Chapter 178, more gold

"This is the guard that my old man bought me at a high price. It is worth 50,000 taels of gold. It is said that his skills can be worth a thousand!"

When Wang Wu said this, she began to show off.

Although it is the skin of a girl, Hao Lai is also the richest man. Buying slaves with 50,000 taels of gold is equivalent to spending [-] million yuan on a luxury car.


Feng Jin's eyes widened, and he suddenly thought of the servant he bought for a tael of silver.

Compared with the one behind Wang Wu, it looks the same.

If there was a real difference, it would be that the person I bought at home looked a little better than the person Wang Wu bought.

Could it be that powerful people like to have uncanny haircuts?
"I am worth more than a million of you!"

The more Wang Wu talked, the more frightened she became.

But he didn't notice that there was a trace of embarrassment on the expressionless face of his own guard.

He felt that he sold it too expensive and wasted money for his master.

It's still the ability of his dozen or so brothers who were sold earlier, which is equivalent to giving away himself!

And he, whose ability is not as good as theirs, is so expensive!
He was also the first soldier in the Lie organization to sell 50,000 taels of gold.

Ashamed, inferior, shameless.

"What's your guard's name?"

Feng Jin tilted her head, but she didn't see it after looking for a long time. How is this person worth 50,000 taels?

"Wang Duojin!"

When Wang Wu said this name, the image of Old Man Wang gnashing his teeth automatically flashed in his mind.

That's really expensive!
"That name is quite down-to-earth."

The corner of Feng Jin's mouth twitched, thinking that the person who chose the name must have paid the gold with his heart covered.

"The candied haws are also finished, let's go back!"

Feng Jin clapped her hands, ready to go back.

Dad asked you to come out and buy candied haws to give away to guests tomorrow, but now there are no candied haws, so I can only give away snacks.

"Let's go!"

Wang Tong rolled his eyes and felt that he was wandering for nothing. It was a good life, without a guard of 70,000 taels of gold.

Before saying goodbye to Liao Chun, Feng Jin and Wang Tong went back.

Wang Wu looked at Liao Chuntao, the guard in front of Wang Tong, and muttered to himself,
"You really know how to settle accounts. The richest man in the capital comes to buy a dead man, and he directly buys 100,000 taels of gold!"

Fortunately, Wang Wu muttered to the young and old of the organization whether I heard it myself.

Of course, it will definitely be done.

Lie organizes the old and the young will be able to settle accounts for the time being, but Wang Wu is really a prodigal!
Outside the Fengjia shop.

A small piece of rice paper was placed under the table, Feng Minsheng was holding a brush and was about to write a plaque.

"Father, the guests are gone?"

Feng Jin looked around, only seeing the busy servant girl and the old man just now.

"Well, let's go, where are the candied haws that he bought?"

Feng Minsheng didn't care if he took a look at Feng Jin, and didn't care whether Feng Jin took candied haws.

I just instinctively want the old man to see my boudoir.

Whether it is a costume drama other than a TV series or a real history, the next generation of people in power will hope that the previous generation of people in power will have a well-matched marriage.

I'm going home and my boyfriend is the best boy in the world.

But from the eyes of these people, Da Jin is just a peasant man, and there are many examples of peasant men who have been emperors.

The arrival of the old emperor will inevitably make Feng Min's life easy, and he can only think of a way to support Feng Jin.

"Oh, the candied haws are sold out, but they are available."

Fengjin calmly pinches the sugar coating of the sticky candied haws under her body, and throws it away in the specially-made wooden trash can outside the shop.

The trash can was made by the carpenter of Wang Tong's family. According to the drawings drawn by Feng Minsheng, it has a strong modern flavor and is very practical.

With or without garbage bags, smooth hemp is used, which can be reused.

"The last time I went home, I broke your leg."

Feng Minsheng's tone was steady, his hands were as heavy as the wind, and the pen moved slowly under the rice paper, leaving a sharp and graceful arc.

The icing on the cake.

That's the name of that shop.

In the past, as long as it was a shop opened by the Feng family, it was called by that name.

The brocade is taken from the brocade of Dajin.

But I hope that the days before Dajin will always get better and better.


Feng Jin touched his nose.

Wrong, but you dared to do it last time!

"Hang it inside!"

Feng Minsheng said to Feng Zheng who was standing beside him.

"Yes, sir."

Feng was looking at the words under the plaque, a look of amazement flashed in his eyes, he quickly held up the plaque respectfully, and moved towards it bit by bit.

I am afraid that because of my rudeness, I will damage the beautiful writing.

My kung fu is wrong, and I am a teacher who teaches young and dead people. I have written few cheat books, and I have a normal love for writing.

After seeing Feng Minsheng's words, he was already convinced.

"Is it okay to be heavy alone? Shaojin, he will help!"

Seeing Feng Zheng walking hurriedly, Wang Tong called out to his own guards.


Wang Duojin walked towards Fengzheng silently, his hands were still trembling when they touched the plaque.

Good guy, met the teacher.

The teacher of the dead man has a special mentoring relationship.

Many times, I almost died at the hands of my teacher who was also a dead man.

The fear in my heart reached the extreme.

I can only silently help in front.


Feng Minsheng raised his eyebrows, and I recognized at a glance that Liao Chuntao was standing with his servants.

It's just that I picked Wang Duojin at the time, mainly because he was too handsome, and my girlfriend and I were people who bought based on face.

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone we bought is less handsome than the rest of the people outside the yard!

"That's the guard your father bought for you, worth [-] gold!"

Wang Tong arrogantly repeated the value of changing Wang Duojin.

Before Wang Tong's words came out, there was a moment of silence outside the shop.

All the cheap slaves with less than one tael of silver silently looked at Wang Duojin who was helping to hang a plaque at the door.

That guy is really expensive!
So if we will save gold for the master.

Comparing one tael of silver with [-] gold, one can tell who is more sensible at a glance!
"70,000 taels of gold?"

Feng Minsheng stared.

"hold head high!"

Wang Tong nodded, looking as arrogant as a peacock.

It looks a bit too stupid.

It's like the rich seven generations who are exaggerated to the extreme outside the TV series.

Feng Minsheng saw Wang Tong's stupid look, and nodded in agreement.

How much a slave is worth, gold wind and people's livelihood is ambiguous.

Feng Minsheng could guess that probably because of Wang Wu's relationship, the slaves he bought were just like robbery.

However, the price that Wang Tong's family bought was absolutely ripped off.

But that is also difficult to understand, after all, the sheep are too fat.

If it is Feng Minsheng, I will kill it too.

Feng Minsheng gave his little thumb up silently, thinking that if he changed the icing on the cake to a place dedicated to selling hard work, he could earn a lot of money!
Apparently, it was too late.

Outside the door, Feng Zheng was silently directing Wang Duojin to work, and asked me to sweep the floor after hanging the plaque.

After sweeping the floor, I have to do other things.

Liao Chuntao is expensive, so you have to do less!
That's called, the truth of being expensive but not expensive!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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