Chapter 171, dizzy


The villagers looked at Magistrate Lin in astonishment, thinking that they had heard wrong just now.

How could Feng Minsheng be the case?
They know Feng Minsheng too well, they are just a lump of elm, and although they became more flexible later, they only read the book for a few days, how could they pass the exam!

"Yes, Feng Minsheng is the case!"

County Magistrate Lin glanced at Lizi Village in bewilderment,

"Aren't you No.2? Didn't you see that No.1 belongs to your village?"

County magistrate Lin really didn't know that Lizicun and Fengjin were not getting along, so he didn't think about jealousy at all.

I just feel that even if they are not relatives or friends, people in a village should know the teacher's famous name.

The words of County Magistrate Lin woke up the villagers, and the villagers subconsciously looked at Lizi Village.

They still remember what Fengjin and Lizicun said to you just now, they thought it was weird at first, but now that they think about it...

That's right, no matter who takes the No.2 exam, they will definitely see who is the number one.

Li Zicun definitely knew Feng Minsheng.

Then why didn't he say it?
Everyone has been standing here for a long time just now, and it's not like no one said that Feng Minsheng was messing around.

He just watched from the sidelines and didn't say anything?

"... I saw it, but I just thought that the name and surname might be repeated, for fear of causing unnecessary misunderstanding."

Li Zicun's ears were red, like a light on his back.

Without raising his head, he could feel the eyes of the villagers.

That is looking at a person who is full of lies, and his eyes must be full of contempt.

"How can there be so many people with multiple names and surnames? Our county is so big. It is unlikely that a scholar will be called Feng Minsheng."

Lin Chengjie's eyes flickered, seeing Li Zicun's reaction, he vaguely guessed something.

It must be that the son of luck was defeated by the hero from heaven, and he was unwilling to admit it!

Li Zicun didn't know what magistrate Lin meant by saying that the probability was not high, but he could tell that Feng Minsheng was the case, the elder in the village!

Li Zicun seemed to hear something cracking.

The heart city he had forged collapsed, and his whole body trembled subconsciously.

"Really, is it really people's livelihood?"

Village head Yang burst into tears.

Crying spatteringly, with snot and tears.

He can walk sideways when he leaves the village in the future!

No.1 and No.2 are taken over in the village!
You can completely raise your head in front of other village chiefs!
The villagers widened their eyes and opened their mouths, still in disbelief.

He even wanted to ask if County Magistrate Lin made a mistake, how could Feng Minsheng be No.1.

But how could this be wrong?

If you make a mistake, you will be beheaded.

The imperial examination is what the imperial court values ​​most, even if the examination questions are leaked, they may be imprisoned to the nine clans!

"Excuse me, if you're late, you won't be able to catch up with the meal... you won't be able to catch up with the good news!"

County magistrate Lin glanced at the sky, and then accelerated the movement of beating gongs and drums in his hands.

There were still a bunch of villagers blocking the intersection by mistake in front of them, and they couldn't squeeze through at all.

"Quick, let the adults pass!"

Village Chief Yang was so shocked that he could hardly breathe, and his legs could hardly support him, so he rushed over. He didn't know where the strength came from, and pushed the people blocking the intersection away.

Seeing that there was barely a way, County Magistrate Lin smiled kindly at Village Chief Yang, then patted Li Zicun, a frustrated young man, and walked towards the village.

"My lord, did you make a mistake, how could Feng Minsheng be the case?"

Mother Li's nails were almost embedded in her flesh, and she didn't care about anything else, so she questioned it directly.

She is just a middle-aged woman, her skin is darkened by years of hard work, and her face is wrinkled.

For so many years, her son's imperial examination path is her future pursuit.

Imagine the scene of being an official old lady, and imagine the future life of your son with the people in the village.

And Feng Minsheng is a tool used to improve his son's image.

One is more than 30 years old, in his thirties, he has been blocked from gambling, his house is dilapidated, and he has only read books for a few days.

One has been praised by his husband since he was a child.

No matter how you look at it, her son is superior.

She can accept that her son is No.2 in the exam, but she can't accept that Feng Minsheng is No.1!
After all, she stepped on the people's livelihood every day, wishing to say that he failed the exam every day.

Suddenly got No.1, where should she put her old face?
"There is absolutely no mistake. The imperial examination is the most perfect and fair system in my dynasty. Please don't slander a hard-working student!"

When County Magistrate Lin said this, his face was serious.

His teacher worked so hard, he read books for several hours in total!
It's admirable.

Fortunately, County Magistrate Lin just thought about it in his own mind and didn't say it out loud.

Otherwise, everyone will only think that magistrate Lin is just bragging.

No one can become No.1 by only reading books for a few hours, unless that person is not human!
"Baby motherfucker!"

Seeing Magistrate Lin's serious expression, Li's father panicked, and quickly reached out to hold Li's mother, telling her not to talk nonsense.

The people do not fight with the government, the eternal truth!
"Feng Minsheng is just a gambler, how could he pass the exam! He is still number one!"

Mother Li's eyes were red.

"The reason why he was able to pass the exam and No. 1 in the exam shows that he is better than your son!"

Lin Chengjie has always been a warm (stuffy) male (sao), he doesn't care how loud he is when he hates people, he only cares about the accuracy of the knife.

This knife not only pierced Li's mother's heart, but also pierced Lizi Village.

County magistrate Lin's words aroused whispers again.

"It turns out that Minsheng is really not fooling around, he is No.1!"

"Zicun has been studying for so many years, but he lost to Minsheng?"

"No wonder Zicun never said that Feng Minsheng won the first place. This is jealousy!"

"Since he knows that Feng Minsheng is number one, he still doesn't say it out, and let us slander him in front of Feng Minsheng. Isn't that a joke!"


Everyone speaks to me,
If it weren't for the county magistrate Lin wearing an official uniform.

Mother Li couldn't help but rushed over to beat County Magistrate Lin.

There is still a little bit of reason.

But Lizi Village will not work.

The voices of the villagers who had just praised him turned into questioning and ridiculing, which became the last straw that crushed him.

A nameless anger rose in his chest and rushed straight to his forehead.

When the eyes are dark, I don't know anything.


Li's mother and Li's father's exclamation sounded.

County magistrate Lin glanced back, shook his head, and continued to walk in the direction of Feng Minsheng's house beating gongs and drums.

Fortunately, Li Zicun has learned so well, but he doesn't have a good brain.

To be jealous of his teacher is to abuse himself.

Peng Peng bang!
The villagers followed County Magistrate Lin subconsciously, wanting to see if Feng Minsheng would really be given a No. 1 document!

That's No.1!

This is the first time in the mountain nest!
The sound of beating gongs and drums also drew out the people from Feng's old house.

They stood aside with gloomy faces. They didn't know what happened, but they couldn't bear the "warm-hearted" villagers to tell them on purpose.

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(End of this chapter)

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