Chapter 176, The Ancient Legend
Sunny street.

A ragged beggar sat side by side with a delicate girl.

The two of them were holding a large handful of candied haws, and at a glance, they couldn't tell how many were there.

It is many, many roots.

"Why is Lao Feng so generous?"

Wang Tong gnawed on the candied haws, a little in disbelief.

In this life, there is still a chance to ruthlessly slaughter Lao Feng, candied haws to the full?

"Oh, he gave me money and asked me to bring candied haws home, saying that it will be given to customers tomorrow, and the business will be auspicious."

Feng Jin calmly bit a candied haws, her cheeks bulged instantly, like a little hamster.

"Is that so..."

Wang Tong nodded, eating candied haws faster.

"Do you think we have a chance to go back?"

Feng Jin looked at the brightly colored candied haws in his hand, and through the candied haws, he seemed to see the earth where he once lived.

There is darkness there too, but where the sun shines there is always light.

But in this place, there are very few bright places.

She admits that she doesn't feel too much feudal superstition at present, but there will always be such a feeling of depression.

"If you want to go back, you can definitely go back."

Wang Tong paused, and said word by word.

While speaking, he lowered his eyes and glanced at his tattered treasure bag.

Since that day, the white jade hairpin that was sent out has been hidden in the treasure bag.

"It would be nice if I woke up and went back to our place."

Feng Jin was a little depressed, eating candied haws angrily, but didn't see other emotions in Wang Tong's eyes.

This time Wang Tong didn't say anything, just smiled lightly, sat on the ground freely and gnawed on the candied haws again and again.

It seems that there is nothing in this world that he cares about, except the candied haws in his hand.

Thinking about it, he doesn't really like eating candied haws.

Either too sour or too sweet, sometimes unscrupulous vendors will use bad hawthorn to make candied haws.

Since when did you like to eat?

Probably when we secretly went out to play games together, and the person who lost the boxing game bought candied haws for everyone to eat.

Maybe it was because he was very young. When he was in kindergarten, he bullied other children, but he was punched and cried by a little girl who was a head shorter than himself.

I cried very badly.

Because it hurts too.

The little girl was afraid of being sued, so she could only buy a candied haws, and coaxed him while drooling.

He doesn't like to eat, but he can only eat it, for fear of being beaten again.

After eating it, I didn't reject it, but I didn't take the initiative to buy it in the days that followed.

Many years later, the little girl who was hurt by the beating no longer remembered the candied haws that she lost back then.

But after he met that little girl, he always became attached to candied haws.

Fortunately, he has fallen in love with the taste of candied haws.

"What are you thinking about?"

Feng Jin saw that Wang Tong didn't speak, he was thinking about things with great concentration, the stuffed candied haws were bulging, and he looked like he was about to choke.

"I... hey... candied haws..."

When Wang Tong spoke, the sugar coating of the candied haws was almost sprayed out, and he could not speak clearly.

"Eat slowly if you like to eat. Are you afraid that you will not have enough food if you stay at the stall?"

Feng Jin searched her body for a long time, but couldn't find the paper, and finally pulled out a white handkerchief from her sleeve and handed it to Wang Tong.

Wang Tong took the handkerchief, and instead of wiping off the residue from the corner of his mouth, he threw it into the treasure bag.

Indifferently, he wiped his mouth with his black sleeve, and managed to wipe it clean.

Feng Jin: "...Are you adapting so quickly now?"

Back then, although Wang Tong was wretched, he had to admit that he was cleaner than her.

She has strong hands-on ability, the desk pocket is always tidy, and the clothes always smell of soap. Sometimes she can't bear to see her sloppy appearance, and she will help her tidy up the desk pocket.

What changed him?
"As long as there are candied haws, no matter where I am, I will adapt!"

Wang Tong raised his eyebrows, showing his white teeth.

This time, his smile was not as wretched as before, and there was a ray of sunshine in it.

Feng Jin thought that those sticks blocked the backs of many men in black that night, so it was rare that he didn't refute Wang Tong.

He patted him heavily on the shoulder and said, "Please allow me to call you, Master Candied Haws!"

Wang Tong smiled brighter.

"You said, is this world a planet far away from the earth, or is it not the same time and space at all?"

Feng Jin is very confused about the connection between the earth and here.

If one or two people traveled here, it would be considered a coincidence.

But why did several of her buddies also come to this world and meet again by chance.

"I don't know, but have you heard of an ancient legend?"

Wang Tong put the bamboo stick aside, wiped his hands on his body, and took out a hairpin from the treasure bag.

Under the sunlight, the white jade hairpin of gardenia is white and lustrous without any impurities.

"What legend?"

Feng Jin has heard too many legends in this world, and Feng Jin doesn't know which legend Wang Tong is talking about.

The more backward the place, the more legends there will be.

Even the weird shadows cast by the wind blowing through the treetops at night may be rumored to have monsters.

"About 500 years ago, the royal family in this era was not surnamed Chen, but a royal family named Chao. The last princess of the royal family, Chao Lu, was born extraordinary. When she was born, she had a vision of a hundred birds facing a phoenix."

"Because of this, the royal family is very fond of this little princess. After the little princess was born, everything went smoothly and there were almost no disasters. She became the lucky star of the entire dynasty."

"The emperor's rewards are innumerable. In addition, she is the only little princess, and her treatment is even better than that of the crown prince."

"But the emperor was a good father, but not a good emperor. He was cruel and innocent. The people rose up, and the leaders of all parties fought all the way to the palace."

When Wang Tong said this, he paused for a moment, and looked at Fengjin with unclear meaning in his eyes.

There has never been a dynasty that will prosper forever, but will always perish.

As a modern person, everyone can guess the final outcome of the dynasty.

Even so, would you choose to go that route?
If one day, there were two ways to go home or stay, which one would you choose?
"What happened after that?"

Feng Jin was engrossed in listening, but Wang Tong got stuck, and quickly pushed Wang Tong to let him continue talking.

"Seeing that the palace could not be defended, the tyrant told the little princess where all the treasures looted from the world were buried, and gave the little princess the key, telling the little princess to leave here quickly."

"Later, the palace collapsed, and people found the tyrant and all the princes, but not the little princess."

Wang channel.

"Did the little princess escape?"

Feng Jin asked curiously.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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