Chapter 187 Who is Pikachu?

"Go! Pikachu!"

Feng Jin slapped Chen Yu on the back.

Chen Yu felt that his back was hit by a stone mill, and the severe pain hit him.

The whole person staggered uncontrollably and rushed forward...

By the time Chen Yu reacted, he had already reached the gate.

The door behind you is closed!
The way the door is closed is called a snap!
Chen Yu: ...

A beautiful banished fairy-like figure stands alone, with fluttering clothes, and under the moonlight, it looks so beautiful.

It's a pity that Fengjin didn't see it, because one was outside the door and the other was inside.

At the same time, Feng Zhengnian's dark guards had already surrounded him, the light and shadow of the sword densely reflecting the cold moonlight.

Chen Yu's fingers moved slightly, and just as he was about to give an order, Feng Minsheng's voice came from inside the door.

"The opening is auspicious today, it is not suitable to kill."

Chen Yu thought about it seriously and nodded.

This is not in line with what he thinks in his heart, but if the husband says so, then he must abide by it.

There is great love in my heart, and I can feel it from ordinary conversations.

Presumably this is just an excuse. Mister cannot bear the loss of these people's lives. After all, the hidden guards obey their masters.

Chen Yu felt that these hidden guards deserved to die, but if he couldn't bear the love of his husband, he would let them live.

Just discount your legs and throw them to the side of the road as a beggar!

Just as Chen Yu made a gesture, Feng Minsheng's voice came again,
"It's not suitable to kill people today, so when you kill them, stay away from them, and don't let the blood splash on the door."

Chen Yu: ...


"You, you, you are..."

Feng Zhengnian suddenly trembled violently, and stared wide-eyed in horror at the peerless man standing at the door.

He knew the prince.

His family's old man is the Taifu who teaches the prince's homework. He has also been fortunate to meet the prince several times, and every time he sees him, he feels cold in his heart.

Cold to the bone.

There is absolutely no mistake, there is no one in this world who is colder than the prince!

These two words were uttered by Feng Zhengnian, and his throat was split.

Bang bang bang!
That's too late.

At some point, a group of hidden guards came quietly.

The sound of swords clashing sounded.

It was only a few breaths before the sound stopped abruptly.

Didn't even smell blood.

When Feng Zhengnian stiffly turned his head to look behind him, he found that there was no one behind him.

But he knew that the hidden guards who protected him in the dark were dead.

He didn't die here, but was captured by those ghostly figures in the darkness, and died elsewhere.

Like the voice in the door said, no blood stained the place.

Feng Zhengnian really wanted to ask His Royal Highness to forgive him for not dying, but his throat seemed to be tightly strangled, and he couldn't say a word.

He could only use all his strength to kneel on the ground and kowtow desperately.

Again and again, blood flowed from his forehead.

Feng Che had never met His Highness the Crown Prince, but the actions of those disappearing guards and his father had already made him feel the crisis.

Immediately enduring the pain of breaking his hand, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed like his father.

Seeing the changes in front of them, the people of Fengmin City were dumbfounded.

Not sure why.

But he still knelt on the ground trembling.

He knew that the handsome man who often came to Feng Minsheng's house was a nobleman, but he never thought that this nobleman had such a great background.

Even the Feng family in the capital can't compare.

What is the origin of the noble man in front of me?
This doesn't seem to be important anymore, the important thing is whether they can survive today?

"You are from Taifu Feng's family."

Chen Yu's cold voice came, without a trace of warmth.

Looking down at the person kneeling on the ground, there is no wave in his heart.

"...Yes, my father..."

Feng Zhengnian subconsciously wanted to say that his father was the Taifu, who had taught His Royal Highness and was His Royal Highness's teacher.

Even if he offended the crown prince, he couldn't kill the teacher's only son and only grandson with his own hands.

"Forgive your life today, even if you repay the so-called teacher-student relationship, there will be no Taifu from now on. Next time, even if he is here, all of you - including him, will die."

Chen Yu's faint voice sounded, and his pretty eyes fell on the two kowtows on the ground.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Feng Zhengnian continued to kowtow tremblingly, even if the crown prince said that his father would not be a tutor in the future, he did not dare to say a word.

He clearly knew how scary the prince was.

Even if the father is the Taifu, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would kill them easily.

The prince was never afraid of being poked in the back by others.

Not to mention being afraid of being disrespected by the emperor after the emperor finds out.

Even if the ministers in the court knew about it, no one dared to impeach him.

Some people may even say to the Feng family that His Highness the Crown Prince is such a person, so why bother to provoke him, even if he dies, he deserves it.

Yes, His Royal Highness is such a person.

They have no doubt that next time they will really be implicated in the nine clans.

Under the moonlight, Chen Yu's fine-boned fingers moved.

Several black shadows walked out of the darkness in an instant, covered the mouths of the three kneeling on the ground, and disappeared at the door.

Peng Peng bang!
There were three muffled bangs, accompanied by the sound of bones breaking.

Sparing their lives does not mean not moving them.

At this point, the entrance of the icing on the cake shop became quiet again.

On the quiet street, there are only a few Huaichun kittens meowing.

There is also a faint smell of spicy and fresh fragrance, which is the icing on the cake. The fragrance from the shop during the day will last for a long time.

Chen Yu looked at the clean street with satisfaction, there was indeed no drop of blood spilled on the ground.

It will certainly not affect Mr.'s opening of the door.

"Bang bang bang!"

Chen Yu's slender fingers gently knocked on the door.

"Xiao Jin, it's all right."

While speaking, Chen Yu touched his back with his fingers.

If nothing else, there is a palm print there.

The corners of his mouth twitched twice, his beautiful peach eyes showed a trace of helplessness.

...the pain really hurts!

It should be more painful than the Feng family father and son who broke their legs.

It hurts more than those dark guards who were quietly killed.

With a creak, the door opened a gap.

"It's all resolved? Where have they all gone?"

Feng Jin didn't hear much movement outside the house.

The crackling sound was just a breath.

Chen Yu didn't even hear the order.

Chen Yu thought for a while, and replied seriously,
"Take them home."

This is indeed the case.

Those hidden guards have returned to their hometown.

The Feng family father and son were sent back to the capital directly after their legs were broken. The reason why they sent them home in person was because they had to pay for mental damage.

Two lives, 100,000 taels of silver, not too much.

Feng Mincheng naturally broke his leg, beat him up, and sent him home.

Feng Minsheng is participating in the scientific examination, and it is better not to die relatives who have just lost their relatives this year.

"Oh, come in then!"

Feng Jin nodded, really afraid that many people would die in front of her house.

"Who is Pikachu?"

Chen Yu pressed his back with his hands, and he, who was still full of anger just now, became a little bit aggrieved.

The husband said to let the dog go, but Xiao Jin let him go.

Why didn't I even call the name right!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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