Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 190, New Crazy Batch Record

Chapter 190, New Crazy Batch Record


In the quiet secret room, there was a soft click.

Accompanied by the sound of pages turning.

The faint fluorescence of the night pearl sprinkled on the storybook, and the light was relatively dim.

The old emperor could only get closer, almost lying on the book, to see the content of the text with his increasingly blurred vision.

Page after page.

He looked quickly and seriously.

From time to time, there was a light tut sound.

Especially when seeing the content of the finale, there is still a smile on the face full of gullies.

An hour later, there was another book on the bookshelf.

The old emperor is most interested in the collection of books, no matter whether the ending chapter is he or be, he can find fun in it.

From the first book The Domineering Prince Falls in Love with Me, it seems that he has become a die-hard fan under the pseudonym Bai Yan.

The most commendable thing is that this is the future princess!

The old emperor felt extremely happy in an instant.

His relationship with the prince is not very good.

The prince is indifferent by nature and doesn't like to be close to him.

If there is a crown prince, it is only natural for him to go to the prince's palace every day to urge changes or something.

I can read the new chapter and the prince again.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Looking at the books on the bookshelf, the old emperor couldn't help showing a wretched expression.

Even though he was wearing a dragon robe, he didn't look like he had any image at all.

Civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty would not believe that the old man in front of him would be an emperor who had reigned for more than 30 years.

"Cough cough!"

The old emperor laughed for too long, his throat finally couldn't take it anymore, and he coughed from his throat.

Accompanied by a thick phlegm sound.

The old emperor tidied up his clothes, and after confirming that all the books on the bookshelves were properly placed, he reluctantly walked out of the secret room.

Close the secret door again and restore the mechanism to its original appearance.

It was already noon when the old emperor came out of the imperial study.

"The slave is bold. Your Majesty is diligent in political affairs, and you must take care of your own body."

The eunuch who had been guarding the door of the imperial study room saw the old emperor coming out, so he hurried over to support the staggering emperor.

"Today's memorial is a little more."

The old emperor waved his hand, his face still had the solemn expression from before.

After the disintegration of the dynasty, the old emperor's "commentary", which he had forgotten to eat and sleep, was more or less unable to hold on.

"Your Majesty, the imperial dining room has prepared meals."

The eunuch hurriedly said, if it wasn't for breaking the rules, he would have thought of serving the food to the old emperor himself.

The first is that after serving the old emperor for so many years, he has some feelings.

The second is that if something happens to the old emperor, those who serve him need to be buried with him.

Clearly, he wanted to live a little longer.

The old emperor nodded with a serious face, but felt a little lost in his heart.

The delicacies described in the scriptures were not made by the Imperial Dining Room, which is really enviable!
"Let the people in the imperial dining room deliver the imperial meal to Mr. Guoshi in a while."

The old emperor suddenly spoke.


When the eunuch heard what the emperor said, he quickly nodded in agreement.

Master Guoshi is the most sacred heart of the emperor, not to mention, he is still a "heavenly man"...

"By the way, how is the Feng family now?"

The old emperor thought of the princess, who was thin and small.

In case there are any disturbances, I don't know if she is afraid or not.

What to do when the time comes!
Does it affect her opening a new chapter?
"Master Feng has already asked a doctor to show Feng Zhengnian and Feng Che's legs. His life is no longer in danger. Master Feng has already set off for Fengyang County to personally apologize to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

The eunuch answered the old emperor's words truthfully.

Although he has been guarding the door of the imperial study room, but the entire palace is not only eunuchs, but also Jin Yiwei.

Jin Yiwei is very well informed, and someone reports the latest news from time to time.

Even if the emperor has something to do, the old emperor's confidant eunuchs will know some insignificant things in advance.

For example, today's Fengjia.

Feng Zhengnian scolded the prince 72 times when no one was around.

When there are people, I regret saying 180 six times.

"Well, how many people did you bring?"

The old emperor was still worried.

That girl is too thin, she must be timid, don't be scared.

"Only a driver."

When the eunuch said this, the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely.

All the hidden guards in Fengfu were dead, and they were killed by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

It deserves it, but His Royal Highness once again set a new crazy approval record.

This time, except for the dark guard in Fengyang County who died quietly.

The other hidden guards were thrown on Mr. Feng's bed.

One can imagine what it was like for Mr. Feng to wake up and find a bunch of hidden guards lying beside him.

I heard that he "slept" again on the spot!

"Well, send someone to watch carefully, don't scare... the prince."

The old emperor was still worried.

What will the new storybook be about?

He is looking forward to it and doesn't want anyone or anything to affect the beginning of the new chapter.


The chief eunuch, Rong Feng, had experienced many more things than ordinary people, and after all, his heart was shaken severely.

At the beginning, when he falsely preached the imperial decree, his mood was not as ups and downs as he is now.

I know that the emperor loves the prince.

But isn't it a bit redundant to say this?

In this world, is there anyone who can scare the prince?

He doesn't believe it!
In this world, probably only the princess can command the prince, and it is impossible for anyone to scare the prince.

At this moment, the emperor should be worried that Mr. Feng will not be killed by the prince!

But the emperor said so, he can only obey!

to make!
Then send a few hundred Jinyiwei to protect His Highness the Crown Prince secretly, and don't let Mr. Feng, who is over fifty years old and has inconvenient legs, hurt the Crown Prince!
One person, one groom, the power... is also quite large.

It will scare people!

The incidents in the capital did not affect Fengjin's passion for creation.

For a day, she didn't help in the shop.

Instead, he stayed in the room with a gentle breeze, talking about the contents of the book all the time.

Feng Xiaofeng turned the pen quickly, recording the fantasy world that Feng Jin described.

"Xiaojin, it's time for lunch, I've made some food, come and try it!"

Chen Yu's voice came from outside the door.

This is in the backyard of the shop. In addition to the place where the servants live, two rooms have been specially set aside for Feng Jin and his daughter.

Relatively simple, sound insulation is not good.

Feng Jin could clearly hear Chen Yu's voice.

"……it is good!"

Feng Jin replied, her voice was a little hoarse.
"It's here in the morning, let Feng Xiaohua come in the afternoon!"

The artificial voice function is very easy to use, but it is a bit throaty.

At least he freed his hands.


Feng Xiaofeng put down the brush in his hand, his fingers trembling a little.

But the eyes are bright.

As a dead soldier, I like the story of the end of the world with the sword the most.

And the world depicted by the little master opened the door to a new world for her!
Warriors, spiritual roots, abilities...

It can't be calm for a long time.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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