Chapter 184, value for money

"I said you can do it! The fiancé has come to the door, and he is still the noble son of the capital, what a blessing!"

Feng Jin heard Feng Zheng's reply and teased Wang Wu.

"This blessing is for you, do you want it?"

Wang Wu, who was helping customers with snacks, glared at Fengjin, and took another bag of snacks for herself by the way.

Unceremoniously, he opened the package and started to eat it.

Inside the oil paper bag is fried chicken popcorn with a little chilli and cumin seasoning. The taste is no different from that in modern stores.

"Shall we go beat them up?"

Feng Jin reached out and took a chicken popcorn from the oil-paper bag in Wang Wu's hand.

"What are you beating up! When the time comes, people will be bumped, why don't you go to my Wang's house to extort money!"

Wang Wu knew very well the faces of the father and son.

If you want to do it, kill them directly. If you don't kill them, there will be a lot of troubles in the future.

It is not easy to kill them.

Feng Nanshu's status in the court is not low, and he is a model for scholars all over the world.

His son, unless he let go of the crime of implicating the nine clans, even the emperor would turn a blind eye.

What's more, the father and son pretended to be dogs in front of people, and it was difficult for people to catch them.

"Then what should we do? We can only watch them scream!"

Feng Jin shrugged.

"What else can I do? Why don't you give that person to you! If you kill him without anyone noticing on the day of your wedding, you can still inherit the ten thousand family fortune of Taifu Feng!"

Wang Wu rolled her eyes, and the more she said, the more outrageous it became.

"Who inherits the Wanguan family property?"

A cold voice came over, which seemed particularly abrupt among the bustling crowd.

"Of course it's the wind..."

Before Wang Wu could finish speaking, she saw Chen Yu with a cold face.

Wang Wu shivered subconsciously, and silently took her own chicken popcorn and hid behind Fengjin.

Choose to play dead.

I was afraid that the prince would kill him.

"You're here?"

Feng Jin saw Chen Yu for the first time in the past few days, and his voice was a little cheerful when he spoke.

With crooked eyebrows, he subconsciously unwrapped an oil-paper package and handed it to Chen Yu directly.
"Try it, it's a specialty of our shop, it's delicious."

What Fengjin unpacked was a pack of fried chicken wings.

Like all fried foods, the outside of the meat is covered with a layer of Feng Minsheng's special flour, which has the same texture as bread crumbs.

Even if others imitate it, they can't make this taste.


Chen Yu looked into those dark eyes, and his face, which had been cold just now, softened a lot in an instant.

The cold voice became low and hoarse.

When the slender fingers took the oil-paper package, they accidentally touched Feng Jin's fingers.

The two were stunned at the same time.

A tingling sensation came from the fingers, like an electric shock.

Feng Jin retracted her fingers uncomfortably, pretending that nothing happened.

Chen Yu's ears were red, his eyes were lowered, and he silently ate the chicken wings in the oil paper bag, but he couldn't taste the taste for a while.

"Hey, should I withdraw first?"

Wang Wu secretly talked to Feng Jin.

She was really afraid that what she said just now would become a reason to crazily criticize the prince for copying the Wang family.

Although the current prince looks quite normal and shy, everyone in the capital knows how crazy the prince is!

They were all old classmates, and Wang Wu believed that the other party would not care what he said.

Among Feng Jin and his buddies, there is not one who doesn't say anything.

Everyone got used to it, and Fengjin felt it was okay.

But when Chen Yu heard it, it was different. Wang Wu even felt that he might be dead.

"Aren't you going to help?"

Looking at the crowd, Feng Jin decisively grabbed Wang Wu.

It’s okay to eat and drink for free, but you have to work too!

"It suddenly occurred to me that I still have a damn blind date that I haven't gone to, so I have to hurry!"

Wang Wu broke Feng Jin's hand, and quickly took several oiled paper packages from the shelf with lightning speed.

"Wang Duojin, withdraw!"

Wang Wu yelled, and ran in the direction of the extension.

Wang Duojin, who was beating the drum, heard his master's call, and decisively handed the drum to Fengzheng, and disappeared after a walk.

Not to mention going on a blind date at the opposite teahouse, I ran away from behind without even turning my head!
Feng Jin was dumbfounded.

As expected of Wang Duojin, he even took away Wang Wu's bamboo hat when he was running, leaving behind afterimages of his legs.

Great value for money, smooth action!

"I'll help you!"

Chen Yu rewrapped the unfinished chicken wings in oiled paper, put them aside, and came to Fengjin's side very naturally.

Chen Yu's temperament and appearance immediately attracted many diners.

More and more people who eat Chuan Chuan Xiang will come to the counter to buy some snacks to take home when they check out.

Those who come to buy things are basically women.

Chen Yu's movements were quick, and he never liked to be in contact with people, and he didn't reject the snacks given to the guests.

The ladies in the capital would never have imagined that His Royal Highness, whom they tried so hard to get close to, would be so approachable now.

You only need to buy a bag of snacks to get close to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Chen Yu was so upbeat, Feng Jin felt a lot more relaxed in an instant, and only cared about collecting the money.

You can also unpack a pack or two of snacks and work while eating.

On Fengjin's left is dried apples, on his right is walnut crisps, and in the middle is a pack of fried chicken legs.

Not to mention how comfortable it is.

"what is this?"

Chen Yu glanced at the dried apples that Feng Jin was eating, and seeing Xiao Jin eating happily, thought about preparing more in the mansion and palace.

"Dried apples are made by my father. They are very delicious. Would you like to try them?"

Feng Jin asked with a smile.

Apples are the fruits of the fruit trees in the space used, and they are not for sale.

Only dried fruit made from apples bought outside will be sold on the shelves, but the taste is different from the dried fruit produced in Fengjin's current eating space.


Chen Yu nodded.

As Chen Yu said, one hand was holding something for the customer, and the other hand was just about to pick up the dried fruit in front of Fengjin.

A strong apple scent filled the nose.

Chen Yu lowered his eyes, and a white and tender hand pinched a piece of dried fruit and placed it on his lips.

The body suddenly became much stiffer.

I didn't have time to think, I opened my mouth completely by instinct, and chewed back and forth twice mechanically.

I still haven't tasted what it is, but it has been sweet to my heart.

"Is it delicious?"

Feng Jin asked.

"good to eat."

Chen Yu nodded, his eyes were a little afraid to look at Feng Jin, and his thin lips were slightly pursed.

In addition to the ears, the face also started to turn red.

He has always felt that he is naturally indifferent, but in front of Xiao Jin, he seems to be a little shy.

In the past, the prince who dared to kill the courtiers directly in the court hall also started to become awkward.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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