen what she looks like, but Wang Wu still chooses to wear a bamboo hat when they meet each other.

After all, her beauty is unique, even if she sees it for the second time, she is still amazed.

Wang Wu clicked her tongue.

I really envy Xiaojin, who doesn't have such troubles!

Feng Jin and the others left the groom behind and walked towards the crowd, planning to go home first, not bringing their servants with them, for fear of being gossiped.

The groom and the four servants are waiting, come back when everyone is gone!
"Minsheng, it doesn't matter if you don't do well in the exam this time, you will definitely do well in the exam next time!"

"How many more times can there be? Let me tell you that you should farm the land honestly! The back mountain is all contracted by your family, and it is better than us ordinary people to eat and wait to die!"

"No matter how you say it, Minsheng is a person who has passed the exam. Even if you don't get a ranking, you can still read. If you can't even write your own name, stop talking nonsense!"

When several people saw Feng Minsheng, they surrounded him chattering.

Probably because of the No.2 happy event of Lizi Village, everyone is very willing to catch a cold today.

Before Feng Minsheng gave everyone the benefits of sorting out the salary of the back mountain, it has been somewhat forgotten.

All kindness will be forgotten.

It's just a matter of time.

What's more, Feng Minsheng didn't have too much kindness for everyone, but just helped them.

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, Feng Minsheng just moved his fingers slightly.

When the help of others is too easy, many people will forget this help.

"That's right, I will definitely pass the exam next time."

Feng Minsheng smiled lightly and didn't bother to explain anything.

Feng Minsheng still cherishes talents, and it is really not good to expose Li Zicun in front of everyone, and it is easy to hit his fragile self-esteem.

"You are already better than all of us if you can take the exam, so don't listen to everyone's nonsense."

Village head Yang smiled and patted Feng Minsheng on the shoulder, but his eyes looked into the distance from time to time.

While comforting Feng Minsheng, he also did not forget to see if the person who announced the good news arrived.

This is the first time such a happy event has happened in the village.

Fengmincheng is indeed a scholar, but he was almost the last one in every exam.

They also took the exam several times.

Although such a result is considered a scholar, it cannot be reported as good news.

"The village chief is right, then I will go back first, and the wild vegetables at home should be harvested."

Feng Minsheng didn't stop here, he lifted his feet and walked towards home.

It is true that he is in a hurry to collect wild vegetables, it is not good to eat too much big fish and meat, Feng Minsheng will always get some wild vegetables or green vegetables for Fengjin to eat in a different way.

It is better to do it yourself, Feng Minsheng is always committed to doing it himself.

"Success! You go back first, and I'll find you for a few drinks later in the evening!"

Village head Yang thought that Feng Minsheng was in a bad mood for not passing the exam, and if he stayed at the entrance of the village, he must be in a panic.

So there is no hindrance.

Feng Jin and Wang Wu didn't say a word, they followed Feng Minsheng with smiles on their faces.

When passing by Lizi Village, Feng Jin didn't intend to stop, and didn't bother to talk to him.

However, Li Zicun moved quickly to the side.

As soon as Feng Jin looked up, he saw a flash of disgust in Li Zicun's eyes.

He obviously has a pretty and delicate face, but that look in his eyes seems to be such a monster that people can't avoid.


What does this mean?
Feng Jin couldn't bear it anymore.

"You looked at the list, is it true that my father's name isn't on it? Who is No.1's name?"

Feng Jin looked up at Li Zicun, her dark eyes stared straight at Li Zicun.

As if he could see through everything in his heart.

Li Zicun looked at the pair of black eyes, and his heart trembled subconsciously.

No.1's name?

It was a man named Feng Minsheng, but he was definitely not Feng Minsheng from the village.

But there was a hint of cunning in those eyes, which really made him panic inexplicably.

He thought of a possibility...

Li Zicun's eyes became confused. Looking around for a week, he saw the admiring smiles of the people in the village.

There was a thrill in my heart.

No, Feng Jin must be deceiving him!
Knowing that No.1's name is exactly the same as her father's name, she intentionally punished him in public!

It must be so!
"I forgot the name of No.1."

Li Zicun pretended to be calm, and the words he said did not pass through his brain.

Even afterward, he couldn't believe that he had ever said such a thing.

What's the difference between that and a hypocrite?
"Really? Looks like it's not my father, it would be great if No.1 was my father!"

Feng Jin stretched out her voice, took a meaningful look at Lizi Village, and then followed her father's footsteps.

Li Zicun stayed and stood there, stiff all over.

"Zicun, what's the matter? Are you hungry?"

Li's mother saw that her son's expression was a bit wrong, so she quickly took his arm to greet him.

"It's nothing, I just didn't take the No.1 exam, and I feel a little regretful."

Li Zicun said in a low voice.

Even if Feng Minsheng's name is ranked behind him, he can calmly say that Feng Minsheng's name is on the list.

But now...he really couldn't say it.

He didn't believe that he lost to an elder who only read books for a few days.

"No.2 is already very good! Looking at Fengmincheng and Fengminsheng, neither of them is as good as you!"

Mother Li was relieved to hear that her son was unhappy because of this.

With his son's attitude, he will definitely become the champion!
Li Zicun's fingers tightened slightly, and his eyes gradually became firmer.

Wait for next time.

Next time, he will definitely let the name Feng Minsheng rank behind him in an open and aboveboard manner.

Regardless of who this Feng Minsheng is, he will be defeated by his subordinates!

"The official messenger who announces the good news is here!"

Suddenly, Father Li's loud voice resounded through the entrance of the village.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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