Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 199, where do heaven and man come from

A few months ago, the old emperor used the mechanism left by the ancestors of the royal family to summon the heavenly beings.

It is said that summoning heaven and man can stabilize the country.

For the theory of heaven and man, Chen Yu dismissed it.

However, the so-called celestial man appeared out of thin air as if he really came from the sky. Before that, there was no trace of him in the world.

If that was the case, Chen Yu wouldn't think too much about it.

Heaven and man are heaven and man!

Anyway, they are all humans, even if that person is uncontrollable, I believe that with the power in his hands, he can kill the so-called heavenly beings.

However, one thing that frightened him even more gradually occupied his mind.

Yes, be afraid.

As the crown prince, Chen Yu never got along with the old emperor, even if he was at odds with him, the old emperor never treated him badly.

Even if he rebelled, the old emperor would quickly take off his dragon robe without any hesitation.

He has never been afraid of anyone, but now he is really afraid.

Whether it is Wang Tong, the leader of the beggar gang, the daughter of the richest family, or Xiao Jin and her father, apart from their inexplicable intersection and particularly good relationship, there is also one thing in common.

The common point is that, on a certain day a few months ago, at the same time, they began to have a big change in temperament.

Then, after these few people met a few times, they were like friends who hadn't seen each other for many years, and their relationship was very good.

Very high level of trust.

It can be seen when Xiaojin was kidnapped.

That guy Wang Tong really went all out.

The leader of the beggar gang and the leader of the two major organizations of Bai Xiaosheng, he has always known how to keep a low profile.

Chen Yu only learned of his identity in the last year.

Each task is never too solemn, and the brothers of the beggar gang will not appear in front of anyone by force.

Every time they perform a task, they change their clothes.

The tattered clothes on their bodies merely concealed their presence.

But that time, they were not afraid of being exposed, they didn't even change their clothes, and they just appeared in front of him in such a grand manner.

In front of the royal family.

County Magistrate Lin, it seems that nothing has been done, but he has changed the most.

The iron rooster, the corrupt official, even managed a lot of relationships secretly for the sake of the people's livelihood.

He even started to become truly upright, from a patriarchal father to a good man who loves his seven daughters.

Obviously there is such a big age difference between Xiao Jin and Feng Minsheng, who is the same age as Feng Minsheng, but he seems to be very familiar with Xiao Jin, and he is full of respect for Feng Minsheng.

Keep calling the teacher.

This is so suspicious.

It was so suspicious that even if Chen Yu didn't check it, he would still be able to detect the suspicious points.

If County Magistrate Lin used to be a person who respected teachers and respected morality, why didn't he have any intersection with Feng Minsheng in the past?

At first, Wang Tong went to the Nine Clans of County Magistrate Lin, and later, he spared no effort to save him.

All in all, there really seems to be only one explanation.

Chen Yu has read a lot of poetry and books, and it's not that he doesn't know the absurd idea of ​​resurrecting the dead.

In addition, the old emperor brought in heaven and man, and there is also a cause and effect in the dark.

If this is the case, if Xiao Jin leaves, where should he go to find her?

He thought about it, but found that there was nothing he could do.

Worry about gain and loss.

A large piece of fish was placed on the plate in front of Fengjin. Chen Yu still had a slight smile on his face, but there was a trace of sadness in his bright eyes.

An indescribable gloom exudes from the whole person.

"what happened?"

Feng Jin immediately noticed the change in Chen Yu's temperament. He was eating fish, and stared at Chen Yu intently with his dark eyes.

Appreciate the prosperous face up close.

It is eye-catching.

endless inspiration for her creations.

"Xiao Jin, you have written so many stories, why don't you write some stories about another world that everyone doesn't know?"

Chen Yu didn't know how to say it, so he could only use this to find out.

He thought that Xiao Jin in front of him was a little girl who was born in Yangliu Village and had never been outside. The farthest distance she has been to is the county seat of Fengyang County.

How could the person who wrote so many interesting stories be just a little girl.

A seemingly absurd love story requires strong logic and a flexible brain.

Coupled with the knowledge of Feng Minsheng.

Chen Yu didn't dare to continue thinking.

He looked at the girl in front of him, really afraid that one day, this girl would look at him in horror, ask who he was, and say that she didn't know him.

Chen Yu really wanted to rush into the palace and ask the so-called master of the state, where did the heaven and man come from.

But, he dare not.

If asked, what can he do?

Can you find it?


The mechanism is for summoning heaven and man, and cannot lead to the "heaven".

It is rumored that only the former princess has the key to the heaven.

Does it also mean that the heavenly beings also have the opportunity to go back.

Chen Yu's breathing almost stopped, and he grabbed Feng Jin's hand subconsciously.

If she went back, who would she be?
Where should he go to find her?
"Another world?"

Feng Jin looked at the sky outside the car window, the sky was blue without a trace of smog.

White clouds and a clear blue sky hang like ink paintings in the sky.

It's really different from the previous world.

But there was still a hint of longing in her eyes.

The Internet in modern society is better than any entertainment method in this world, and Feng Jin misses it quite a bit.

So much so that Feng Jin ignored the fact that her hand was getting tighter and tighter, and there was a touch of other emotions in those beautiful peach eyes.

Dark, melancholy, crazy...

It seems that as long as Feng Jin makes a certain decision, he will make even crazier ones.

It was just his character.

He was originally His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who was feared by everyone, he could do anything, because he never cared about other people's ideas!

"There must be a lot of time and space in this world, and there are also many worlds that we don't know. Each world has its own splendor, just like the world in a storybook. Each book is a world. I will write a new one full of technology after tomorrow. The world of sense will definitely sell well by then!"

Feng Jin withdrew her gaze, and started fighting with the fish on the plate again.

"What is a world with a sense of technology?"

Chen Yu's fingers tightened a little more.

"What are you doing?"

Feng Jin felt the pain coming from his left wrist, and subconsciously twitched his hand, but there was no twitch.

Those beautiful eyes are close at hand, looking straight at Fengjin.

Ming Ming's body is cold and cold, but there is a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"You don't understand after I say it, but you will know when I write it out."

Feng Jin finally sensed something was wrong with Chen Yu, put the chopsticks on the table, frowning and patted Chen Yu's hand holding Feng Jin.

Chen Yu came back to his senses suddenly, and let go of his hand quickly.

On the slender wrist, there are red marks left by the fingers visible to the naked eye.

"Sorry, I just..."

Chen Yu fumbled for something from the sleeves of his arms at a loss, and finally came out with a white jade-colored porcelain bottle.

He poured it all over Fengjin's wrist, his eyes full of remorse.

"what happened?"

Feng Jin asked.

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