Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 172, broken boulders in the chest

Chapter 172, broken boulders in the chest
"Mr. Feng, Minsheng is really promising, and he passed the No. 1 exam!"

"That's the number one! He's the best student here!"

"Even Zicun is second!"

"In the future, you will definitely be able to honor your ancestors. It's a pity that you have already..."


The voices of the crowd made Mr. Feng's face darken even more.

There was no regret on his face at all, only... hate.

He really looks like the young master when he was young!
At that time, the young master had a smooth road to the imperial examination, and so many officials came to announce the good news at that time!

It's exactly the same!
Reminds me of my time as a slave.

Thinking of the face exactly like the young master's, he subconsciously tightened his fingers.


He should have strangled him to death in the first place, otherwise he wouldn't be so passive.

What if Feng Minsheng made his scientific research all the way to the capital and met the young master... the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Mr. Feng became restless for a moment.

"walk home!"

Before Feng Minsheng came home, Mr. Feng took his family back home.

It may appear to others that you are out of breath, but in fact you are preoccupied.

County magistrate Lin and the officials stood at the door of Fengjin's house, and instead of knocking on the door, they just banged on the drums.

Feng Minsheng had known for a long time that County Magistrate Lin would come, and when County Magistrate Lin stood at the door and knocked for the first time, Feng Minsheng came over and opened the door.

"Congratulations, you have won the case!"

"Peng Peng Bang!"

"This is your proof!"

"Peng Peng Bang!"


"Peng Peng Bang!"

In just a few words, County Magistrate Lin knocked several times, almost deafening Feng Minsheng's ears.

Except for the people from Feng's old house and Lizicun's family, almost all the people in the village came to the door of Lizicun's house.

Looking straight at Feng Minsheng, he seemed to be saying, how did this guy get into No.1?

"Thank you."

Feng Minsheng took the document and signaled County Magistrate Lin to stop.

Congratulations, the process is complete.

Also, with so many people watching, it won't kill you, but it's a bit uncomfortable.

There are all kinds of psychological problems, Feng Minsheng is super uncomfortable.

"In order to congratulate the teacher for winning the case, I decided to warmly congratulate the teacher!"

County magistrate Lin began to untie the drum on his body, and at the same time whistled at Feng Jin who had just walked over.

Feng Jin's mouth twitched.

When he was serious, Lin Chengjie was a warm guy.

When he is not serious, he is a wonderful work with a clear and strange brain circuit.

For example, now, Feng Jin doesn't know what is going on in this guy's mind.

The villagers stared dumbfounded at the whistling magistrate Lin, not even paying attention to his calling Mr. Feng Minsheng.

Instead, I was thinking, when did adults become so unserious?
Is it so approachable?
They have no money!

This corrupt official should not pretend to be amiable, right?

"Ahem, fellow folks, in order to show everyone's support for me, and the joy of being No. 1 with the teacher, I will personally perform for the teacher—a boulder in the chest!"

County magistrate Lin made a gesture of cheering, his excitement overflowing his words.


Among the one hundred ways to make the teacher die, how cool is it to show the teacher the boulder in the chest!
Feng Minsheng: ...

He didn't know what was going on with Lin Chengjie, all he knew was that the kid was crazy.

brain circuits can be understood.

But this guy's skin is Lin Chengjie, a corrupt official, who is older than him!

Feng Minsheng's embarrassing toes can dig out a three-bedroom and one living room.

"Do not……"

Just as Feng Minsheng wanted to stop him, Lin Chengjie was already lying on the ground.

Even the officials told him that he knew where they had moved a big stone and put it on the body of County Magistrate Lin.

The expression on Lin Chengjie's face froze for a moment, and his face turned red.

The boulder crushed him almost into gravel.

"What kind of joke is this?"

Wang Wu asked Feng Jin in a low voice.

Feng Jin folded her arms and looked at County Magistrate Lin, silently giving him a thumbs up.

"A certain teacher once said that Lin Chengjie's body is not suitable for juggling, and he can't break a big stone in his chest. This is revenge, trying to embarrass my father so much."

Feng Jin explained.

This is also normal.

The whole class (including Fengjin himself) wants to win Feng Minsheng once.

There is no way, Feng Minsheng is too strong, he has been in control of the audience, so that everyone has no chance to win.

Take pride in winning the people's livelihood.

In short, there is something wrong with Lin Chengjie's brain circuit, and he chose to use this method to trick the teacher.

"This is really taking revenge on Uncle Feng, not committing suicide?"

Wang Wu stared.

For the sake of her classmates, should she dig a hole now?

Where to eat?

"My lord, why don't you forget it?"

The officer with the sledgehammer didn't dare to make a move for a long time, and even took a step back.

Murdering an official of the imperial court will kill the three clans!

"It's okay, just smash it!"

County magistrate Lin held his breath, and looked at Feng Minsheng vigorously.

Hope to see his death scene.

But, no.

All he could see was his feet moving, his face was still cold, and he even made a gesture of swinging a hammer at him.

Lin Chengjie: ...

Why did he choose this.

If I had known that I would listen to Wang Tong, it would be more normal to have a pole dance.


The man with the sledgehammer hit it lightly, but it was useless.

Not as loud as the sound of a hammer falling freely.

"Let me do it!"

Feng Minsheng rolled up his sleeves, and before County Magistrate Lin agreed, he grabbed the hammer.

"do not……"

Just as Lin Chengjie was about to refuse, Feng Minsheng had already raised his hammer.



The stone collided with the hammer, making a crackling sound.

When Lin Chengjie didn't feel any pain, the stone shattered when he lightened his body.

"Clap clap clap!"

There was applause all around.

"I didn't expect the county magistrate to be so approachable, and he would crush a big stone on his chest?"

"It seems that the rumors are all false, no wonder the imperial decree has been sent to adults!"

The image of County Magistrate Lin in everyone's hearts gradually rose.

"Teacher, you..."

Lin Chengjie was surprised to find that he was not hurt at all.

He didn't know that his subordinates got such a stone and almost crushed him to death.

"Knowledge is power. If you can't understand the offset of force and force, you still have a big stone in your chest?"

Feng Minsheng rolled his eyes and dragged County Magistrate Lin in.

Then he quickly inserted the latch.

It was barely plugged in twice, blocking the line of sight from the outside.


He did die just now.

What kind of weird things did he teach?

"Xiao Jin, come on!"

Feng Minsheng gave Fengjin a color.

Feng Jin shook his head, and refused to go, Lin Chengjie was his best friend, so he couldn't beat him casually.

"Two sweet and sour fish."

"Stop, don't run!"

Feng Jin started to move, chasing and beating Lin Chengjie who was worth less than two sweet and sour fish.

Lin Chengjie finally suffered a big. Forced. Fight.

Next time he dared to challenge the teacher's bottom line.

I don't believe I didn't wake up even once!
However, next time it's time for Wang Tong to try it out.

Take turns on duty, rational and reasonable.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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