Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 180, it's so similar

Chapter 180, it's so similar

I really imagined Feng Minsheng as a person inferior to pigs and dogs from the bottom of my heart.

Even after living together for more than 30 years, no matter how much Feng Minsheng paid for his life, Mr. Feng did not regard him as his son.

This is his shame, the shame of being enslaved for the first half of his life.

"Father! Don't say that anymore. That guy Feng Minsheng has already won the top spot. His future is immeasurable. Even if he has no future, his current assets are enough for our family to eat and drink for a lifetime. Now the family is almost in trouble." Now, just give in, okay?"

When Feng Xiaolian spoke, there was a trace of begging in her voice.

The people in the Feng family's old house have made up their minds many times in their hearts, and they must make a clean break with Feng Minsheng.

After all, it's useless to speak soft words every time. Feng Minsheng has never softened his heart since the separation.

It's useless to say it, and it's useless to apologize.

But now the family really can't open the pot, and even the meat has not been eaten for more than ten days.

The dowry that Li Juan brought over has been almost squandered. In the past, when people's livelihood was not busy with farming, they would go to the town to carry sacks to subsidize the family.

Now that there is no labor force, Fengmincheng's hand is still not healed, it has been suffering from dull pain, and he still needs to take some medicines from time to time.

It's no longer the wind house it used to be.

No matter how much determination I made in my heart before, I was still hungry.

Looking at Feng Minsheng's prosperous life, if you say you are not jealous, that is a lie.

"He won't listen to me. I have no conscience."

Mr. Feng stood there moving, looking at the crowd enthusiastically.

I even thought, if both Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin were dead, all the assets would belong to the Feng family.

"Father~ Even if he thinks about you, he also thinks about my little brother. My hand can still hold a pen and write now. If I continue to take medicine, I will be able to take scientific exams before. I can always watch my little brother helplessly. Your hands are useless!"

Feng Dalian stomped her feet and looked in the direction of the shop.

Take a deep breath.

A strong spicy and delicious smell floated over.

The fragrance filled the whole street.

Feng Dalian swallowed subconsciously.

So fragrant!
Hearing Feng Dalian talking about Feng Mincheng's hand, Mr. Feng's face brightened immediately.

In the final analysis, Fengmincheng's hand is still because of Fengjin!

In the end, you have to turn around and beg us for money?
Mr. Feng swallowed the bad breath in his heart, took a small mouthful of fresh air, and there was a rattling sound from outside his chest.

"Hey! Is this my little brother? Who is this noble man beside me?"

Feng Dalian looked in the direction of the shop, and suddenly saw Fengmin City being walked side by side by a middle-aged woman down the street.

Feng Mincheng bent slightly, smiled and talked to Feng Zhengnian.

Feng Zhengnian was wearing brocade clothes, and walked behind Fengmin City with an expression on his face, and he couldn't give Fengmin City any look.

It has been several days since he came there, and Feng Che still wants to talk about getting close to Elder Sister Wen Wanqing.

During those few days, Feng Zhengnian and Feng Che would often walk down the street, and would also go to inquire about which yard was bought by the eldest sister from the capital city.

Even the beggars on the side of the road asked us how much money we had.

But they all got the whereabouts of Sister Wen Wanqing.

Even so, whether the father and son are ready to give up, the two split up, one to the east and one to the west to find one by one.

It is necessary to find the residence of Sister Wen Wanqing.

The clothes Feng Zhengnian wore were all excellent, and they were very conspicuous when walking on the street.

Feng Mincheng immediately recognized Feng Zhengnian as the nobleman I saw at the gate of the Feng family's ancestral house this time.

Thinking that his father Nian Zhong used to work in Feng's house, he posted it cheekily.

Feng Zhengnian naturally disdains to deal with Fengmin City, but thinking that Fengmin City is also the people of Fengyang County after all, if the capital came to the capital, I should know a little bit.

There is also no drive me away.

But is there really any good face.

"Have you ever seen a young lady from the capital recently?"

Feng Zhengnian glanced sideways at Fengmin City, his voice indifferent.

"I've seen it before, but I just know it's from the capital."

Feng Mincheng rolled his eyes, deliberately selling off.

I don't know who the lady from the Xiao family Feng Zhengnian is looking for is, I also know that there is no eldest sister from the Xiao family from the capital.

He only knew Wang Wu, a nobleman who lived in Feng Minsheng's house.

From Feng Mincheng's point of view, this should be the one he was looking for, but in order to curry favor with Feng Zhengnian, he deliberately made it clear.

"What's your last name?"

Feng Zhengnian finally didn't react at all, and even showed a bit of slowing down.

The Feng family is considered one of the most prominent families in the capital, but the old man outside the family is too honest, and I know how to do business.

Spend to a degree, and there is not too little asset support.

If my son can marry the eldest sister of the Wang family back, all the assets of the richest man's family will still be his own!

That is very important.

Just as Feng Mincheng carefully found a topic to prevaricate, he said that he knew each other, but only met in the distance, so you can take me to play for two days less, and find this young lady by the way.

There was no opening to speak, and Feng Dalian's voice came.

"Brother! What is he doing there?"

When Feng Dalian saw Fengmin City, she had already dragged Mr. Feng to chase.

Before seeing Feng Zhengnian's face, Mr. Feng was slightly stunned, let Feng Dalian pull him, and chased after him.

"Why are they there?"

Feng Mincheng frowned, always standing behind Feng Zhengnian on purpose before seeing his sister.

My sister's virtue, I know, is to seek a master without money.

Feng Mincheng was able to control Feng Dalian's temperament that time, Feng Zhengnian came from the capital, and has nothing to do with his family.

But it's a joy to be able to make trouble because of Feng Dalian.

"You and dad came over for dinner, why doesn't the nobleman next to my little brother look familiar at all, have you seen him somewhere?"

Feng Dalian's eyes were slowly glued to Feng Zhengnian's face.

You said it was familiar because of your intention, you just thought you might have seen Feng Zhengnian's face somewhere.

She is full of nobility, with sharp edges and corners, and a pair of sword eyebrows. She also looks like she is over seven or eighty years old.

"When a woman speaks, a man speaks."

Feng Mincheng ignored Feng Dalian, but glared at Feng Dalian.

I'm afraid I'll spoil my own good deeds.

"Mincheng, is that...?"

Old Man Feng stared straight at Feng Zhengnian, his fingers trembling uncontrollably.

Like, it's so similar!

The woman behind your eyes is very much like you when you were young, and also like Fengmincheng.

It's just that when the two of them stand together, the difference in temperament is too little, and it's too obvious at a glance.

One grew up in the capital, and the other grew up outside the mountain nest. No matter how pampered and pampered, it is possible to cultivate such an aristocratic temperament.

A thought suddenly came to Mr. Feng's mind, and he waved it away.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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