Chapter 194, Father's Love

Feng Nanshu looked at the little girl in front of him, a little uncertain.

I don't know if I'm in the wrong place.

Or is the prince really such a beast.


Seeing the old man in front of him in a daze, Feng Jin stretched out his finger and waved in front of him, unconsciously showing suspicion on his face.

I wonder if the ancients knew what senile dementia means!
"I'm here to find... a young master surnamed Chen, may I ask, is he here?"

After all, Feng Nanshu still didn't dare to directly ask if the prince was here, so he asked if there was any son surnamed Chen.

If you find the right place, the other party will definitely know.

If you make a mistake, look for it again.

You must find His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

"Are you looking for Chen Yu? He hasn't come yet, and he will probably come back at lunch time!"

Looking at the well-dressed old man in front of him, Feng Jin was a little dazed.

It seems that he came to find Chen Yu.

That's right, he is the prince, and some dignitaries know that he is here, so they should come to visit.

"Miss Xie told me that I am here waiting for the young master to come back."

Seeing Feng Jin's confused face, Feng Nanshu casually mentioned the name Chen Yu, and gasped.

It seems that this girl doesn't know what identity the word Chen Yu represents.

However, it can also be seen from the side that the prince is very extraordinary to the girl in front of him, even allowing her to call her by her first name!
"Ah? Don't wait at the door, the sun is shining at noon, so come in and sit down!"

Probably because he saw that the old man looked like his father when he was old, Feng Jin directly opened the door and let Feng Nanshu in.

Where did Feng Nanshu dare to enter.

You have already offended the prince, so naturally you have to be careful.

"Girl, I'll wait here!"

Feng Nanshu refused to go in desperately.

"Xiao Jin, it's time to eat, who are you talking to?"

Feng Minsheng's voice came from the house, getting closer and closer.

After a while, he reached the door.

Feng Minsheng saw Feng Nanshu who was talking to his daughter at first sight, and he was stunned after just one glance.

This old man... looks very much like his father who has been dead for many years.

Feng Minsheng lost his father at a young age, even though he was a young genius, he was looked down upon by many people.

Later, as a father, I seldom think about the so-called paternal love, I just want to be my own father.

"It's for that guy Chen Yu. I asked the old man to come in and wait, but he didn't want to."

Feng Jin touched his nose.

Knowing that the old man may be the identity of the crown prince.

But this is her home, so I'm afraid of wool!

It seems that the surname of Chen is all in his own land.

"Old man, come in! He will arrive in two hours at the latest, come in and rest first."

Looking at the weather-beaten face of the old man, Feng Minsheng seemed to understand something, so he asked Feng Nanshu to come in.

I'm afraid that like Lin Chengjie, he might be implicated in the nine clans and come to intercede.

Feng Minsheng directly helped Feng Nanshu into the yard. Seeing Feng Minsheng's enthusiasm, Feng Nanshu couldn't refuse, so he could only follow into the yard.

The cloudy eyes couldn't help but glance at Feng Minsheng, always thinking that he had seen this man somewhere before.

Could it be the son of a bureaucrat in the capital?
After all, Feng Nanshu sat down in the main room, and couldn't help but secretly looked around.

It's shabby, but it's better than clean.

The quiet and peaceful yard reminded him of the scene of living in a small farmyard when he was a child.

It's over fifty years old, and this life is coming to an end.

His son and grandson don't have much talent, and he never feels ashamed, as long as the children and grandchildren are healthy.

I didn't expect to offend the prince.

He only hopes that his children and grandchildren can settle down in peace in the future, and he doesn't want to be rich and powerful. He only hopes that the prince can let them go.

He didn't know the general course of the matter, but only vaguely knew that his hidden guards didn't know that it was the prince in front of them, and a conflict arose.

To say the least is a misunderstanding.

To put it into a big way, if you rebel, you will be implicated in the nine clans!

"Breakfast is simple, let's have breakfast together!"

Feng Minsheng also put breakfast on the table when Feng Nanshu was in a daze.

Breakfast is very simple, boiled millet porridge, big meat buns made by Hefeng Minsheng himself, and Yidie pickles.

Fengnan Shuben wanted to refuse.

But my stomach couldn't help but growl.

Throughout the day and night, I was always worried. At first, I was worried about my children and grandchildren, and later I was rushing here, so I didn't have much time to eat.

Maybe it was because the harmonious atmosphere between the father and daughter was so good, he didn't even think that the prince might be angry when he came.

Feng Nanshu thanked him with a smile, and started to eat with chopsticks.

With just one sip, you will be amazed by the craftsmanship of Feng Minsheng, like Feng Jin, and turn on the mode of wind and clouds.

Feng Minsheng was a little absent-minded.

Breakfast was nothing more than a bowl of millet porridge and meat buns.

I always feel that the old man in front of me seems to have crawled out of the coffin.

In broad daylight, in addition to warmth, there are also some creepy people.

Feng Minsheng shook his head, and after everyone had had breakfast, he cleaned up the table and scrubbed the dishes.

Since Feng Nanshu had eaten, he naturally helped.

He was born in a rural area since he was a child, and he hasn't done these housework for a long time, so he finds it new.

The tension at the beginning became a little more relaxed because of the enthusiasm of the father and daughter.

"The old man came to see Chen Yu for something?"

Feng Minsheng probably felt that the two of them were not talking, and it was a little awkward, so he asked something out of nothing.

"Well, the children in the family are not sensible."

Feng Nanshu's eyes darkened for a moment when he thought of the broken leg of his son and grandson.

Feng Minsheng was stunned with his bowl-wiping hands, his eyelids twitched when he thought of the noble father and son that night.

Good guy, this is the old father of the noble couple, right?

"Ahem, in fact, the matter is in the past, and that guy Chen Yu usually doesn't settle accounts after autumn."

Feng Minsheng coughed softly, doubting whether the father and son were still alive.

That guy Chen Yu usually avenges his revenge on the spot, so naturally he won't settle accounts after the fall.

"You're right, but a father must hope that his child will be safe."

Feng Nanshu naturally knew the prince, but this matter is not trivial, he must have gotten over it.

"That's right! But the elderly don't have to worry too much, as long as they don't make the same mistakes in the future, there will naturally be no danger."

Feng Minsheng thought of the faces of the father and son, and couldn't help frowning.

They are afraid that they are not the kind of people who will be quiet all the time, but they have already said so much, if they must seek death, there is nothing he can do.

"Oh, there is no father who doesn't worry about his children."

Feng Nanshu took a look out of the window, the warm courtyard looked very quiet and peaceful under the sun, he couldn't help but said again,
"You seem to be very good at being a father. You must have been cared for by your father since you were a child, so you can develop such a character!"

Only those who see the sun will become the sun.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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