"It's pretty good, everyone said it was good after reading it!"

Feng Jin curled her lips, very dissatisfied with Feng Nanshu's evaluation.

That is to say, this dynasty was too feudal.

In modern society, what she wrote would be mainstream and very popular.

"Who said that! I won't say yes after reading it!"

Feng Nanshu's eyes widened, he almost forgot that there were still children and grandchildren lying in his house waiting for him to go back!
The beard is raised.

"you look at it?"

Feng Jin looked at Feng Nanshu's prudent scholarly manner, but didn't react for a while.

This old scholar who looks similar to the image of Confucius in the book actually read the book written by her?

Love love love, you Lennon me Lennon.

All kinds of third parties intervene, licking dogs without a bottom line...

This, this, this.

Very good, Fengjin's toes have been dug out of the three rooms and one living room.

She originally wanted to confuse those female compatriots who were deeply influenced by the female ring, what does this knowledgeable old man look at!

This is not something he can see!

"Of course I read it, I read every book! Don't look at how I criticize him for not writing well!"

Feng Nanshu answered with confidence.

It's okay to write rotten.

Also wrote the finale so tragic.

Can't you write better?

What kind of crazy writer is this!

If the old man met him, he would definitely catch him and give him a beating, then press his head and write a good finale!

Feng Jin's mouth twitched slightly.

If so, she had nothing to say.

"Hey, sir, I think it's deviant, but if you look at it from a woman's point of view, it's not considered deviant. They should resonate with it."

Feng Minsheng naturally knew what type of script Feng Jin wrote.

I also know that under the rule of the feudal dynasty, what kind of impact would women have if they saw this kind of equality between men and women.

In fact, this is also good.

At the very least, let women start to have a little point of view, so that they will not regard their husbands as heaven in the future. I hope that some women can live out themselves after reading this kind of script.

"Hmph! Love love love love, what's so good about it!"

Feng Nanshu stared at him, but didn't speak. The writing is good.

But if there is a new chapter, he will still read it!

Feng Minsheng: ...

The old man's mouth is hard enough.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was another knock on the door.

"I go!"

Feng Jin slapped the table and immediately stood up.

Hearing Feng Nanshu complain about his script, he still felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that it was Mr. Feng outside the door.

If you accidentally beat him up when you go out, it should be fine.

Feng Jin rushed to the door in a hurry, holding a broom in his hand.

It is also a matter of course to accidentally fly the broom when sweeping the floor.

Brush it.

Feng Jin opened the door at once.

The broom was also photographed directly.

A low muffled hum sounded.

Feng Jin looked up, and saw Chen Yu in brocade clothes.

"Uh... sorry!"

Feng Jin directly threw the broom on the ground, pretending that she was just careless just now.

"It's okay, don't sweep the floor next time, just let me do it."

Chen Yu bent down to pick up the broom, put it aside, and found a reason for Feng Jin himself.

The movements are beautiful.

It's just that there are traces of red marks on Jue Mei's face, which are marks left by the broom.

Behind Chen Yu, more than a dozen people stood there dumbfounded, staring at the talkative His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

It was like seeing a ghost.

They couldn't help but cast a glance at Fengjin, secretly remembering her appearance.

This little girl must not be messed with!
This is the first person who hit the prince without being implicated in the nine clans, His Royal Highness the prince will help pick up the weapon with a smile!
This... is too cute!

They were so spoiled that they once wondered if the prince had been replaced by someone!

"What are they here for?"

Feng Jin saw a dozen people behind Chen Yu. They were all wearing black clothes, and they looked like they had practiced.

"Send some rocks to Mister."

After Chen Yu finished speaking, Feng Jin saw a dozen people carrying a basket.

There are some stones of different colors in the basket.

Feng Jin doesn't know much about ores, but he also knows that these stones are exactly what Feng Minsheng wants.

Feng Minsheng has produced gunpowder, but if he wants to further produce grenades and the like, he still needs some metal mines.

There are also many minerals in the space, but Feng Minsheng is not very willing to dig.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yu sent it over.

A dozen heavy baskets were placed in the yard one by one, and the man in black quickly disappeared.

"Isn't it hard to find these things?"

Feng Jin could still see some ore and traces of being smashed with an axe, so it looked like it had been dug fresh.

"It's not difficult, as long as sir is happy."

The corners of Chen Yu's mouth curled up slightly, and his beautiful peach blossom eyes rose slightly.

I added another sentence in my heart.

It would be even better if my husband needs these ores all the time. He is willing to use Jiangshan as an employment to discuss a pearl with him.

"Since when did you laugh so obscenely, did you learn from Wang Tong?"

Seeing Chen Yu's rippling smile, Feng Jin couldn't help but complain.

Chen Yu blinked innocently, summoned up his courage, and stretched out his hand to pull Feng Jin's hand actively.

"Cough cough!"

Feng Minsheng coughed untimely, and even glared at Chen Yu's hand.

Chen Yu rubbed his hands in mid-air vigorously, then retracted them again.

"This subordinate has met... Young Master!"

Feng Nanshu staggered to the front of Chen Yu, and knelt down on the ground without saying a word.

Feng Jin was right next to Chen Yu, seeing Feng Nanshu kneeling so violently, he was shocked, must this knee be broken?
He quickly reached out his hand to help.

But Chen Yu's hand was faster, and he helped Feng Nanshu up.

"No need to kneel."

Chen Yu's cold voice came.

Feng Nanshu was stunned for a moment, and saw Feng Jin beside Chen Yu, and Feng Jin's posture trying to help him.

It became clear all at once.

My heart became more and more shocked.

When did His Royal Highness become so considerate?

The girl in front of her is still a child, His Royal Highness... She really is as beastly as the rumors say!
I complained in my heart, should I bow my head or have to bow my head.

He did not forget the two short-legged children and grandchildren in the family.

"My lord, my subordinates came here to make amends for their unfilial sons and grandsons, please don't blame me, lord!"

What Feng Nanshu said was very sincere and his attitude was very frank.

Just when he saw that Chen Yu was getting closer to Feng Jin, and was even suspected of being ready to make a fool of himself, he quietly scolded the beast in his heart.

"The matter has passed, and there will be no mercy next time."

Unlike the gentleness when talking to Feng Jin, when talking to Feng Nanshu, he was completely cold.

Like the distance between master and servant.

He didn't give Feng Nanshu a smile at all.

But Feng Nanshu breathed a sigh of relief.

The words spoken by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince himself proved that the offending of his two sons and grandchildren to the Crown Prince was over in this way.

"Xiaojin, the weather is nice today. I made a kite. After dinner, how about going for a walk together?"

Chen Yu no longer paid attention to Feng Nanshu, but spoke to Feng Jin gently.

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