Chapter 174, Life

"Old man, the shop hasn't opened yet, so it's temporarily closed."

Feng Minsheng saw the old man being supported by others, thinking that this was his first guest, he hurried over.

Smile and talk to whoever comes.

"We finally came here, let's buy whatever we have!"

The old man smiled at Feng Minsheng, and instead of turning around and leaving, he continued walking in the direction of Datang.

"The old man is our first guest here, what do you need?"

Feng Minsheng was stunned for a moment, but still walked over, ready to help the old man into the lobby.

When approaching the old man, the man supporting the old man suddenly raised his head.

The sideburns of the middle-aged man have begun to turn gray, but there are no wrinkles on his face, let alone a beard, so his real age cannot be seen.

The face is feminine.

Feng Minsheng has seen this person before.

It was he who read the imperial decree at the gate of Fengyang County. He thought it was the imperial decree of Zhulian Jiuzu, but he didn't expect that what he read out was to praise Lin Chengjie.

At that time, all the people in Fengyang County were very excited.

Feng Minsheng was deeply impressed by this great eunuch, and possessed the power of photographic memory.

Although he dressed up deliberately today, and was still wearing the clothes of an ordinary servant, Feng Minsheng recognized him at a glance.

Only the royal family can be supported by eunuchs.

Feng Minsheng's pupils shrank slightly, pretending he didn't guess it, and continued to support the old man towards the lobby.

It's just that I was more careful when helping, for fear that this old man who seemed to be able to fall at any time would fall at the door of his shop.

If it really falls, I can't afford to sell my daughter!
"Please sit down."

Feng Minsheng placed the chair behind the old man, and then put the recipe in front of the old man.

The recipes are not only rice dishes, but also snacks on the shelves.

Several densely packed pages.

The old man read the last page from the first page, and finally, his eyes fell on the top of the wine.

"You still sell fruit wine here?"

Fruit wine is very rare among the people, and most of the wine sold is grain wine. The main reason is that almost no one in the dynasty can brew fruit wine.

Only in the palace can there be fruit wine, which is paid as tribute by other small countries.

"Yes, but now there are only wine and kirsch. When the apples come out in a while, there will be cider."

Feng Minsheng replied.

The fruit trees in Fengjin space have grown many fruits, and Feng Minsheng also made a lot of fruit wine in his free time.

But I don't plan to sell them all at once, even if I sell them, I only sell the fruit wine of the season.

The process of making wine is also very simple, just use microbial fermentation.

Grapes are the easiest way to make fruit wine, because there are various microorganisms on the grape skins, even without koji, fruit wine can be made.

"Bring me a jar of both of these fruit wines!"

The old man clenched his fingers and coughed twice.

Phlegm is very clear.

"it is good."

Feng Minsheng's eyes flickered, and he didn't let his hands go to take it, but walked towards the backyard by himself.

The old emperor looked seriously ill and looked like he could die at any moment.

Feng Minsheng doesn't care about this. That guy Chen Yu has a good relationship with them, but that doesn't mean he has a good relationship with everyone in his family.

It was also the first time for him to meet the old emperor, so he was not considered a friend, and there was no such thing as friendship psychologically.

I don't know what the old emperor meant by coming here. If he didn't say anything else, he just said that the fruit wine he bought from here, if something happened to the old emperor and he died, that would be really bad luck!
Naturally, Feng Minsheng did not dare to give the old emperor the fruit wine made from grapes bought outside.

Gritting his teeth, he moved the two innermost jars of fruit wine out of the temporary wine place in the backyard.

This is brewed from the fruit in the space, it will definitely not kill anyone!
Feng Minsheng was calm on the surface, but he had already remembered Chen Yu in his heart.

This guy is really not a good home!

"Good wine!"

The old man was still coughing in the lobby, when he suddenly smelled the aroma of wine, which contained a bit of fruity aroma.

Feeling a little bit drunk.

And Feng Minsheng had just entered the lobby at this time, and the aroma of wine had already filled the air.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but just smelling the aroma of wine, I can suppress the tingling itchiness in my throat, and the urge to cough is also reduced a little.

"This is brewed by my father himself. It is genuine and handmade."

When Feng Jin saw the old man praising her father, she immediately became proud.

"Handmade? Can you still use your hands?"

The old emperor looked at Fengjin in surprise, with a hint of inquiry in his cloudy eyes.

"Uh, what I mean by handmade is my father's hand, not someone else's hand."

Feng Jin explained bluntly, pretending to be nonchalant.

He didn't even look at the old emperor.

The old emperor patted the jar in front of him lightly with his fingers full of grooves, and fell into deep thought for a few breaths.

Purely handmade, this is not the first time he has heard these five words.

This is not the first time I have heard it from the mouth of "Heaven and Man".

Why does the little girl in front of me know these five words?
"Old man, a jug of fruit wine costs 20 taels of silver, a total of 40 taels."

Feng Minsheng interrupted the old emperor's meditation calmly, with a smile on his face.


The old emperor glanced at the feminine man beside him, with an amiable smile on his face again.

It seemed that he had heard nothing just now, and there was nothing to confuse him.


Rong quickly took out two bank notes from his sleeve, each worth 20 taels of silver, and handed them to Feng Minsheng.

Under normal circumstances, a jar of spirits costs about five taels of silver, and good aged spirits cost upwards of ten taels of silver.

Fruit wine costs 20 taels a jar. In Fengyang County, not many people can afford it.

It just so happens that Feng Minsheng doesn't make many, and what he sells is a novelty.

Those who slaughtered were rich people like the corrupt official Lin County Magistrate.

"Thank you, welcome to come again next time."

Feng Minsheng said so, but what he thought in his heart was that he hoped not to come next time.

"Okay, there must be a next time."

The old emperor looked at Fengjin calmly.

At this time, Fengjin has already gone to tidy up the shelves on her own, and from time to time, she would pinch a few dried fruits and put them on the plate she prepared in advance to taste.

Adorable naive.

It is rare to see such a little girl.

What I have to admit is that in his dynasty, there are very few little girls of this age who are ignorant and naive.

Most of them have already settled down with others, their future has been determined, and they will be at home with husband and children in a few years.

A woman's life will be spent like this.

Even the only queen in his life lived like this.

Chen Yu was born in his teens, and passed away after a few years of stable life.

Even if she is a queen, she will have such a life.

Later, the "Heaven and Man" told him that this is a feudal thought, and women should not live like this, and they also have the same right to choose as men.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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