Chapter 185, 30 years Hexi
"Master, is this drink directly added with a spoonful of jam?"

A servant came to Feng Minsheng with a jar of jam.

After calling two or three times, Feng Minsheng didn't respond.

Feng Minsheng stared straight at the direction of Fengjin and Chenyu, making creaking sounds from time to time.

"Master, master?"

The boy had no eyesight, so he yelled twice.

"Yes, it is like that."

Feng Minsheng responded blankly.

The boy scratched his head, feeling that Feng Minsheng hadn't finished talking, so he asked again,
"Master, is there anything else you want to explain?"

Opened today, there are many customers, and there are many kinds of snacks and snacks in the store.

The boy was afraid that some things were not busy.

"Yes, who is better at math? Please do the math for me. As for the pile of empty oil paper bags in front of my daughter, did I lose or win this time?"

Feng Minsheng silently rolled his eyes in Fengjin's direction.

It is a very wrong decision to let the wolf guard the flock.

Wang Wu eats, Wang Wu eats Fengjin, Fengjin eats, Fengjin eats, Chen Yu eats.

Very well, Feng Minsheng felt that he would go bankrupt soon.

It's not just limited to store bankruptcy.

The girl will be taken away by the toad!
The servant heard the ridicule in Feng Minsheng's tone, and left silently.

As dead soldiers, it is very difficult for them to communicate with ordinary people.

After a few days, they thought they were able to communicate with people normally, and they could even act as waiters in the shop and sell things on their own.

But every time I communicate with my masters, I always feel that they are out of tune with this world.

do not understand at all!
"Miss Xiaojin, congratulations on your successful opening today. This is a congratulatory gift for you."

Shopkeeper Gao came over, walked directly in front of Fengjin, and saluted imperceptibly.

The direction of the salute was not only directed at Feng Jin, but also directed at Chen Yu.

"Thank you, this is the end of the current storybook."

Feng Jin fished out from the counter, finally took out a thick stack of rice paper, and handed it directly to shopkeeper Gao.

"Miss Xiaojin's writing speed is really getting faster and faster. Now, those ladies in the capital should go crazy again!"

Shopkeeper Gao's eyes were shining.

Since Feng Jin taught them movable type printing, all the study rooms under the name of His Royal Highness have used this printing method.

The efficiency of printing scripts has been greatly improved. The more you print, the more you sell, and the more you earn.

Among all the story books, the various series written by Feng Jin are very popular.

——After all, no one has ever dared to write such an exciting storybook, at the risk of implicating the entire family!

Because of its high efficiency and practicality, movable type printing was recommended by His Royal Highness to academies around the world.

Everything is being tested.

Miss Xiaojin just said it casually, and it changed the efficiency of printing books in the whole country.

There will be more and more books, more and more people will read them, and everything is going in a good direction.

"Since all the ladies like this series, I can rest assured."

Feng Jin raised her eyebrows, only feeling that the white money was being thrown towards her.

Let her write classics and all kinds of thought-provoking books, she can't.

A series of novels about the domineering president prince with a big brain hole, all kinds of nonsensical hilarious, no IQ, and no nutrition.

She can write dozens of books casually without repetition.

"Miss Xiaojin, if possible, can you write a few books about men?"

Shopkeeper Gao scratched his head, and was a little embarrassed when he said it.

Many girls like to read the scriptures written by Ms. Xiaojin, because the men in it like girls and respect them very much. Girls will feel very satisfied when they read them.

If you write a storybook where many girls like men, I believe men will also like to read this kind of storybook.

Just like the absurd love story written by Feng Jin about a poor scholar and a rich lady, most of the people who buy are scholars.

"Of course, you can come to me the day after tomorrow, and I'll write the first few chapters first."

Fengjin's mind instantly flashed various cultivating articles on the male channel.

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi.

Kowloon pulls the coffin.

Supreme Bone.

The sword opens the gate of heaven.


In addition to being interested in the love affairs of female fans, Feng Jin is also very interested in the fighting of male fans.

You don't need to worry too much, you can write many novels that are popular all over the country in a certain time and space.

It can't be completely reproduced, but it can also narrate the story neatly, plus some beautiful women and treasures, it is designated to make these ancients stunned!

"it is good!"

Seeing Fengjin's confident appearance, shopkeeper Gao became excited instantly.


From the hands of Miss Xiaojin, it is sure to be able to write a storybook that will make men, women and children all over the country go crazy.

The vernacular books written by Miss Xiaojin are several times more expensive than other vernacular books, but the quantity sold is No.1.

Since the establishment of the study, Miss Xiaojin has been regarded as the number one writer, even if she only wrote the storybook for just over a month.

Shopkeeper Gao's eyes were too hot.

Chen Yu had a cold face on the side, and his gaze fell on shopkeeper Gao vaguely.

An invisible cold air swept away.

The elated Shopkeeper Gao hugged the manuscript and shuddered inexplicably. Only at this moment did he suddenly realize that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was looking at him with sympathy.

He was so frightened that he was quick-witted, and quickly turned away from looking at Fengjin.

"Miss Xiaojin, I suddenly remembered that I had something to do at home, so I went back first. Congratulations on the opening of your new store!"

After the shopkeeper Gao finished speaking, without waiting for Fengjin to respond, he greeted Feng Minsheng from a distance, and ran away.

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, and glanced at the gift from shopkeeper Gao. It was a pair of high-quality blue and white porcelain, which was very valuable.

Feng Jin didn't feel ashamed of receiving it, after all, her own words had already doubled Shopkeeper Gao's net worth countless times.

"Is there me in the script you want to write?"

Chen Yu's voice was low, although he was still helping the guests with things, his eyes kept looking at Feng Jin.

There was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Ever since the domineering prince fell in love with my storybook, Feng Jin never wrote about the prince again.

Either the prime minister who was turned into an oasis, or the general, or even the dog emperor...

This made Chen Yu feel a little bit left out.

No one would have thought that Feng Jin, the soul writer, wrote the words that made everyone feel that if they were not careful, they would implicate the nine clans, which was what His Royal Highness wanted to see.

I even wished she had written more.

"Yes, I will let you be the leading actor in the next book."

Feng Jin stroked her chin, and looked Chen Yu up and down.

This guy looks like he just walked out of a painting, completely in line with the image of a handsome man in the comics.

When depicting a handsome man, this face is automatically brought in, perfect match!

"Then what kind of story are you going to arrange for me?"

Chen Yu still had a cold look on his face, but there was some anticipation in his eyes.

"Almost killed in the beginning, the bones of his body were dug out by others, and then pretended to be on someone else's body, and then rely on his own strength to rise crazily!"

Feng Jin said calmly.

Chen Yu: ...

Can he still live like this?
 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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