Chapter 192, can't wait
"Don't, don't mention him!"

When Feng Mincheng heard Mr. Feng say "that noble brother", he subconsciously thought that he was talking about Feng Minsheng.

Legs ached sharply.

I remembered what happened last night again.

The nobles who are incomparable to Feng's family in the capital are helping Feng people's livelihood.

He almost died there.

Those dark guards are all dead.

Feng Mincheng is not a good person, but it is also the first time he saw a dead person.

Those hidden guards died some distance away from the shop.

A corpse in one place.

No smell of blood, lifeless.

Feng Mincheng's body trembled violently, and he hid in the quilt with his head covered.

This will give him a sense of security.

Looking at Fengmin City like this, Mr. Feng fell into deep thought.

Can Fengmin City like this really make him an official?

He is already disabled, even if he can study, he will not be able to get promoted and make a fortune in the future.

And his other kid can.


With a low heck, Old Man Feng threw off the quilt, raised his hand and slapped Feng Mincheng.

Crisp and loud.

This is the first time that Mr. Feng has attacked Fengmin City.

Before Feng Mincheng became disabled, he was the pride of Mr. Feng and the hope of the whole family.

Feng Mincheng, who had been slapped, was stunned for a moment, looking at the serious-faced old man Feng in front of him, he hadn't realized that he had been slapped.

It's like being stupid.

After all, I was frightened by yesterday's operation.

Seeing Feng Mincheng's stupefied look, Old Man Feng slapped Feng Mincheng again.

Both sides of the face became red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it could be seen that Mr. Feng showed no mercy at all.

Sometimes, how much parents love their children depends on the income their children bring them.

From the moment Fengmin City was doomed to fail scientific research, Mr. Feng had already bet the rest of his life on another child.


Feng Mincheng finally came to his senses, and called out sullenly, "Dad" without much emotion.

"Do you remember what happened when you were four years old?"

Seeing that Feng Mincheng had calmed down, Mr. Feng finally spoke.

This is a secret that has been kept in his heart for more than 30 years.

He never told anyone, even Mrs. Feng didn't know about it.

Feng Mincheng didn't understand why old man Feng talked about his childhood, but his heart was still beating so hard that he was afraid that someone would rush over and kill him suddenly.

Just shook his head slightly.

Most people's childhood memories are replaced by grown-up memories, which are becoming more and more blurred.

At most some impressive sporadic fragments will be engraved in my mind.

"When you were four years old, your mother happened to give birth to your younger brother."

"That day also happened to be the day when the young master decided to move his family to the capital and start dismissing his servants."

"That day, Madam was going to burn incense in the temple, but she accidentally fell down on the way and gave birth to the young master prematurely."

"Madam died of dystocia. The servants rushed to inform the young master and find a doctor, leaving me alone to watch the newborn young master."


Mr. Feng talked eloquently, as if he was talking about other people's affairs.

Even when it came to his wife's death due to dystocia, she didn't have any sympathy, and even a gleam of joy flashed in her eyes.

"Feng Minsheng is that lady's child?"

Feng Mincheng widened his eyes and understood.

The whole person trembled uncontrollably again.

This time I was not scared, but excited.

If that's the case, then the master of Feng's family in Beijing is his own younger brother!

The same blood flows in the body.

After a while, at most 20 years, the Feng family in Beijing will only have his younger brother!

In this case, there is no need to exchange scientific examinations for future prospects.

It is easy to get the help of those noble people in the capital.

The young master that Mr. Feng is talking about is the legendary Taifu!

Mr. Feng nodded affirmatively, and then asked Feng Mincheng seriously,
"What do you think?"

After all, the young master is still alive in the world, and Mr. Feng dare not act rashly, for fear that it will hurt Feng Min's livelihood.

"We can only wait until the young master that father mentioned dies, otherwise the Feng family in the capital will always belong to that young master!"

Fengmin City is really afraid of the hidden guards of those people in the capital.

He is willing to choose a more secure method.


When Mr. Feng heard what Feng Mincheng said, his face turned black all of a sudden.

He has waited more than 30 years.

Have to wait more than 30 years?

He was afraid that it would be difficult to wait.

He is already old, and compared with the young master, it is not certain who will drive west first.

He said it now because he wanted to quickly enjoy the glory and wealth that the young master once enjoyed.

"We are just farmers, there is no way to compete with the young master you speak of!"

Feng Mincheng disapproved of Mr. Feng's stubborn look.

Already frightened out of courage by the nobleman, at this moment he just wants to keep a low profile.

Or, revealing a little from that noble brother's hand is enough for him to live comfortably for the rest of his life.

"How did you become like this!"

"You've disappointed me so much!"

"You can't think of a way to tell your brother his identity and let him recognize you as a big brother!"

Old Man Feng almost pointed at Feng Mincheng's nose and said he was worthless.

In the past, Feng Mincheng was the only son in front of him, and he knew how to study, so all his hopes were pinned on him.

So Mr. Feng treats him very well and doesn't let him work. Everything is done by Feng Minsheng.

This gave him an indescribable sense of satisfaction psychologically.

But it's different now.

Compared with that noble boy, Fengmin City is in the sky and underground.

This made old man Feng start to hate Feng Mincheng, thinking that this child is worthless and not as good as that noble brother.

"Father, believe it or not, after that noble brother found out about his identity, you and I were the first to die!"

Feng Mincheng sneered.

No one is a fool.

Why do you have to take the risk of being kicked out of the house to recognize a relative who has nothing?

If Fengmin City is Fengzhengnian, when he knows his identity for the first time, he will act decisively and kill those so-called relatives at all costs.

This is human nature.

Hearing Feng Mincheng's words, Mr. Feng was taken aback for a moment.


Judging from the situation of the two Feng families, anyone can see that only by following that Feng family can they ensure that they will have no worries about food and clothing in the future.

What's more, Mr. Feng's "wind" was given by the young master.

He never knew who his parents were since he was a child, and he didn't know where he was from.

All I know is that the young master bought him the death contract and gave him his first and last name.

That's it.

"...Don't you want to be a nobleman?"

Mr. Feng knew that what Feng Mincheng said was right, but he still didn't give up.

"If you want him to accept this fact, there must be a condition that you can't refuse."

Feng Mincheng narrowed his eyes slightly,

"Or, if he doesn't accept us, bad things will happen."

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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