Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 170, go to the chief's house

Chapter 170, go to the chief's house

"Peng Peng Bang!"

The sound of beating gongs and drums came from a distance.

The sound ranges from small to loud.

The officials are neatly dressed, and there are red cloths hanging on the drums hanging around their waists, which is very beautiful.

Looking from a distance, there are ten or twenty people.

Very spectacular.

It was the first time for the honest villagers to see such a scene.

At the front of the line, wearing a clean and majestic official robe, was Lin Chengjie, the magistrate of Fengyang County.

"The county masters are here, Zicun has really come out on top!"

Mother Li looked at the county magistrate Lin who was wearing an official uniform in the distance, and she burst into tears.

He seemed to see Lizi Village in the future. He was wearing an official uniform, and he would definitely be more majestic than the current county magistrate Lin!

"Zicun has been taken seriously! I heard that the county magistrate has praised the emperor, and the imperial decree has been promulgated!"

When Village Chief Yang got excited, turbid tears also fell down.

The juniors in the village are promising, and he is happier than anyone else.

"It's the first time I've seen so many people on official missions to announce good news!"

People in the village looked at Li's father and Li's mother with envy, envious of having such a good son.

As the sound of beating gongs and drums got closer, the voices of the villagers gradually became quieter, and they all stood up subconsciously.

Prepare to meet the county magistrate and the officials.

Lin Chengjie saw a group of people standing at the entrance of the village from a distance, and the arc of the corner of his mouth widened rapidly.

Today is the day of the teacher's death.

He knows his teacher too well, and he especially likes to keep a low profile.

Now, taking advantage of this opportunity, we must make a big splash and let the teacher die.

It's as socially dead as all the staff at the Helilao hot pot restaurant singing happy birthday.

This is a tradition. The teacher won the first place, and the good news should be announced.

But generally it is not so grand, usually five or six people are too many.

After finally letting the teacher die once, Lin Chengjie chose to be vigorous!

"Yangliu Village is ahead, you must be more energetic in a while, and the sound of beating gongs and drums will be louder!"

As Lin Chengjie walked, he beat the drum on his waist vigorously, and the corners of his mouth rose wildly.

The villagers only felt that the gongs and drums were blaring, and the aura of the county magistrate and the official servants in the official mansion almost made them breathless.

So shocking.

It's not that the scene is very big, but the clothes on them make the common people subconsciously awed.

"See your lord!"

Village head Yang hurriedly saluted the county magistrate and officials who were about to arrive.

"You don't need to salute, this official is here to announce the good news, so you don't need to be restricted by etiquette."

Lin Chengjie waved his hands in a decent manner, and the officialdom on Yuanshen's body was also fully imitated.

"Thank you sir."

The villagers all had smiles on their faces. After thanking County Magistrate Lin, they all looked at Lizi Village in unison.

County Magistrate Lin came to announce the good news to him.

Li Zicun tidied up his clothes, took a step forward slightly, and a nervous expression finally appeared on his indifferent face.

But County Magistrate Lin didn't seem to respond, and stood there with a smile on his face, without even looking at Lizi Village.

Eyes have been looking toward the crowd.

Seems to be looking for someone.

Li Zicun froze for a moment, then took another step forward.

There is only one step away from magistrate Lin.

County magistrate Lin still didn't respond.

The villagers looked at Lizi Village enviously, waiting for the magistrate Lin to say his blessings, and then issued a document proving that Lizi Village won No.2.

This is the Annunciation.

The work of a cup of tea is over.

County magistrate Lin didn't seem to be ready to take things, and even started to move his hands, wanting to continue beating gongs and drums.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Zicun pays respects to your lord!"

Li Zicun's throat tightened, thinking that County Magistrate Lin might not know him, so he reported his name.

"Plum Village? The one who took the No.2 exam?"

County magistrate Lin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

In Yangliu Village, not only the teacher ranked first, but also a scholar who passed the No. 2 exam, which also needs to be reported.

"It's Zicun."

Li Zicun repeated his name again, and was slightly surprised to see that Magistrate Lin seemed to have just reacted.

Even if County Magistrate Lin is a big corrupt official, he wouldn't make mistakes in this kind of matter, after all, he is the only one in Yangliu Village who is on the list.

Why does it look like he just remembered his name?

"Congratulations, you won No.2 this time, and you will definitely be able to pass the third grade in the future... and you will definitely be able to go to high school!"

County magistrate Lin pulled it from his sleeve, took out a piece of red paper, and handed it to Lizicun.

Originally, he wanted to wish Li Zicun three yuan in the league, but then he remembered that the teacher was in the same class as him.

Then you can't say that, no matter how powerful this person is, he can't beat his teacher!

What a pity!
If you don't have a class with your teacher, maybe you really have a chance to win triple yuan!

Lin Chengjie, a scumbag, really admired Li Zicun.

He read the test paper later, and it was well written, but he couldn't understand it at all.

"Thank you sir!"

Li Zicun took the red paper with both hands, but felt that the red paper was too heavy.

No matter how much he comforted himself, No.2 was always a thorn in his heart.

"Why are you standing still, keep knocking!"

Seeing that everyone stopped, Lin Chengjie quickly beat his own drum.

Peng Peng bang!
The gongs and drums are loud.

Li Zicun was stunned. Could it be that the process of announcing the good news is completed only after getting home?
"Please let it go!"

Lin Chengjie smiled politely at Li Zicun, and then smiled at everyone.

Everyone was crowded together, and he couldn't get through.

It doesn't matter if there are so many people, the teacher will definitely be surprised by then!
Lin Chengjie also didn't feel that his attitude was unfair to Lizicun. The treatment of No.1 and No.2 were different.

He came here in person, which was considered a good treatment.

After all, it's just a child's test.

"My lord, are you going to... my house?"

Lizi Village didn't even look at him when County Magistrate Lin looked at him, but he still beat the gongs and drums vigorously, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Do adults still have to go to other people's homes to announce the good news?
Feng Minsheng home?

"You have already obtained the certificate, so there is no need to go to your house anymore, I have to go to the old... to the home of the chief case."

County Magistrate Lin glanced at Lizi Village suspiciously, feeling that this person was weird.

The head of the case refers to Tong Sheng, the No. 1 scholar.


Li Zicun's heart skipped a beat.

He staggered a bit, and his eyes were a little dark.


County Magistrate Lin nodded as a matter of course.

"The chief's name is...?"

Li Zicun already knew that No.1 was Feng Minsheng's name, but he couldn't help but want to ask again.

"Feng Minsheng, a genius who has never been seen before or since."

County magistrate Lin almost bit his tongue when he said this.

Always wanted to add a "perverted genius".

"My lord, you just said that Feng... Minsheng is the top case? No.1?"

When Village Chief Yang heard the words of County Magistrate Lin, he almost fell down. He hurriedly supported a young man and spoke tremblingly to confirm.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket


(End of this chapter)

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