Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 173 If possible, I want to live 2 more days

Chapter 173 If possible, I want to live two more days

Several days passed.

All kinds of tables and chairs ordered with silver from Wang Wu were already quietly lying in the shop.

Feng is leading his men to tidy up the place, and even separated the backyard into two areas.

One area is living and the other is kitchen.

Specialize in customized iron pot dishes or other dishes.

Feng Minsheng has written all the recipes, and the main dish is skewered home-cooked dishes.

There is also a store selling small snacks and groceries in the lobby.

You can see it when you eat, when you enter the door, and when you pay the bill.

Jam is the most, followed by all kinds of snacks, even hamburgers are arranged.

Snacks are basically deep-fried, which doesn't require many skills, but in two days, the boys have learned it all.

Not open yet.

But Feng Minsheng is already replenishing the shelves.

Wang Wu and Feng Jin are also helping, stealing a fried chicken leg from time to time, or secretly serving a bowl of Sprite made from pine needles.

"Why hasn't the dog prince come here recently?"

Seeing that there were no outsiders in the store, Wang Wu chatted with Feng Jin.

"I don't know, maybe his country is about to perish."

Feng Jin shrugged his shoulders, and instantly remembered those beautiful peach blossom eyes in his mind.

It's been a few days, why haven't you come to see her?

Feng Jin shook her head, her ears suddenly turned red.

What is she expecting?
Feng Jin and Wang Wu's simple words made Feng Zheng stunned.

The lady has a feud with the royal family?
Such a frivolous tone?

Are you planning to rebel by buying them?
If yes, that's fine, he thinks he can win.

What style of dragon robe does Miss like?

Feng Zheng was lost in thought. Although the young lady hadn't started the layout yet, it was not too late. He led a dozen people, that's enough!
Feng Jin didn't know at all that just a few words could make his newly bought servant come up with a series of rebellious plans.

Feng Jin and the others are busy in the shop, opposite to the shop is a tea house.

In the box on the second floor of the teahouse, an old man sat by the window and lightly smashed the tea in his cup.

"Cough cough cough..."

As soon as he took a sip, the old man coughed violently.

The man with a soft face standing beside him quickly bent over and ran over, giving the old man comfort.

It seemed like he couldn't stop coughing.

Helpless, the old man put down the tea in his hand and coughed vigorously.

"Cough cough cough..."

A muddy phlegm sound sounded from the throat, and the whole person looked a lot haggard.

Obviously there are not many wrinkles on his face, but his hair is all white, and he looks like a 90 years old grandfather.

After a quarter of an hour.

Only then did the old man stop coughing, but he was not in the mood to touch the tea in front of him anymore.

He was leaning on the chair, seemingly lazy, but there was an invisible coercion exuding from his body.

Every gesture was fierce.

Even if it is an old man in his dying years, people can still see the aura of a superior in him.

"The one on the opposite side? Which one?"

The old man pointed to the opposite shop that had not yet installed a plaque, and his body leaned slightly to the outside.

His eyes, which had already begun to blur, could not see the people inside clearly, which made his face look regretful.

"It's that one, it's called Xiao Jin."

The feminine man pointed to Feng Jin who was stealing food.

"A little younger."

The old man stayed on Fengjin's body for a while, and sighed slightly.

"Why don't the slaves go over and have a look? I'm already sorting things out, and I should be able to sell some."

The feminine man asked.

"Let's go there together."

The old man supported the table with his hands and barely stood up, precariously on the verge of falling.

The feminine man hurried over to help the old man, little by little, to walk downstairs.

The old man's speed was very slow, even if he was supported, it seemed that he could fall down at any time.

Can only go slowly.

His body trembled.

The feminine man who was close to the old man could even hear the trembling sound of the bones on the old man's body as he walked.

One step, two steps.

I don't know how long it took, but the shelves in the store were also tidied up.

Feng Jin and his party were already sitting on chairs.

Getting ready for tomorrow's opening.

After Feng Minsheng got to the top of the case, it took a few days for him to calm down.

It's just a child's test, and it's not enough for the rich and the squire to curry favor with him.

Every exam has No. 1, the case of Tongsheng in Fengyang County, the gold content is not high.

Many people in the village looked at him almost without contempt, but with admiration or jealousy.

People outside don't know Feng Minsheng, and Feng Minsheng is also happy and leisurely.

Simply open the business and put earning money on the agenda.

When people are free, they like to chat.

"Xiao Jin, you said that if the old emperor dies, that guy Chen Yu will be the emperor and you will be the queen?"

Wang Wu suddenly became interested in the hierarchy of this feudal superstitious dynasty.

"Go, go, don't talk nonsense, be careful of being implicated by the nine clans!"

Feng Jin slapped Wang Wu with a smile, there was no angry or shy expression on his face.

It's just that the position of queen is too far away, she has never thought about this issue.

Besides, the matter between her and Chen Yu might not work out yet!

That guy looks like an exiled immortal, so he shouldn't be blind to see himself.

"What if?"

Wang Wu suddenly felt that it was not impossible to have a best friend who was the queen.

At least that guy Chen Yu won't rob his house.

"It's impossible, unless the old emperor dies tomorrow!"

People in the 21st century speak freely.

Anyway, everyone in the house is dead, like grasshoppers on a boat.

When Fengzheng was talking, he glanced outside and then at Fengjin.

If the lady or the master nods, he can let the old emperor die tomorrow!
The door of the shop.

The dying old man who was struggling to climb the steps paused.

Looking up at the speaker, there was a gleam of light in his cloudy eyes.

"If you can, don't you want to live for two more days!"

The gray-haired old man lowered his voice and teased the feminine middle-aged man.

There was even a smile on the serious face just now.

No wonder this girl was favored by Chen Yu!
Personality is exactly the same, open mouth.

Dare to say anything and be afraid of nothing.


The feminine man hurriedly opened his mouth, trying to take the old man out of here.

"Come here, come in!"

The old man didn't want to leave, he was too tired from walking, and he finally got there, so he had to sit in it no matter what.

"But, the servant is afraid of you..."

The feminine man wanted to say something else, but the old man waved his hand to signal him not to talk nonsense.

"I don't blame her."

the old man said.

The feminine man opened his mouth, and the corners of his mouth trembled.

What he wants to say is that he is not afraid of your conviction.

It's because I'm afraid you will be angry.

After all, one can only watch, only listen, and cannot be punished.

Otherwise, His Royal Highness will be angry!

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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