Chapter 182, Guangzong Yaozu

"I'm looking for Miss Wang, do you know where she is?"

Feng Zhengnian never expected that Fengmin City actually knew the name Wang Wu.

He has been on the streets of Fengyang County, asking back and forth for several days, but he has not found any trace.

I thought it was already gone, but I didn't expect to finally have a clue.

"I know. She usually lives in Yangliu Village. She is very familiar with my brother's family and lives together. If the master wants to find her, I can take you there now."

Seeing Feng Zhengnian's reaction so intensely, Feng Mincheng was overjoyed.

When talking about Feng Minsheng, he said he was his brother.

He seems to have forgotten that when the family was separated and the relationship was broken, he was the one who beat Feng Minsheng to death with a shovel.

"Go back to Feng's house first, and you will go with me later."

The first thing Feng Zhengnian thought of was his son.

Coming to this place is for Feng Che and Miss Wang to cultivate their relationship.

Cultivating a relationship is false, but a little bad rumor is true.

Probably Feng Zhengnian knew his son well, and he knew that Miss Wang's family might not like him, so he decided to use dirty tricks.

"Brother, you don't have to go to the village, Miss Wang is actually helping out in the shop right now!"

Feng Xiaolian pointed at Feng Minsheng's shop, her saliva almost spit out.

She inquired in the village for a long time before she knew that the shop opened by Feng Minsheng's family was in this location.

Knowing that it opened today, that's why I dragged Mr. Feng over here.

Originally, I wanted to make a trick or something, even if I couldn't get the benefits immediately, I could eat and drink for a while.

Unexpectedly, I met a nobleman.

If there is a noble person to mediate in the middle, maybe the matter will be settled.

"Come here, bring the young master here!"

Feng Zhengnian waved directly in one direction, and the servants who followed him from a distance trotted over.


The servant in cotton clothes quickly responded, saluted, turned around and ran towards another street.

Old Master Feng looked at the servant who ran away calmly, and Feng Zhengnian in front of him, a ripple flashed in his eyes.

The clothes worn by the servants are better than the clothes worn by them.

The kid from more than 30 years ago was really promising.

A strong light burst out from Mr. Feng's eyes, and his desire to recognize this son became even stronger.

"Sir, shall we go in now?"

The smile on Feng Mincheng's face couldn't be stopped, and he also wanted to use Feng Zhengnian's name to make Feng Minsheng bow his head.

"Wait here, when Xiao Che comes over, you can go back."

After Feng Zhengnian finished speaking, he glanced at Feng Xiaolian and Mr. Feng.

The expression of disgust is obvious.

They are all people who can't stand on stage.

If Fengmincheng didn't know the people in the shop, he would have sent all of them away.

"Father, you and your younger sister should go back first."

Feng Mincheng said decisively to Mr. Feng.

"Brother, Xiao Jin and I still have something to say, can we go in together?"

As Feng Xiaolian said, she winked at Fengmin City, and then at Feng Zhengnian.

What it means is already obvious.

The eighth concubine who can't be the magistrate of Lin County is also very good to deal with noble people.

"Little sister, you have to listen to your elder brother outside, and take dad back first. If you want to talk to Xiaojin about the past, I will bring you over next time."

When Feng Mincheng said this, he was very serious, and his expression was a little bit bad.

Since the case of County Magistrate Lin, he no longer believes in the charm of his little sister.

From a man's point of view, Feng Xiaolian is indeed pretty.

But for the nobles, a bit of beauty is not enough. They have a lot of wealth in their hands, so they don't look down on them at all.

I'm afraid that Feng Xiaolian will do something to offend the nobleman, and all her thoughts will be in vain.

"Father, look at big brother!"

Feng Xiaolian stamped her feet.

"Come on, let's go back."

Mr. Feng took a meaningful look at Fengmin City, and said seriously,

"Hurry up and go home when you're done with your work. There are some things I need to explain to you."

Now that you have seen it, you will definitely not miss this opportunity.

But I have to go back and make a good total.

He knew that he was old, but Fengmin City was not old. If he talked about this matter with him, he would definitely be able to find a way to get the best of both worlds.

"it is good."

Feng Mincheng didn't understand the meaning of Mr. Feng's words, so he just responded indifferently.

Old Master Feng got Feng Mincheng's response, so he went back with the reluctant Feng Xiaolian.

Compared with Feng Xiaolian's reluctance, Mr. Feng straightened his back on the way back.

He can also give birth to a son who is a nobleman, what a glorious ancestor! !
on the street.

Feng Mincheng and Feng Zhengnian stood at the door of the shop, did not go in, and were waiting for Feng Che to come over.

"My kind master, give me three melons and two dates!"

A dirty beggar came over, holding a broken bowl.

Feng Zhengnian took a step back subconsciously, but there was no expression of disgust on his face, and there was even a faint smile on his face.

He took out a bank note from his sleeve and put it directly in the beggar's broken bowl.

Feng Mincheng cast a glance, and his eyes widened in an instant.

20 taels of silver bills!
This is almost when Feng Minsheng was still in Feng's house.Nearly ten years of accumulated money!

"Thank you, master! I wish you a promotion and a fortune!"

The beggar beamed with joy on his dark face, said an auspicious word, and left with a thousand thanks.

Feng Mincheng looked at the back of the beggar, and said that he was not envious, that was a lie.

He even wanted to pretend to be a beggar and ask for money!
Feng Zhengnian flicked his fingers, and the faint smile on his face slowly subsided, turning into the serious look he had before.

He is good at disguising himself.

It was the same in the capital, especially when my father was around, if I met a beggar on the side of the road, he would definitely give money to him.

If there are disaster victims, they will also give porridge.

"Master is really kind!"

Feng Mincheng smiled and praised Feng Zhengnian, and even hoped that he would give a little to himself.

But Feng Zhengnian had no expression on his face, nor did he intend to give alms. He even felt a little bit disgusted when he saw Feng Mincheng.

Hate these country folks.

I don't know why, but when he saw Mr. Feng, he could still show a kind and amiable image in front of others, but he felt even more disgusted in his heart.

Can't stand that ugly face.

"Master, Gong Xi Fa Cai!"

Before Feng Zhengnian had much time to think about it, another beggar came over, holding a broken bowl and saying compliments.

Without thinking about it, Feng Zhengnian took out another 20 taels of silver bills and put them in the broken bowl.

But this time, the playback speed was a bit slower, and it wasn't very crisp.

"Thank you sir!"

The beggar is gone.

However, several beggars came over.

"Master, Gong Xi Fa Cai!"

"I wish my master a bright future!"


Beggars appeared one by one, and suddenly there were more of them.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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