Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 188, It's Not a Big Misunderstanding

Chapter 188, It's Not a Big Misunderstanding
"Pikachu refers to a handsome and powerful person like you!"

Feng Jin spoke nonsense in a serious manner.

Chen Yu was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Xiao Jin, I really love myself so much.

They all call themselves nicknames.

Chen Yu was hit in the center instantly!
He looked at Fengjin, who happened to be looking at it too.

The two pairs of eyes met together, and at this moment, some sparks were sparked.

The servants consciously lowered their heads to pack up their things, without disturbing the little master.

But the old father couldn't stand it anymore.

Thirteen or fourteen years old, still a child, absolutely not!
At least you have to!
This was the only attachment I had as a teacher.

"It's getting late, good night."

Feng Minsheng walked between Fengjin and Chen Yu expressionlessly, stretched out his hand and pushed Chen Yu who had just entered outside the door.

Not at all polite.

The door closed again.

After using it, Chen Yu chased it out again.

Chen Yu touched his nose, the way the husband pushed him out was gentler than Xiao Jin, it seemed that he had accepted himself.

Chen Yu didn't say anything, and took a deep look inside the door to confirm that the people inside had gone to rest in the backyard.

This turned to leave.

The hidden guards in the dark silently looked at His Highness the Crown Prince who had his nose turned ashamed, and became much calmer.

From being scared to suffocation at the beginning to being flat now, I have really practiced it!

That night.

The sky is full of stars.

The stars in the sky are like fireflies pouring down.

The sound of crickets is crisp and sweet.

A fast horse broke the tranquility of the night and stirred up dust all over the place.

A soldier dressed as an official servant held the horse's belly tightly, and the fast black horse galloped tirelessly forward.

The fast horse didn't stop until it reached the handover station, and then lay down on the ground tired, eating grass.

The person sitting on its back had already switched to another fast horse and continued galloping towards the capital.

It wasn't until the white belly rose in the east and the moon was hidden that the tired soldier entered the capital.

Go straight to the palace.

The Imperial Palace is located in the very center of the capital and is the most magnificent building in the entire capital.

There are red walls and blue tiles, pavilions, halls and gates.

The majestic gate of the palace is guarded by solemn brocade guards, and there are countless hidden guards in the dark.

The soldier is wearing the most common decoration stationed in the post house, without any status.

But this was not the first time he had come in, he entered the palace gate with ease, and even the Jin Yiwei guarding the palace gate did not stop him.

Even smiled at him.

The little soldier just greeted hurriedly, and trotted towards the palace.

In front of him was a cloth bag, which was bulging and seemed to be filled with a lot of things.

It was early morning, and guards were heavily guarded everywhere.

The little soldier didn't run around, and stood guard at the gate of the Hall of Martial Arts, waiting for the court to disperse.

At this time, the emperor was discussing the government affairs with the ministers, and no one was allowed to disturb him.

Not to mention waiting at the gate of the hall.

Even kneeling and waiting is a serious crime of beheading.

But the little soldier was just waiting there with his cloth bag in his arms, and even the guards around him were used to it.

"Why don't you see Master Feng?"

The old emperor had white hair, and the gully on his face seemed to be a little deeper, but he was dressed in a dragon robe, which made him look much more energetic than ordinary old men.

If you look carefully, you can see that he is old, the dark circles under his eyes are so heavy that they are black, his face is pale and bloodless.

"I would like to report to Your Majesty that there is something wrong with the Taifu's family. His son and grandson are seriously injured. In addition, the family is still on fire for no reason, so it has been delayed for some time."

An old man who has a good relationship with Taifu Feng, opened his mouth to tell the reason why Taifu Feng could not come.

An old and stubborn person like him would never betray the imperial court, but when encountering injustice, even if he tried to persuade him with death, he would definitely not hesitate.

"Oh? There is such a thing? What happened to the Taifu's house?"

A look of surprise flashed in the old emperor's eyes.

He has always come to see Taifu Zhongfeng, and his knowledge is beyond doubt.

Although his son and grandson are a little mediocre, they are still Taifu Feng's family members. If something happens, the old emperor will naturally take care of it.

When the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty heard what the old stubborn said, they all began to discuss in a low voice.

Feng Taifu is a model of scholars in the world, with a high position and weight, and is also the largest civil official besides the prime minister.

Who offended the Grand Tutor by being so short-sighted?
Some civil servants have become impassioned, as if they have been blinded by their own grievances.

After all, Taifu Feng was a role model for scholars in the world when he was young, and later presided over many exams.

Many are his students.

Naturally, they share the same hatred with Taifu.

"I heard that His Royal Highness was offended. There was not a single hidden guard left in the Feng family, and all of them were wiped out. Even his son and grandson were seriously injured."

Old Stubborn took a deep breath, seeing that everyone was filled with righteous indignation, he thought it was time, and added,
"Not only that, His Royal Highness also said that from now on, the title of Taifu Feng will be deprived!"

The old stubborn is not clear about why the Feng family was deceived and wronged, even Taifu Feng is not very clear.

It was only intermittently learned from the semi-conscious Feng Zhengnian father and son.

Taifu Feng thinks that his son and grandson are honest and honest, maybe there is a misunderstanding with the prince, and the prince is a person who can't rub the sand in his eyes.

So it will be.

Originally, Shi Guanghai, a scholar of the imperial court, was stubborn to inquire about what was going on.

I didn't expect the old stubborn to say that directly.

As soon as Shi Guanghai's voice fell, the buzzing discussions around him stopped abruptly.

Quiet drop of a needle can be heard.

In the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, no one spoke.

It turned out that it was the prince who offended him!
Unexpected, but also expected.

"Your Majesty, please let Taifu Feng decide!"

When Shi Guanghai saw that all the civil and military officials in the court were looking down at the marble on the ground, he knew that these people must not be able to help.

With a thud, he knelt on the ground.

"Maybe it's a misunderstanding! Is Master Feng okay now? Wait until the next court, and send some supplements to Master Feng, so that you can take good care of your body."

The old emperor didn't seem to hear what the old stubborn said, and he glanced at the soldier standing at the gate of the palace.

As soon as the old emperor opened his mouth, Shi Guanghai, a stubborn old man, felt cold in an instant.

The emperor changed his name to Lord Feng instead of Taifu Feng, which meant that the emperor was on the prince's side.

The crown prince said that he didn't want this Taifu, then Taifu Feng would only be Mr. Feng in the future!

The emperor didn't even ask why.

"Your Majesty, this is the memorial of His Highness the Crown Prince, please read it."

At this time, the household servant came out and presented a book with both hands.

Everyone knows that the servant of the household department belongs to the prince.

The eunuch next to the old emperor quickly picked it up, and respectfully placed it in the old emperor's hands.

"Your Majesty, what kind of misunderstanding can cause the Feng family to suffer such a disaster?"

Shi Guanghai held his breath in his heart for his friend, wishing he could hit the wall to persuade him.

The psychological shadow left by His Royal Highness on the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty was too great, and there was no one else to help him speak.

The heart is extremely sad.

"Oh, it's not a big misunderstanding. It was the hidden guards of the Feng family who wanted to assassinate the prince, but the prince killed him instead."

The old emperor looked quietly at Shi Guanghai who was kneeling on the ground, and casually threw the booklet on the table.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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