Chapter 177, retreat

"There are three legendary endings. One is that the little princess escaped, found the treasure, and has been waiting for the chance to restore the country."

"There is also a so-called treasure that is the way to the heavens. She became a fairy and ascended."

"The last ending is that the little princess died. Everyone made up this story to make those who were close to the previous dynasty feel better, so that the royal family of the previous dynasty would not lose a trace of blood."

Wang Tong finally finished telling the story.

He looked at Fengjin and wanted to ask something several times, but he didn't ask.

Sometimes, as soon as you speak, you lose.

"Ascension to immortality? This ending is a bit ridiculous. The first ending and the third ending are the normal endings."

Feng Jin rubbed her chin, bared her teeth and smiled,
"It would be great if the treasure was real, but I don't know where to buy the map and where to find the key."

The treasures of the previous dynasty were looted by the tyrant, and they must be more than what is in the treasury.

If you find it, you may just have to eat and wait to die for the rest of your life.

Lay flat, it will never end.

"Who knows! It may have been buried deep under some underground palace, or it may have been discovered and used up."

Wang Tong shook his head and continued to ask,

"Aren't you curious about the second ending?"

"Why are you curious? Is there really a code in this world that can become a fairy?"

Feng Jin suddenly thought of his own space.

Judging from the number of red foxes and white tigers that they recognize as the boss, they have lived for an unknown number of years.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they are legendary beasts.

It is also possible that there are gods.

However, she has been in the space for so long, and she has never seen them use spells, they are just pure foodies with great power.

"There should be no gods, but is there another form of immortality that everyone talks about?"

Wang Tong opened his mouth to guide Feng Jin.

"What form?"

Feng Jin still didn't think of what Wang Tong was going to say.

"For example, the two of us invented the time machine, traveled to the front of Qin Shihuang, and then beat him up. When he led the army to kill us, we came back in the time machine in front of everyone. gone."

"So, in the eyes of Qin Shihuang and his army, are we considered gods?"

Wang Tong held the gardenia hairpin with his fingers, his fingertips turned white.

"It counts, but you mean to say that the former princess may have traveled through time and space to another world?"

Feng Jin felt that the world was mysterious.

Is time travel so casual?
"It's not impossible. If we find the treasure, maybe there will be a way to go back."

Looking down at Fengjin's fingers, Wang Tong asked in a low voice,
"What would you do if you could go back?"

"Traveling back and forth through card bugs, reselling things, and making a lot of money!"

Feng Jin clenched her fists and made a pose for making money.

Wang Tong: ...

"By the way, how could the princess of the previous dynasty escape back after the army surrounded the palace? Besides, even if there is a treasure, it should be taken by the current royal family, right?"

Feng Jin thought of Chen Yu.

Maybe Chen Yu has the so-called treasure in his hands, rich as an enemy.

Ah, Fengjin doesn't want to work hard anymore.

"Even if you get it, it won't be all. Even now, there are records in the history books. After the royal family of the previous dynasty died, in order to ensure that the tyrant's brutality was completely eliminated, an army was sent to search for the whereabouts of the former princess."

"Even if the princess of the former dynasty is favored, she is still a girl. All the men in the royal family are dead, and it is impossible to restore the country. In this world, there is no woman who is the emperor."

"Therefore, the first emperor of the Ye kingdom tried his best to search the whereabouts of the former princess, not just to annihilate the members of the royal family, but most likely for some of the treasures that have not yet been obtained."

When Wang Tong spoke, he was organized and enunciated clearly.

Feng Jin also understood it very well.

But I don't care much about it.

Even if the story is true, the so-called immortality is going to another world.

But is this other world their earth?
What happened 500 years ago was not even found by the emperor, so how could they find it as soon as they said they found it.

What's more, the legend is just a legend, who knows if it is true?
"It's okay if the legend is true, but it would be great if this treasure fell into my hands. It's better to have the key to go home, otherwise I really don't know where to find it!"

Feng Jin sighed and ate the last candied haws in his hand.

Hiccup a taste of candied haws.

"I don't know if the legend is true."

Wang Tong said this softly, and then put the white jade-colored gardenia hairpin into the treasure bag he was carrying.

"Didn't you say that this hairpin will be used as candied haws?"

Feng Jin caught a glimpse of Wang Tong carefully putting away the hairpin, and teased him.

"The owner of the pawn shop gave too much money. I was afraid that I would not be able to spend all the candied haws. I would have a headache if I had too much money, so I chose to pawn it when I was dying of hunger."

As soon as Feng Jin said this, Wang Tong became angry.

This hairpin cannot be given away.

Here you go, you don't want it.

That was just a casual excuse at the time, to save face.

Ridiculous now, I really have no eyesight.

But it's not a day or two for Feng Jin to be heartless, Wang Tong has long been used to it.

... I just don't know if a certain prince will get used to it.

Whether he is used to it or not, he must have a strategy to deal with it.

In any case, Xiao Jin should have the right to choose.

But before that, he must find that location, the way home is there.

Regardless of whether Xiaojin returns or not, she has to find it. That is her way out, and she can choose any way freely.

Instead of being forced to be helpless, there is only one way to go to the dark.

"Xiao Jin, Wang Tong! How dare you eat so many candied haws behind my back!"

Wang Wu's angry voice sounded.

A beautiful figure rushed over and sat directly beside Fengjin.

Through the bamboo hat, the good-looking eyes stared angrily at the bamboo sticks all over the place.

It was empty, and the icing was sucked clean.

The small vendors selling candied haws also sold out the candied haws and went home to rest.

But there is still the smell of candied haws in the air.

"What nonsense, I didn't eat candied haws!"

Feng Jin wiped the residue from the corner of his mouth.

Death does not admit it.

The same is true for Wang Tong, who even smacked his mouth.

"Let's break up!"

Wang Wu rolled her eyes, thinking that these two buddies really wore a pair of pants.

"Hey? Who is this?"

Feng Jin suddenly noticed that an unattractive man was following behind Wang Wu, and was standing motionless beside Wang Wu at this time.

It looks very ordinary, the kind that cannot be found in the crowd.

But I always feel that I have seen it somewhere, and it looks familiar.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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