Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 183, no father, no mother, brother died early

Chapter 183, no father, no mother, brother died early
Feng Zhengnian subconsciously looked into the distance, and there were still beggars running this way one after another.

The beggars in Fengyang County must have come here, right?
It was surrounded in the blink of an eye, and a strong rancid smell rushed over.

In a trance, I saw a slightly wretched beggar basking in the sun, but didn't come over.

Instead, he looked at this side with a half-smile.

There was no time to think too much, so I could only deal with what was in front of me.

A few 20 taels is acceptable, but with so many beggars, it will cost hundreds or even thousands of taels at once!
It would be a lie to say that there is no pain in the flesh!
But Miss Wang's family is in the shop opposite, if she doesn't give it, it will appear that she is very stingy.

This is the first time we meet, so we can't make people look down on Feng's family.

Maybe Miss Wang's family is in the shop right now, looking outside!
With a cold face, Feng Zhengnian could only take out the money, and even called the servants who followed behind him to exchange for small denomination bank notes.

Each had a 20 tael bank note, with a faint smile on his face, and his heart was bleeding all the time.

Feng Mincheng's eyes widened, and he watched from the sidelines, only regretting that he was not wearing tattered clothes, otherwise he would definitely say, congratulations, master, for getting rich!

Until the last beggar was sent away, the thick stack of banknotes in Feng Zhengnian's hands was completely distributed.

Feng Zhengnian took a deep breath, trying to maintain the gentleness on the surface.

I still have to see Miss Wang's family in a while, so I can't lose my temper.

"Father, have you found Miss Wang?"

A young man in brocade clothes ran over, sweat still dripping from his forehead.

"It's in the shop. You tidy up your clothes and follow your father in."

Feng Zhengnian took out a blue handkerchief and handed it to Feng Che.

Feng Che took the handkerchief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and hurriedly straightened his clothes.

"Let's go!"

Feng Zhengnian glanced at his son with satisfaction, then walked towards the icing on the cake.

Fengmin City hurriedly followed.

There were a lot of people in the shop, and it was only when they walked up to Fengmin City that they realized how busy the business was.

Can't squeeze in at all.

Three teams lined up, blocking the door tightly.

Feng Zhengnian glanced at Fengmin City.

Feng Mincheng understood, and walked directly in front, talking non-stop,

"Let Rang, Rang Rang..."

Trying to squeeze out a way and go straight in.

"Squeeze why? Line up behind! Didn't see everyone standing here!"

The people being picked up by Fengmin City couldn't help but glared at Fengmin City, and didn't give way.

Because there were too many people, I came up with a way to line up. When everyone heard this statement for the first time, they thought it was very fair, and they all obeyed this order.

"Line up? What line up?"

Fengmin City really didn't know what this meant.

"Just wait at the back, and then go in after the people in front have finished eating!"

The person who was pulled angrily explained.

"We're not here to eat, I'm here to find someone, and the manager of the shop is my brother!"

When Feng Mincheng said the word brother, his voice became a little heavier.

I really can't wait to let everyone in line know that it is his brother.


The man looked at Fengmin City suspiciously, but he still didn't move.

The aroma in the shop is too strong, I really don't want to give way to others, so I want to eat it quickly.

"Xiao Er! Some people say that this is the brother of your shopkeeper, and that he is here to find your shopkeeper. Can you see it?"

The man yelled towards the inside, but he still didn't give way.

Feng Mincheng's face darkened, but he could only smile and look inside.

I feel even more jealous.

How long has it been since the family was separated, and Feng Minsheng not only opened a shop, but also has more than a dozen servants under him!

It's really developed!

Fengzheng slowly walked out from the crowd, and finally walked in front of Fengmin City.

It was also the first time he saw Fengmin City.

But from Feng Minsheng's mouth, he has heard about Fengmin City more than once.

He also reminded them that their masters are only him and Fengjin.

The words of others, especially those in the Feng family's old house, are ignored.

If it is really difficult and unreasonable, force can also be used to drive them out.

In short, you don't have to have a good face.

Feng Zheng also knew from the few words Feng Jin chatted with Wang Wu that Feng Minsheng almost died at the hands of this so-called brother.

"Call out your shopkeeper and tell him that his elder brother is here!"

Feng Mincheng glanced at Feng Zhengnian and Feng Che beside him, and his confidence came out immediately.

This is from the capital, and maybe he still has an official position, so it's not a problem to send a good man's livelihood.

"Sorry, my master has no father or mother, and my brother died early. I'm afraid you have identified the wrong person! If you come in for dinner, you need to queue up."

Feng Zheng opened his mouth with a smile, as he treated all the guests, he seemed very patient.

But what he said made Feng Mincheng tremble with anger.

Did he say he was dead?

People in the 21st century don't believe in curses, but Ye Kingdom, a feudal dynasty, still believes in curses.

If you say something wrong, you have to spit out.

"You lowly slave! How dare you curse me like that, call Feng Minsheng out now, or you should be beaten to death when the time comes!"

Feng Mincheng subconsciously felt that Feng Minsheng's things belonged to him, and Feng Minsheng's servants were his servants.

Even if it is not now, it will definitely be in the future.

"Please line up for dinner. If you make trouble, you will be responsible for the consequences."

Feng Zheng was smiling, his face still as gentle as before.

He wasn't angry at all, and even wanted to laugh a little.

It's been a long time since anyone dared to speak to him like that.

Like Fengmin City, he doesn't need any weapons, and he can kill him with one finger.

It is true that the dead men can block thousands with one, but those 1000 people refer to the hidden guards, who have kung fu.

For something like Fengmin City, even [-] would not be enough to kill him.

"What a waste!"

Feng Che couldn't stand it anymore, cursed Feng Mincheng, took out a 100 taels silver note, and said to Feng Nian,
"I'm a friend of Miss Wang's family. I happened to meet in this place. Can you let us go?"

"Miss Wang and my young lady are both busy, and they say that no one is allowed to disturb them. If you need to find Miss Wang, you will have to wait for a few hours."

The wind is right.

When Feng Zhengnian issued bank notes to beggars, there was quite a commotion, so Wang Wu naturally knew that Feng Zhengnian and his son had come.

Seeing is definitely not seeing.


When Feng Che heard Feng Zheng's words, he immediately became angry.

She even wanted to rush over and beat him up.

But he was held back by Feng Zhengnian.

"Xiao Che, since the eldest lady is busy now, we will come to her later, please go back and tell Miss Wang, we will wait in the teahouse opposite."

After all, Feng Zhengnian has experienced more than Feng Che.

It's okay to be humble now, as long as Miss Wang's family enters the door, everything has to be in his hands!

Feng Zheng responded with a sound, and watched Feng Zhengnian and his son enter the opposite teahouse before going back to report.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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