Chapter 189, diehard fans

The hall fell silent again.

Everyone looked down at the ground, thinking in their hearts, the eunuchs and maids of Wuying Palace are so nimble, they actually made the ground so clean!

Also, the grandson of Feng Daren's family is so courageous that he dared to assassinate the prince!

This shit is preparing to rebel, right?

Although he knew Lord Feng was not this kind of person, he would never do such a thing because he was dedicated to the court.

But this one crime alone is enough to implicate the nine clans.

His Royal Highness did not implicate the nine clans, even just broke their legs and killed the hidden guards, Master Feng just lost the title of Taifu.

It's already very considerate!
After all, the one who offended was the crazy criticism of the prince, and maybe he could burn incense and worship Buddha!
"Then, then... maybe there is some misunderstanding?"

Shi Guanghai never expected this "misunderstanding".

He believed that His Royal Highness's book must be true.

Because His Highness the Crown Prince never lied, and he would never find a reason to kill someone.

Because there is no need to find a reason, what I said is true.

"Well, since it's a misunderstanding, let's stop here."

The old emperor coughed lightly, and a faint phlegm sound came from his chest.


Shi Guanghai got up from the ground tremblingly.

He thought he could hit the post and persuade him with death, but if he was charged with assassinating the prince, his nine clans would all be doomed.

The emperor said to stop here, that is according to the prince's intention.

Shi Guanghai breathed a sigh of relief, ready to go back and be a good man, don't offend the prince.

Otherwise it will be miserable.

Death is not terrible, but offending the prince is even more terrible than death!
"Is there anything else to play?"

The old emperor half leaned on the dragon chair, half-closed his eyes and glanced at the position in front of the civil servants.

It is the position of the prime minister.

The prime minister is dressed in a government official, neatly dressed, and his white and tender face makes him not look so pedantic, unlike some old stubborn, who exudes a sour smell all over his body.

The long black hair was casually scattered behind her, looking suave and suave, like a tree facing the wind.

Few people can dress the solemn government like this, and the prime minister is the first one.

The prime minister is less than [-] years old, already holds the power in his hands, has a first-rank official residence, and all the big and small affairs of the capital pass through his hands.

The prime minister has always been at odds with the prince and emperor, and every time there is a problem, there will be a heated argument.

Every time is a game.

But recently, the Prime Minister has become a lot more silent.

Even if it was such a good opportunity today, he didn't say a word, as if it had nothing to do with him.

The prime minister looked down at his feet, counting how many stitches the shoes on his feet were made of.

Pretending not to see the eyes of the old emperor.

The old emperor narrowed his eyes and didn't speak for a long time.

He wasted so much energy, but the prime minister changed so fast, he felt a fist hit the cotton.

In the past few months, the prime minister has been a good courtier.

Not only did he relieve his worries as before, but he also followed his wishes without any unusual behavior.

This is very wrong.

The old emperor tried to find something against him, but found nothing.

There is no place to start.

"If there is nothing wrong, then retreat!"

The old emperor waved his hand, and before the ministers could respond, he stood up tremblingly and walked towards the entrance of the palace.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Long live the emperor, long live!"

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty knelt down and shouted long live.

The old emperor's footsteps seemed to be a little faster than usual. I don't know if he was in a hurry or his health was much better than before.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing the old emperor approaching, the soldiers at the post house quickly knelt down on the ground, holding a heavy cloth bag in their hands.

The old emperor took the cloth bag, his eyes sparkling.

"Your Majesty, let the servants come!"

The eunuch on the side hurriedly got behind, trying to help the emperor get things.

Ninety-five supreme emperors naturally don't need to take things in person.

What's more, the emperor's health is not good recently, and it is difficult for him to walk, so how dare he let him carry things!
In case something happens, even if everyone dies ten thousand times, it will not be enough to pay for it!
"No, this is important, I will take it myself."

The old emperor shook his head, but did not give the eunuchs what he was holding.

He even hugged the cloth bag that was stained with a layer of dust into his arms.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The eunuch didn't dare to persuade the old emperor, so he could only respond in a panic, but he was always by the old emperor's side.

Help the old emperor at any time and help him carry the heavy cloth bag.

The chief eunuch swallowed a mouthful of saliva, glanced secretly at the heavy cloth bag, and realized that it contained some rice paper.

I couldn't help but guess what kind of confidential document it was.

The more you know, the faster you die.

But as the chief eunuch, he knew where the "degree" was.

As long as there is an expression of ignorance on the face, in my heart, I can complain as much as I want.

After the old emperor got the cloth bag, his steps became much lighter.

In one breath, he walked directly from the Hall of Martial Arts in the previous dynasty to the Imperial Study Room.

"You stand guard outside the door and don't let anyone disturb me."

The old emperor waved his hand and asked the chief eunuch to stay outside.


The chief eunuch answered seriously.

I was even more determined in my heart that what the old emperor held in his hand must be very important.

Well, another day with an important mission on my shoulders.

If anyone wants to enter, they have to collapse over his corpse!

After the soldier and the chief eunuch watched the old emperor enter the imperial study, he turned around and left the palace, left the capital, and went where he was supposed to go.

The other is guarding at the door of the imperial study, even if a fly flies over, it will be cut into two halves!

In the imperial study.

The old emperor's legs and feet were not very convenient, so he walked little by little to the place where the landscape painting hung on the wall of the imperial study.

Withered and yellow fingers found a large dark compartment behind the landscape painting, and there were dozens of porcelain in the dark compartment.

dong dong dong.

The old emperor moved the porcelain little by little, and arranged it into a strange pattern.

There was a muffled sound of opening the door, insignificant.

In a corner, a secret door suddenly appeared.

There was a faint glow of night pearls emitting from the secret door, and the old emperor moved his steps with difficulty, and entered step by step.

For a short distance, the time for a cup of tea was taken by the old emperor.

Finally, the old emperor entered the secret door.

There are many large boxes in the hidden door.

The most striking thing is that there is a bookshelf next to the big box.

The shelves are full of books.

I still don't know how many times I have read the books.

And these books are all written by one person - Baiyan.

Trembling, the old emperor took out the contents from the cloth bag, and it was the latest and final chapter of the storybook!

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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