Chapter 195, like a landslide

"In order to exercise my body, my father made me do farm work as long as I can remember, and do all the housework by myself!"

"I was afraid that I would be stuck, so I never gave me meat since I was a child, and I trained my physique to endure hunger!"

"I'm afraid I'll be hot in winter, so I won't be given a cotton coat. In summer, I'm afraid I'll be cold, so I go to work in the fields at noon!"


"Now that I am old, I am afraid that I will be too burdened in the future, so I broke off the relationship."

"I am very grateful for the existence of the former father, who is now called the uncle!"

Feng Minsheng said calmly.

This is the legendary father's love like a mountain-the collapse of the ground.

Feng Nanshu: ...

He can't accept this!
Also, is this really my real father?

Listening to this is the same as picking up other people's children.

He almost burst into tears!

For the man in front of him to survive, it really is... fate!
"Your former father really... knew how to teach children. But, fortunately, at least you don't have to throw the brazier in the future, so you won't be covered in ashes."

Feng Nanshu has dealt with books all his life, and his language organization skills are extremely poor.

When Feng Minsheng heard Feng Nanshu's words, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Throwing the brazier means that after the old man dies, the boy in the family throws the brazier.

The atmosphere fell into a strange and quiet atmosphere again.

After washing the dishes, Feng Nanshu and Feng Minsheng sat in the living room and talked again.

What I'm talking about this time is about knowledge.

Originally, Feng Nanshu just said a poem casually, describing the beauty of the life of the villagers.

Feng Minsheng also casually answered the sentence about picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and seeing Nanshan leisurely.

The cited Fengnan book was rare for a while.

After saying a few more sentences, I actually felt a feeling of resentment for seeing each other late.

"Minsheng, who is your teacher?"

Feng Nanshu didn't believe that a farmer without a teacher could have such knowledge.

Even, Feng Nanshu suspected that Feng Minsheng might belong to His Royal Highness, and his teacher might be some reclusive expert.

"There is no teacher, it is all read from books."

Feng Minsheng can't say that he has dozens of teachers, big and small, all in the 21st century!

When Feng Minsheng answered, he was naturally talking about Feng Minsheng's experience in this world.

Feng Nanshu was even more curious, and couldn't help but sigh,
"With your knowledge, if you take the scientific examination, you will definitely be able to pass high school!"

At this age, Feng Nanshu has not heard his name yet, which means he has not taken the exam.

What Feng Nanshu didn't know was that Feng Minsheng participated, but he was an older male candidate.

"I just participated this year, and I hope to meet you somewhere else in the future!"

Feng Minsheng smiled, with a flash of confidence in his eyes.

He believed in his own strength.

"Okay! This old man is waiting for you elsewhere!"

Looking at Feng Min's business in full swing, Feng Nanshu suddenly thought of himself.

I was so confident back then.

Even if I haven't taken the scientific examination, I firmly believe that I will be able to go all the way to high school.

Later it was true.

He has never been proud, but he has never been humble, he just believes in his own efforts and strength!
The two looked at each other and smiled, and there was a flash of sympathy between their similar brows, a feeling of sympathy and hatred for seeing each other late.

The two chatted from books to mountains and rivers, and they seemed to have endless things to say.

Before I knew it, two hours had passed.

It was only when the sun was noon that Feng Nanshu remembered that His Royal Highness is coming soon.

"It's already noon, Mr. Chen is coming back soon, this old man is with you!"

Feng Nanshu stood up abruptly from his chair, and walked towards the kitchen as he spoke.

He thought that Chen Yu came here at noon to eat.

The prince's personality is unpredictable and surly, Feng Nanshu is really afraid of offending His Royal Highness again at this juncture.

"No, that fellow Chen Yu will make it himself. What do you want to eat? Order a dish later and let him make it for you!"

Feng Minsheng and Feng Nanshu chatted happily, and for a moment they forgot the humility and etiquette of this world.

Anyway, in order to make delicious food for his daughter, that guy Chen Yu made a lot of failed products every day, which must be enough for him and the old man to eat together!
Eat failed products, but also eat a sense of nobility that you order yourself!
"Young it yourself?"

Feng Nanshu's eyes widened, and in the blink of an eye, he thought he had found the wrong person.

Could it be the same name?
How could His Royal Highness cook by himself!

To put it bluntly, His Royal Highness would not even beat someone up by himself!

"Hmm! He usually cooks a lot, let's eat some together later."

Feng Minsheng thought of the scene when Chen Yu was cooking.

Either too much salt or too much vinegar.

But it can be eaten.

Feng Minsheng usually eats just enough to get full.

You don't have to cook for your daughter, and you don't have to start another fire yourself, which is quite beautiful.


Feng Nanshu still couldn't believe it. Just as he was about to say something, he heard movement from the gate of the yard.

Feng Nanshu subconsciously stood up and ran over in small steps.

It should be His Royal Highness who came here at this time.

It's just that Feng Nanshu doesn't know if the Chen Yu the father and daughter are talking about is really His Royal Highness.

After all, His Royal Highness is really not such a person!

"Bang bang bang!"

There were continuous knocks on the door.

From the calmness at the beginning, to the rush later.

Feng Nanshu didn't stop at one step, even though he was quite old, he still ran over.

Hastily opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, his head was already lowered.

Just as I was about to say hello, I saw that the person standing outside was not the prince, but an elderly man.

Mr. Feng came to find Feng Minsheng.

He knew that if he wanted to completely tie up that noble boy in the capital, he still needed Feng Minsheng's trust.

I'm afraid that Feng Minsheng will secretly admit his marriage and take everything away.

He also doesn't want to covet Feng Minsheng's property now, he just hopes that he can remain anonymous and not show up in the capital.

Of course, it would be even better if he could gain his trust and let him go to hell without anyone noticing.

"What are you doing!"

Feng Minsheng's tone was not very good, his voice was indifferent, not at all like talking to an elder.

Feng Minsheng's attitude made Mr. Feng's complexion suddenly gloomy.

This child can't stay!
Even if the young master died back then, he would not have the chance to recognize his ancestors and return to his clan, nor would he be able to stay!
"Minsheng, I am your father anyway, even if it's not in name, but it's not easy to part with close relatives."

Master Feng endured his nausea and said some unspeakable words.

It was really hard for him to die.

"...Oh! He is your father who is like a landslide!"

Feng Nanshu understood who Mr. Feng was after just one glance.

Ha, I just heard about his deeds like a book, and now I see him alive.

Quite strange.

Can normal people really have a heart of stone?

When Old Man Feng heard Feng Nanshu's yin and yang voice, he became angry instantly, and was about to criticize Feng Nanshu.

After glancing over, he saw Feng Nanshu's face.

Instantly stunned.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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