Chapter 191, the sky is falling
Feng Jin stretched her waist, leaving Feng Xiaofeng to organize the scriptures that she had just written with splashed ink, and turned around to leave the room.

As soon as the door opened, Feng Jin saw the handsome man standing in front of her.

The sun just happened to shine on his face, and there was a soft light on his beautiful face. It was not feminine, but the sun was beautiful.

Feng Jin unconsciously squinted at the beauty.

"Try it, I made it."

Chen Yu's beautiful peach blossom eyes slightly bent, and raised the wooden tray in his hand towards Feng Jin.

Feng Jin, who was fascinated by the beauty, realized that there was still a tray in Chen Yu's hand.

On the tray was a slightly burnt chicken leg and a bowl of braised pork. The color of the braised pork didn't look very good, probably because there was too much soy sauce.

But it still smells good.

"You did it?"

Feng Jin looked at Chen Yu in surprise, completely unable to imagine that Chen Yu, a handsome man, could cook.

What this world pays attention to is that a gentleman stay away from the kitchen.

What's more, Chen Yu is still the prince.


Chen Yu nodded, and his eyes fell on Feng Jin.

He looked up and down.

Today's Xiaojin is taller than yesterday's Xiaojin, and her age is also a day older.

Day by day, Xiao Jin is almost sixteen.

He can also give the dowry.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu frowned.

There are not many good things in the old guy's private treasury, so the dowry may not be very generous.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu became anxious again.

Always feel like I have nothing.

Seeing the expression on Chen Yu's face, Feng Jin was happy for a while, and anxious for a while, and understood Chen Yu's situation.

It was probably the first time His Royal Highness cooked, and no one commented on it, and the weak heart was severely hit.

"good to eat!"

Feng Jin held the chopsticks, and didn't wait for Chen Yu to put the tray into the room, and just picked up a piece of it.

The soft and glutinous braised pork is juicy in the mouth, not sweet and greasy, and the rich meat fragrance fills the mouth.

Although it is a bit salty, it is very good for the first time cooking.

"It's good that it's delicious. I'll make you something else next time I'm free."

Chen Yu looked at Feng Jin's satisfied face, and his ears were a little pink.

His fingers picked at the tray again and again, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

He has no passion for cooking.

But today, he heard Feng Minsheng say that a man should know how to cook for his wife.

I felt that I must learn to cook.

Sure enough, Xiao Jin looked very happy, and the relationship with Xiao Jin became closer.

Thinking of this, the corners of Chen Yu's mouth couldn't help but rise.

At the end that Chen Yu and Feng Jin couldn't see.

Feng Minsheng was drinking tea calmly.

If you can't stop it, start training!

What should I say secretly next time?
For example, a qualified son-in-law will help the father-in-law get some weird ores.

Don't care if the son-in-law is some unnamed prince who has taken advantage of him, let's make a fortune from him first!
Chen Yu didn't know that he had fallen into the pit of his father-in-law, maybe even if he knew, he would jump down without hesitation.

After eating, Fengjin started to create again.

The four maids took turns to help with writing until evening.

In one day, Feng Jin successfully wrote a story book by relying on the artificial intelligence voice system.

Immediately, Feng Zheng gave the original manuscript of the script to shopkeeper Gao.

So far, the first fantasy storybook of Ye Dynasty was born.

A young man whose bones were dug out, divorced, and fell off a cliff started the road to opening the gate of heaven with his sword!

At night, Feng Jin and Feng Minsheng did not stay in the shop.

Instead, he returned to his home in the village.

Probably because this is the place where they traveled to live for the first time, even if the rooms in the store are better than here, they still like to live in this small village that is not peaceful.

Because of the problem of Feng's father and son, Wang Wu did not live in the village, fearing that Feng Minsheng's father and daughter would be affected.

She still doesn't know that the father and son have broken their legs and were thrown back to the capital overnight by the prince.

Of course, Chen Yu would not tell him that it would be a day to spend more time alone with Feng Jin.

The village is still very calm.

Occasionally a few barks can be heard.

Before entering the dilapidated courtyard of the house, Feng Jin vaguely heard the sound of crying and crying.

The direction came from the old house of the Feng family.

Feng Jin and Feng Minsheng glanced at each other, but ignored them.

Feng Mincheng broke his leg, and with the skill of the doctor here, he might be lame in the future.

Those with physical disabilities cannot participate in the scientific examination.

This means that Fengmin City will no longer be able to go to Beijing to rush for the exam.

Of course, this has little impact on Fengmincheng, after all, he may not pass the exam if he performs normally!
But for Mr. Feng's family, the sky is falling.

I can no longer be a gentleman or an old lady.

"It doesn't look like things will calm down in the last few days."

Feng Jin shook his head, thinking that this family would definitely come and scold them.

"I don't think so."

Feng Minsheng felt that Fengmin City would not let the Feng family come and scold the street.

Because Feng Mincheng is indeed selfish and stupid, but he is not stupid. Seeing the behavior of Feng's father and son, he must be able to guess Chen Yu's status.

On the contrary, after this guy's legs are healed, he might come to harass Feng Minsheng and talk about brotherly love!

But Feng Minsheng is not afraid either.

He has already thought of a coping strategy.

Convince people with reasoning, let his legs break again after hearing Feng Minsheng's reasoning!
Feng's old house.

Feng Mincheng lay tremblingly on the ground, did not sleep, just opened his eyes and looked around.

It seemed that someone would jump out suddenly and kill him.

A face full of horror.

Mrs. Feng's eyes were swollen from crying, and she cried all day long, and her throat could no longer make a sound.

But his mouth was still wide open, howling dryly.

Tears trickled down.

The sad expression is not adulterated at all.

Cry yourself that there will be no groups of servant girls in the future!
Crying while patting his thighs, it looks like Fengmin City is dead.

The same is true for Feng Xiaolian, crying and crying.

But her situation is better than Mrs. Feng's. She believes that in addition to relying on her elder brother, she can also rely on herself to marry an official in the future.

There is no need to be so desperate.

Li Juan watched coldly from the sidelines, her mood was calm, her eyes were like looking at a dead person.

"Go out!"

Old Master Feng walked into Feng Mincheng's bedroom with a sullen face, and yelled at the crying Old Mrs. Feng and Feng Xiaolian in a low voice.

After all, Mr. Feng still has majesty on him.

His words made the difficult Mrs. Feng stand up from the ground, and walked out howling dryly.

Feng Xiaolian saw that Mr. Feng's complexion was not good, thinking that Fengmin City would not be able to be an official in the future, and there was no need to curry favor with her elder brother, so she also stood up and left.

She has no heart for this big brother, only can.

What a pity.

She could have had a strong backing mother's family!
"Mincheng, there is something I have to tell you, it's about that noble brother of yours."

Mr. Feng spoke seriously.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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