Chapter 193, pleading

"Just know what you have in mind, don't think about it so much now, take care of your injury, so that you can find the nobleman."

After seeing Feng Mincheng, Mr. Feng understood, and his mood suddenly became much better.

Whether it is a threat, it is emotionalized with family.

As long as the kid accepts him, that's fine.

He had long wanted to know what kind of life the officials and gentlemen in the capital would live.

Mr. Feng's plot was very secretive, and his voice was kept very low.

Mrs. Feng and Feng Xiaolian were both immersed in their own sadness, so naturally they didn't pay attention to what they were talking about.

But Li Juan is very concerned about the affairs of the Feng family.

Once someone whispered and plotted something, she would definitely try her best to eavesdrop.

She knows the people of the Feng family too well, if she doesn't have more thoughtfulness, she might be betrayed!

Unexpectedly, Ting heard a shocking secret.

No wonder.

No wonder she always thought that Feng Minsheng was the most handsome man in the village. Even if Feng Mincheng was his brother, she didn't think Feng Mincheng was very attractive.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be the son of a nobleman!
Li Juan's heart was beating so hard that she wished she could rush to Feng Minsheng's house and tell him the news.

But she held back abruptly.

Not yet.

After speaking, Feng Minsheng may return to that noble father.

But not only did she not have the splendor and wealth that Feng Mincheng had compared to her past, Feng Minsheng would not want herself either.

She also had to think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

She knew that she was no longer worthy of Feng Minsheng's wife, even if she was a concubine, she didn't care anymore.

She really hates people's livelihood.

But the edges and corners of life have been smoothed out by these wonderful flowers of the Feng family, and now she just wants to live a good life.

If you can't live a good life with Feng Minsheng, Feng Min City can threaten Feng Guiren to get benefits, and it's not impossible to live a lifetime!

Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin didn't bother to pay attention to the small calculations of the Feng family.

In the middle of the night, Feng Jin and Feng Minsheng walked out of the space.

Feng Minsheng's body was stained with a lot of ore debris.

There was some dew on Feng Jin's body.

One went to study modern mushrooms, and the other went to organize the medicinal materials and food grown in the space.

Both of them were so tired that they couldn't open their eyes, and they fell into a deep sleep when they got back to the room.

Silent all night.

early morning.

The sun shines on Yangliu Village.

At the entrance of the village, a carriage slowly drove into the village.

The appearance of the carriage looks very simple, but in a small village where there are few ox carts, the carriage is already a luxury!

"Master, it's ahead."

The groom had big dark circles under his eyes, and it seemed that he didn't have a good rest and came here overnight.

"it is good!"

The old man in the carriage rubbed his tired temples, his voice was hoarse, and he got out of the carriage slowly.

Even though his hair is gray and he hasn't slept all night, it's hard to resist his radiance that is more than ordinary old people.

The old man was not wearing brocade clothes, but soft and comfortable cotton clothes. He looked approachable, and his whole body exuded a bookish atmosphere.

On the face full of grooves, you can still see the faintly beautiful eyebrows.

It can be imagined that the old man was also a talented person when he was young, and he was deeply liked by little girls.

The old man is late, but the more he looks at it, the more flavorful he looks, and the charm he exudes is even more apparent.

The old man's name is Feng Nanshu, and it's not the first time for him to come to this village.

Over the years, he has tried to avoid returning to the place where he grew up.

But he still came back today for various reasons.

Feng Nanshu glanced at the sun that had just risen, and sighed heavily.

It's not that he doesn't miss his hometown. When he gets old, he wants to return to the place where he grew up.

But here, apart from his high spirits, it is also the place where he lost his beloved.

Back then, just around here, my wife fell down and gave birth prematurely, leaving Feng Zhengnian, and then passed away.

From then on, he never had a sequel, only Feng Zhengnian was his son.

He spent all his energy on learning, just hoping to forget the pain.

I also don't want Feng Zhengnian to work as hard as I do, I just hope that he can live well, he doesn't need to be knowledgeable, as long as he is healthy.

Unexpectedly, asking him to come back to sacrifice to his wife accidentally offended His Highness the Crown Prince.

It is still unknown whether the broken leg can be fully recovered in the future.

Feng Nanshu had a bitter smile on his face.

Everyone knows that he, Feng Nanshu, is a grand tutor who once taught the prince.

In fact, he did teach the prince, but the prince is extremely intelligent, and he just gave a little advice, and the knowledge of the prince is no longer what he can bear.

Naturally, the prince would not forgive the misunderstanding between Feng Zhengnian and Feng Zhengnian just because of his own existence.

The lives of Feng Zhengnian and Feng Che had already been saved, but now, he still came to apologize to His Highness the Crown Prince.

The crown prince is uncertain, and he may not know when the old matter will be brought up again, and then Feng Zhengnian will still suffer.

This time he came here in person, regardless of whether he could be forgiven or not, at least he could let Feng Zhengnian live in the future and not be liquidated by the prince.

Feng Nanshu held a paper-wrapped box in his hand, which contained an apology to the prince.

Finally, Feng Nanshu stopped at the door of a dilapidated courtyard.

Looking at the crumbling wooden door, Feng Nanshu was a little surprised.

Does His Royal Highness actually live in such a simple courtyard?
The information Feng Nanshu got was intermittent, and inquiring about the nobleman on the way was just to make others think that they were inquiring about Feng Minsheng's residence.

Came here by accident.

"Bang bang bang!"

Feng Nanshu tidied up his clothes and knocked on the door.


A crisp and pleasant voice came from the yard.

Feng Nanshu was stunned when he heard this voice.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has always disliked getting close to women.

Even if it is a court lady, it is difficult to enter the palace of the prince.

Because the prince is beautiful and has a noble status, women who see him can't help but want to seduce His Highness the prince.

This is also the reason why His Royal Highness hates women.

Never give them this chance.

The woman's voice from the yard was very crisp.

So... Has His Highness the Crown Prince started liking girls?

Feng Nanshu moved his fingers, feeling a little nervous.

If there is no accident, the one in front of me is the future princess!
"Hello! Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

The wooden door opened a gap.

A pair of dark eyes were exposed, and he looked Feng Nanshu up and down, and his eyes were bent.


Feng Nanshu looked at the thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl in front of him, and the gift in his hand almost fell to the ground.

Prince, you bastard!

How old are girls!

"Who are you looking for?"

Feng Jin unconsciously had a little more affection for the old man in front of him.

The old man looked very kind.

Especially that face, he must have been handsome when he was young.

Also, she looks somewhat similar to his father, which makes her feel very close.

 Ask for a recommendation.


(End of this chapter)

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