Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 186, Close the door and release the dogs

Chapter 186, Close the door and release the dogs

The busiest shops on the whole street are the icing on the cake.

From morning to night, there are people lined up at the door.

Until closing time, the last wave of people bought everything on the shelves.

Feng Jin's face was filled with a smile, and the words of shopkeeper Gao opened the door to a new world for her.

Not only can women and men earn money, in fact, she can also earn those old ladies' money.

All kinds of bitter dramas that the elderly like to watch, large-scale series of stories about finding parents and finding mothers.

The counterattack version that the servant girl likes to read, Feng Jin can write about a dozen copies with her eyes closed.

Even children's money can be earned, such as bedtime stories or something.

Fengjin's idea of ​​earning money suddenly became clear.

"Xiao Jin, are you tired? Go back and have a good rest. If there are not enough people, I will introduce you to a place where you can buy more servants."

Chen Yu's eyes flickered, and his vague eyes fell on Feng Zheng.

He naturally knew the origin of Fengzheng, but he didn't expect that beggar on the street to be so generous.

Sometimes Chen Yu is really curious about what kind of secret can make people who have never met before suddenly become much closer.

As far as he knows, in the past, Wang Tong and Xiao Jin, the two gentlemen, did not have any intersections.

More than a dozen dead men, worth more than 30 taels of gold, are free to give away.

"Okay, not too tired."

Feng Jin waved her hands, her spirits brightened.

Before going back to bed, I pulled Feng Xiaofeng to write the storybook together.

She said, Feng Xiaofeng writes, this is called the ancient version of phonetic literacy.

The four servant girls took turns to write, sooner or later, all the men, women and children in Ye Country would call her "Da Da!"
"Guest officer, we are already closed, if necessary, please come back tomorrow morning!"

Feng Zheng blocked the door with a smile, blocking Feng Min Cheng and Feng Zhengnian from the door.

"We are here to find Miss Wang's family. We have been waiting for a day in the teahouse opposite. Please let me know."

Feng Zhengnian took a deep breath, barely letting his anger out.

Even if the other party is just a servant, he still has to restrain his temper.

Everything will have to wait until Miss Wang and her son get married, and then they will not be left to decide.

"Sorry, Miss Wang has gone back to rest."

Fengzheng's expression did not change, it was still kind.

"What did you say? Go away!"

When Feng Che heard Feng Zheng's answer, he instantly became furious.

Without any thought, he rushed towards Fengzheng, raised his fist, and slammed at Fengzheng fiercely.


Feng Zheng stretched out his hand slowly, blocking Feng Che's menacing fist without any effort.

He even yawned lazily.

"Miss Wang's family is not here. If she robbed her, according to the law of my court, even if she was beaten to death, she deserved it."

Fengzheng's voice was still gentle, but with half-closed eyes, a fierce murderous aura poured out from Fengzheng's body.

Feng Zheng had certainly killed people before.

Not only did he teach those young dead soldiers, but he also took on some organizational tasks to practice in normal times.

Even he himself doesn't remember how many people he killed, he only remembers that the soft sword wrapped around his waist has been changed 57 times.

Feng Che felt as if he had fallen into an abyss in an instant, and suddenly became cold.

Especially the position of the hand, I can no longer tell whether it is pain or cold.

"You, do you know who I am? If you hurt me, it will definitely hurt your nine clans!"

When Feng Che spoke, his teeth were chattering.

It took almost all the strength in his body to make a light and light voice, without any threatening tone.

He had no doubt that the servant in front of him really dared to kill him.

"Presumptuous! You are just a young servant, and you dare to touch my son! We are the Feng family in the capital, let alone a robbery, even if you kill someone here, you can still get out from here!"

Feng Zhengnian was angry.

Anyway, Miss Wang's family is no longer here, so what's the use of maintaining dignity?

It's just a bunch of country folks!
"Minsheng! Hurry up and kneel down and apologize, or I will kill you all, but don't blame me as the big brother for not reminding you!"

At this moment, Feng Mincheng seemed to have suddenly regained his dignity, and looked down at Feng Minsheng who was walking not far away.

Nostrils upturned, full of irony.

"Have you still taken the law seriously? According to the law, forcibly breaking into a store is the same crime as robbery."

Feng Minsheng spoke slowly, not paying attention to the threats from the two people in front of him.

No matter how Feng Mincheng looked at him with his eyes, he just looked back with his eyes.

"This is the young master of the Feng family in the capital. If you don't show face and are really beaten to death, then you can't blame me!"

When Feng Mincheng spoke, he glanced at Feng Zhengnian excitedly.

If Feng Minsheng was really beaten to death, then all the property owned by Feng Minsheng would be his.

Feng Minsheng didn't accept Feng Mincheng's words, but just glanced at Feng Zheng indifferently.

A click.

There was the crisp sound of bones breaking.


Feng Che screamed belatedly, his facial features twisted together, and snot and tears came down in an instant.

"You, courting death!"

Feng Zhengnian was taken aback, he really didn't expect Feng Zheng to make a move suddenly, and hurried over to save his son.

The wind is pushing gently.

Feng Che flew up into the air, and landed heavily on Feng Zhengnian's body.


Feng Zhengnian let out a muffled snort, and also flew up.

The two of them fell to the ground together, and they didn't recover for a long time.

Feng Che groaned in pain.

The smile was still on Feng Mincheng's face, he only felt his eyes darkened, and two figures crawled in front of him.

"Come... people, kill them all!"

It took Feng Zhengnian a long time to find his voice, and roared hoarsely into the darkness.

On the surface, it seemed that only a few of them came to Fengyang County, but in fact there were many hidden guards protecting them in the dark.

"You are really looking for death, Master Feng, they are disrespectful to you, kill them all!"

Feng Mincheng had a gloomy look in his eyes, and ran over to help Feng Zhengnian, with a gloating look on his face.

There were footsteps all around.

The smile on Feng Mincheng's face grew wider, and while Feng Minsheng was still alive, he asked again,
"Seeing that I have been your big brother for 30 years, if you have anything else to say, just say it!"

Although it won't help achieve anything.

"Master, do you want to kill them all?"

Feng Zheng saluted Feng Minsheng, his hand was already on the belt, and there was a soft sword wrapped around the belt.

He kills without regard to that person's status.

Even the emperor, as long as it is in the task list, he will complete it.

Even if he was killed, he would throw his soft sword at that person's head at the moment before death.

This is the meaning of their existence.

"You don't need to make such a fuss, Xiaojin! Close the door and let the dogs go!"

Feng Minsheng backed away while talking, and even pulled Feng Zheng.

Instantly gave way.

When did you have a dog at home?

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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