Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 198, Collectors of Defective Products


Chen Yu has proposed several times that he wants to fly a kite with Feng Jin.

Since Fengjin was lazy, he didn't go there. The sun is just right today, and this guy is so good-looking.

If she refuses again, it means that Feng Jin doesn't know what's good and what's wrong.

"Whatever the young master wants to eat, this subordinate will go and prepare it!"

Feng Nanshu only looked at Feng Minsheng's house, and he knew that the conditions were definitely not as good as the imperial dining room, so he thought about going to buy some meals for himself later.

As for His Royal Highness saying that he will not be a Taifu from now on, he didn't take it to heart.

It's all just fake names!
A prince is a prince, and it has nothing to do with whether he is a prince or not.

"No need."

Chen Yu made a gesture in one direction.

Soon several hidden guards appeared, holding several food boxes in their hands.

The hidden guard at the front handed the food box directly to Chen Yu, and the other hidden guards put the food box on the table in the main room.

"Let's go! These are ours!"

Feng Minsheng walked towards the other food boxes with ease.

Feng Nanshu was puzzled, and was still waiting for Chen Yu in the yard.

However, Chen Yu had already walked out with the food box in one hand and Feng Jin's in the other.

Chen Yu seldom took the initiative like this, except for that time when he was kidnapped, the two of them were extremely close, and after they came back, they seemed to have returned to the original point.

Holding hands again now, both of them can feel a slight electric shock and numbness from their fingertips.

They blushed subconsciously.

Chen Yu and the little girl went out hand in hand. After reading all the Fengnan books written by Bai Yan, they naturally understood that this was the sour smell of love.

Compared with the past, there is a risk of implicating the nine clans.

So, he could only enter the main room with Feng Minsheng.

In the main room, Feng Minsheng had already opened those food boxes, revealing the food inside.

"Why are they all the same dish?"

Feng Nanshu looked at the identical sweet and sour fish in surprise, there were five dishes in total.

Some look burnt, some look too seasoned, and some look sticky...

The appearance is not very good, but it looks okay and can be imported.

"Where do you think the perfect fish is?"

Feng Minsheng picked out the best looking fish and put it in front of Feng Nanshu, and then picked one for himself.

This is his lunch with Mr. Feng Nanshu.

"Is the craftsmanship of the Imperial Dining Room so poor?"

Feng Nanshu took a bite, it couldn't be said to be unpalatable, but there was still a gap between him and the level of the chef.

The words came out of his mouth, and he directly mentioned the imperial dining room, Feng Nanshu didn't think there was anything wrong.

Seeing the Prince's worthless appearance, Feng Minsheng and his daughter must know his identity!
"This is your son's handicraft, don't falsely accuse the imperial dining room."

Feng Minsheng rolled his eyes and continued to eat fish.

Let's say the prince is frugal, he wastes every time he cooks, and prepares a few dishes for him and his daughter every time.

Say the prince is not frugal, he ate all the defective products he made, and it was not wasted!

Feng Minsheng is a ruthless collector of defective products!
"It turned out that the young master made it. I said, why is it so delicious!"

Feng Nanshu's voice instantly rose an octave, for fear that the hidden guards outside would not be able to hear his praise.

A layer of cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

I'm afraid His Royal Highness heard it and punished him to eat fish every day.

His Royal Highness is really capable of such a thing.

"The old man's mouth is really tough!"

Feng Minsheng muttered, and ate the fish in suspense.

It's a bit different from what he made, but it's already very good, and it's edible anyway.

——If Feng Minsheng could go to the scene of the crime where Chen Yu cooked, he would find that some people were even more unlucky than him!

What Fengmin ate raw was defective products, and what those people ate was a mixture of black unknown objects!

Chen Yu pulled Feng Jin into the carriage, and the carriage slowly drove in one direction.

The slender fingers tapped Fengjin's hand reluctantly, then let go, and got busy in the carriage.

Feng Jin held his chin and looked at the pleasing handsome man, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

After a while, a small table was placed in the small carriage, and some pastries and tea were placed on the table.

There is also a plate of sweet and sour fish that is delicious in color, fragrance and taste.

Chen Yu took the chopsticks, picked the thornless piece of meat under the fish's cheek, and put it on the plate in front of Fengjin.

It seems to be very handy, and it seems to have been done many times.

"What do you want to eat tomorrow?"

Chen Yu's voice was unbelievably soft.

The dark guard who was driving the carriage outside stopped and his legs went limp, and he almost fell off the carriage.

Why does the prince still have two faces?

The last time His Royal Highness spent the whole morning destroying a certain killer organization, it was not the current tone!
"Anything is fine! Everything you cook is delicious!"

Feng Jin ate the fish in the plate, and squinted her eyes comfortably.

Tell the truth.

The meals Chen Yu gave her were indeed delicious.

It is already very good to be able to make the ingredients that are not produced in the space, and the taste is almost the same as that made by the old man!

"It's fine if you like it."

Chen Yu glanced at the distance between himself and Fengjin, moved his body silently, and sat only ten centimeters away from Fengjin.

Then he took a chopstick of fish meat and lowered his head to pick up the fishbone.

He has never served others before, but when he actually practiced it, it was unexpectedly smooth.

Like it's been done thousands of times before.

"I... can do it myself."

Now Feng Jin was really embarrassed.

If she hit Chen Yu, she felt nothing.

Asking Chen Yu to help her pick out the fishbone is really a bit awkward.

The big hands with well-defined joints and the good-looking profile face rushed towards Fengjin one after another.

Feng Jin could only touch his nose uselessly, trying not to bleed.

Chen Yu smiled lightly, didn't say anything, put the fish meat that had been picked out in front of Feng Jin, and picked it out again on his own.

He thought that he was indifferent by nature and would not have much emotion.

I didn't expect that when I really owned it, it would be more enthusiastic than anyone else's heart.

He's not very good at pleasing girls.

But he can learn.

It's written in Xiaojin's words, he can learn a little bit, learn to pet, learn to love.

No matter when, he always feels that he is not good enough.

There are even some estrangements.

Just because he doesn't ask or say anything doesn't mean he doesn't know.

Xiaojin and the others have a secret with them.

Like Wang Tong, County Magistrate Lin, and Wang Wu, they all have a secret.

He doesn't know what the secret is, but he always worries about gains and losses in his heart.

It seemed that this secret would take away the girl in front of him at any time.

Sometimes he also thinks, even if there is a secret, as long as he can find her and know where she is.

Even if she is angry, he can coax her.

But he didn't know where this secret would take her.

If one day, he doesn't know where to find her, what should he do?

Chen Yu's hand that picked up the fishbone paused slightly.

Yesterday, he got a piece of news about the specific time when that "heavenly man" came here.

Exactly a few months ago.

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