Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 181, Father and Son Meeting

Chapter 181, Father and Son Meeting

"This is Master Feng from the capital city. The ancestral home of the Feng family is in Fengyang County. Father, didn't you say that you once worked in the Feng family for a while? It must be this Feng family!"

Fengmin City does not miss any chance to get close.

If you curry favor with the nobles in the capital, you will reach the sky in one step.

Face is not important anymore.

"The Feng family from the capital? Was the young master of the Feng family's ancestral house called Feng Nanshu?"

Old Man Feng began to tremble violently, as if confirming something in his heart.

His eyes were red and bloodshot, and he stared straight at Feng Zhengnian.

If it wasn't for the wrong time and the wrong occasion, he could hardly restrain himself from hugging this child whom he hadn't seen for more than 30 years.

He looked at Feng Zhengnian, as if he saw the scene where he had imagined meeting countless times.

That child, who grew up well-clothed and well-fed, can now become a noble person in charge of his own affairs.

As expected of his child!
"Shut up! You bastard, how dare you call the imperial tutor by his first name!"

Feng Zhengnian's face was serious, and the scolding came out almost at the same time.

The old man of his family is very clean and has a high reputation. He is a bachelor and a tutor who has taught the prince.

It has been a long time since no one dared to say the name Feng Nanshu directly.

Even His Majesty the Emperor would call Feng Lao.

The country old man in front of him who he despises dared to call his father's name directly, it is really reckless.

If it weren't for other important things now, he really wouldn't mind using special means to make him disappear in this world.

In front of Feng Lao, Feng Zhengnian is a well-behaved and sensible son. Although he is not talented and capable enough, he looks docile and honest, and respects his teachers.

Feng Lao is very satisfied with such a son, he doesn't care how capable his son is, he just hopes that this is a kind son, that's all.

Therefore, although Feng Zhengnian and Feng Che seem to have no talent or ability, the Feng family is still a warm family.

But outside, Feng Zhengnian and Feng Che stopped pretending, and their personalities were far from as good as they were at home.

Even with a bit of surlyness in their bones, all those who have offended them will disappear into this world without a sound.

"Father! Hurry up and apologize to Master Feng! You are so confused, you can't just call the nobleman by his name!"

Seeing that Feng Zhengnian's face was full of anger, Feng Mincheng hurriedly grabbed Mr. Feng.

If it weren't for the fact that the streets were full of people, he would have dragged Mr. Feng to kneel on the ground, kowtowed and confessed to the nobleman.

"Master, my father didn't do it on purpose, he was just so excited to see the former master come back."

Feng Xiaolian also hurriedly spoke.

"Just now... I made a slip of the tongue."

Mr. Feng was dragged several times by Feng Mincheng and Feng Xiaolian at the same time, and he finally came back to his senses.

Forced to suppress the excitement in my heart, but my body still had to tremble uncontrollably, and a strong hope burst out from the inside out of my whole body.

Yes, hope.

He saw the way ahead.

Even if Mr. Feng never wanted to go back to the days when he was a slave, Mr. Feng had to admit that the young master of the Feng family was really high-spirited.

Now he must be very important in the capital, just by looking at the clothes on this child, it can be seen that his status must not be low.

When the child recognized himself, he changed from an old man to a master in the capital.

Everything is a matter of course.

He is the child's own father, even if he refuses to admit it, blood is thicker than water.

But the matter can't be revealed now, the young master is still alive, if he knows the truth of the matter, he will definitely not let him go.

Maybe it will be cheaper for the people's livelihood in vain.

Be sure to find a way to get the best of both worlds.

Let this child accept himself, the young master will not make trouble for him, and Feng Minsheng can't take advantage of it even a little bit!
"You have to remember your own identity, my father's name is not something anyone can call casually!"

Feng Zhengnian had a hostile expression on his face.

In fact, he didn't have much respect for his father in his heart, but the status of the Feng family in the capital depended entirely on Feng Nanshu.

If one day, anyone in the streets and alleys can call out his father's name, it will be equivalent to the defeat of the Feng family.

This was what Feng Zhengnian was most afraid of.

My father is getting old day by day, and his body is not as good as before.

And his status in the court is not high, he is just an idle civil servant, and Feng Che will probably be the same in the future.

Neither father nor son inherited the knowledge of the old man. Once the old man fell down, they could only sit back and eat.

That's why she desperately wanted to let the young miss of the Wang family marry Feng Che.

Even if you look down on the merchant's daughter, she is still the richest man!

"Yes, yes, I was too excited just now. I remembered the 'favor' that the young master once gave me. Is he okay now?"

Old Man Feng lowered his head and nodded smoothly, but a heavy look flashed in his eyes.

There is still a long way to go before father and son get to know each other. The first thing to solve is the young master and Feng Minsheng.

Mr. Feng knew that he was just an old man in the countryside, without much power, let alone ability.

To solve this matter, the old Fengmin City or the child in front of him had to be resolved.

Mr. Feng knew that if he spoke rashly, Feng Zhengnian would definitely regard himself as a lunatic or a stumbling block.

Still have to think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

"My father's body is naturally strong. Since you are a servant in the past, let's let this matter go. If you still say something indiscriminately in the future, don't blame me for not being sympathetic!"

Feng Zhengnian glanced at the groveling Mr. Feng in front of him, his deep disdain was undisguised.

Oh, that is to say, the old man dismissed many servants out of kindness.

If they hadn't been dismissed, the old man in front of him and a kind of child of the old man would be no more than servants of death contract.

Even if it is killed with a stick, it is as simple as crushing an ant to death.

Old Man Feng felt the disdain on Feng Zhengnian's face, and his body instantly became stiff.

For a moment, he seemed to see the former young master again.

Feng Zhengnian doesn't look like a young master, but he seems to look like a young master in his gestures.

Maybe it's not temperament, it's the feeling that could crush him to death at any time, reminding him of the young master and the humbleness of being a domestic servant in the past.

Old Man Feng looked at Feng Zhengnian in a daze, and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But he didn't say anything, and he didn't dare to say anything.

"Didn't you just say that you met the lady from the capital? What's her name and where does she live?"

Feng Zhengnian didn't want to stay with Feng Mincheng for a quarter of an hour at this time.

This family exudes a bad smell, which is the smell of not taking a bath for several days.

Coupled with the faces of these people, it made him very uncomfortable.

Sure enough, the capital is better.

"I don't know if the master is looking for a lady named Wang Wu, it is said that he is from the capital!"

Feng Mincheng was really angry when he saw Feng Zhengnian, so he could only bite the bullet and say Wang Wu's name.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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