Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 175, as if the chapter has arrived in the past

Chapter 175, as if back in the past
Is there really absolute equality in the world?


The old emperor never believed in this.

Men and women are not equal in power. In a family, the man who contributes the most is often the man.

What is needed to carry on the family line is also a boy.

Women have always been dependent on men.

Even if the old emperor thought in his heart that his deceased wife was more important than anyone else, it was only her alone.

The status of other women is still not as high as that of men.

But the "heavenly man" said that men and women are equal in heaven, that men and women are the same, have the opportunity to learn, and also have the opportunity to create wealth.

If someone said that there is such a place where men and women are equal, the old emperor would never believe it.

But that's what the "Heaven and Man" said, and the old emperor believed it.

It's just that he has been thinking about what it would be like if men and women entered the school together.

The old emperor sat on the chair, motionless and had no intention of leaving, his eyes fell on Fengjin.

With a touch of probing.

"Old man, I'm really sorry, we're going to open for business tomorrow, and we need another busy day today. Let's tidy it up. Look..."

Feng Minsheng did not know when he had already stood in front of the old emperor, with a faint smile still on his face.

The tone is very gentle, but the meaning of wanting him to go is also obvious.

Feng Minsheng didn't know what went wrong, he always felt that the old emperor had been watching his daughter, and he didn't know what he had discovered.

Did he find out that Chen Yu had been running here, or did he find out the secrets about them?

If it's the former, it's okay, but if it's the latter, Feng Minsheng will be a little panicked.

So far, Feng Minsheng really doesn't want to turn all the people in the palace into adults.

"I'm getting old, and my legs and feet are a little bad. You guys do your work first, and I'll leave after sitting down for a while."

As the old emperor said, he also thumped his leg, looking a little painful.

Looking at the appearance of the old emperor, Feng Minsheng didn't look like he was going to leave, so he could only give up.

He waved to the others and asked them to continue tidying up.

"Go and buy a few bunches of candied haws and come back. I will give away candied haws at the opening tomorrow."

Feng Minsheng walked up to Fengjin and handed her some broken silver.


When Feng Jin heard the candied haws, his eyes lit up instantly.

The candied haws sold at Wang Tong's workplace are very delicious, sweet and sour, and several buddies also like to eat them.

"go together!"

Wang Wu also grabbed the bamboo hat and put it on her head. After confirming that Feng Minsheng had given Feng Jin a lot of money, she prepared to go there with Feng Jin.

He has a lot of money, but spending teacher's money always feels very comfortable in his heart.

It's more enjoyable than spending your own money to prodigal!

Feng Jin and Wang Wu quickly left the shop and walked towards the direction of selling candied haws.

Whispering while walking.

"Xiao Jin, that old man looks like he's from the capital!"

Wang Wu whispered.

She hadn't seen what the old emperor looked like, but she could feel a kind of coercion from the old man.

It belongs to the temperament of a big family in the capital.

Either royal relatives, or relatives of the state.


Feng Jin didn't think so much.

It doesn't matter who the old man is, the important thing is that the old man will stand up to it if the sky falls.

She just needs to write her script honestly and earn a lot of money!
"Do you think that person will be the dog emperor?"

Wang Wu suddenly had a brain hole.

"I really don't know. When that guy Chen Yu comes, he will know. My own father must know him."

Feng Jin raised an eyebrow.

Hearing Feng Jin talk about Chen Yu, Wang Wu subconsciously gave a shabby slap.

"It's okay, don't mention that lunatic, bad luck!"

When Wang Wu thought of being almost quarreled by the prince, and killed by the prince's eyes several times, she felt very unlucky.

Now that he has time-traveled, why does he have to time-travel as a woman?
If it's the guy who crosses over to Cheng Chenyu, that's fine too. With his face, he's bluffing and deceiving everywhere, deceiving other little girls, and ruining his reputation without a bottom line.

Think thrill.

It can be regarded as the plot in Xiaojin's storybook.

"Miss, Master has something to ask you."

Suddenly, an ordinary man appeared in front of Feng Jin and Wang Wu.

He was like someone who popped up out of nowhere on the street, unnoticed and unobtrusive.

"My old man? Yes, take me there!"

Wang Wu was stunned, then turned to Feng Jin and said,
"Xiao Jin, my father is looking for me, I'll go there for a while, remember to pick the biggest one when buying candied haws!"

"it is good."

The corner of Feng Jin's mouth twitched, watching Wang Wu disappear into the street, while he continued walking in the direction of selling candied haws.

She wasn't worried about Wang Wu's safety.

The daughter of the richest man, there are many hidden guards secretly protecting her.

According to Wang Wu herself, her safety is second only to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

As for why he was captured by Wang Tong's men last time, it was because His Royal Highness's people were there.

The dark guard didn't resist.

Once you resist, you are treason.

Unless his life is in danger, the dark guard will never resist the prince's people.

Feng Jin walked on the street alone, the street was bustling with many vendors selling things.

Recently, County Magistrate Lin has not collected protection fees, and some self-reliant hawkers have also increased.

In the past, County Magistrate Lin would never let go of any opportunity to collect money, even a small business selling green vegetables would charge a copper coin.

The people are miserable.

County magistrate Lin's reputation is still stinky, but he has begun to prove himself more and more through actions. He is really a little different.

It's just that the sewage on this body is too serious, and it can't be cleaned in a day or two.

From a distance, Feng Jin saw Wang Tong, a lazy sheep basking in the sun, and a peddler selling candied haws not far away.

"Xiao Jin!"

Wang Tong waved his hand towards Feng Jin, with a wretched smile on his face, carefree.

The moment she waved her hand, Fengjin felt as if she had traveled through time and space and returned to modern times.

It seems that every time he goes to sports, Wang Tong will sit on the playground and be lazy.

When I saw her, I greeted her with a smile like this.

The 200-pound Sports Committee led everyone to run out of breath, but every time he was the slowest, and it was hard to tell who was leading whom.

Lin Chengjie has never spoken much, and his behavior looks like a warm man, but he does have a little dark belly in his heart.

He likes to skip classes, and secretly calls all his buddies to go.

Almost every time I skipped class, there was the shadow of student Lin Chengjie.

Before he knew it, Feng Jin had already sat beside Wang Tong.

"What are you thinking, so ecstatic?"

Wang Tong asked, with a hint of worry on his carefree face.

"It's nothing, I just want to go to the Internet cafe to play games!"

Feng Jin clenched her fist, then slowly let it go, her face pretending to be relaxed,
"I'll treat you to candied haws today, and Lao Feng will pay for it!"

"to make!"

Wang Tong responded and nodded with a smile, the loneliness in his eyes flashed away.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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