Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 200, I do it for you every year

Sticky wrists.

Although it is a little sore, it is not necessary to use so many expensive ointments.

What Ling Fengjin cared most about was Chen Yu, who had flashes of panic, nervousness, and a more complicated emotion on his face.

It made her a little confused.


Chen Yu's voice was muffled, and he realized that there was too much medicinal wine on Feng Jin's wrist, so he wiped it gently with a clean white handkerchief.

Eyebrows lowered.

After dealing with the wrist, he started picking fishbone again, but this time he became much more silent.

"Is this the kite you made? It's really pretty!"

Seeing that Chen Yu didn't want to talk, Feng Jin didn't ask, picked up the kite that Chen Yu had made, and changed the subject.

Just an ordinary paper kite.

A naive little dog was drawn with a brush on the kite, especially the pair of sly and smart eyes, which looked vivid.

"If you like it, I will make it for you every year in the future."

Chen Yu spoke softly, still not looking at Feng Jin, but just filled the plate in front of Feng Jin with fish.

He hoped that every day in the future, Xiao Jin would be by his side.

No matter when, no matter where.

This is also the first time Chen Yu has expressed his feelings directly.

His fingers trembled subconsciously, and his eyes unconsciously raised his head to look at Fengjin.

With unprecedented seriousness on his face.

"Oh, that's fine too."

Feng Jin's heart was beating violently, but she pretended to be calm, raised her eyebrows casually, and looked into Chen Yu's eyes.

However, Chen Yu noticed Feng Jin's reddish cheeks and fingers that had no place to rest.

The heart was beating fast.

In the quiet carriage, the two hearts were beating fiercely, extremely enthusiastically.


The two didn't say anything more.

One tacitly eats fish, and the other tacitly picks fishbone.

But the atmosphere between the two changed, and pink bubbles seemed to rise around them, enveloping the entire carriage.

"Master, we are here."

The carriage slowly stopped in a beautiful place.

There are not many hunter tracks in the mountains here, but some beautiful wildflowers and soft grass.

From time to time, there are gray rabbits rushing past.

Deep in the mountains, the howling of wolves could be heard from time to time.

Here, very few villagers came in, even highly qualified hunters would not come in.

It is a rare piece of quiet world, where the blue sky and the green green hills are connected, forming the same color.

With hidden guards everywhere, there is no need to worry about the beasts in the deep mountains.

The breeze is just right.

Feng Jin also happened to have a full stomach, so she got off the carriage with the kite given by Chen Yu.

I ran around twice with the kite, but it didn't fly.

Frustrated, Feng Jin handed the kite to Chen Yu, and punched Chen Yu by the way.

What kind of broken kite did you make!

Chen Yu smiled to himself, his good-looking face made Qing Shan lose color.

The long black hair fluttered, and the kite flew up slowly with the floating of his fingers.

Even a mild breeze can blow the kite very high.

"Xiao Jin, what do you see on this kite?"

Chen Yu came in front of Feng Jin, and his head was very close to Feng Jin.

Feng Jin smelled the faint scent of ambergris on Chen Yu's body.

Looking up at the kite in the sky, the naive puppy looks a little blurry, but the pair of swarthy eyes are very obvious.

"You are the DOG!"

Feng Jin rolled his eyes, realizing that this guy treated himself like a dog and sent him to heaven.

It's not very polite to say a dog, just use the word directly.

Anyway, he didn't know what it meant, so he just thought he just said a beautiful greeting.

When Chen Yu heard the word Feng Jin said, he didn't understand what it meant, but he already guessed that there was a language he didn't know.

There is still a smile on his face, but his eyes are melancholy.

Sure enough, just as he thought, Xiao Jin and the others who had no relationship with each other suddenly changed their temperaments, and they looked very familiar.

It means they are not from this world.

"You are the kite, no matter where you go in the future, I will follow the string to find you."

Chen Yu said it with a smile.

But Feng Jin heard his seriousness.

Subconsciously looking at the pair of peach blossom eyes, the peach blossom eyes squinted beautifully.

He seemed to know something.

"are you……"

Feng Jin just wanted to ask him if he had discovered something, for example, some people might not be from this world.

Although it feels a little ridiculous.

But His Royal Highness is not a normal person, everyone says he is a lunatic, and a lunatic should have a big brain.

Before he finished speaking, his waist sank, and his eyes instantly became dazzled.

Clang clang!
The sound of swords clashing sounded.

"I'm here, don't be afraid."

Holding the kite in one hand and Fengjin in the other, Chen Yu rushed to the position of the carriage.

Feng Jin stretched out her head and glanced behind Chen Yu, before she could see clearly, Chen Yu pushed her back.

"I said, who was assassinated again?"

Feng Jin's voice was still calm, she was almost used to it.

Since being kidnapped last time, Feng Jin has been able to look down on this kind of thing.

The big deal is to enter the space and throw out Dad's explosives, and let the killer here become an adult!
"I don't know yet."

Chen Yu put Feng Jin in Che Yuan's place, and sat beside Feng Jin himself.

He didn't join the battlefield, but took the kite back little by little.

As he once said, no matter where she is, he can find her along the line.

The sound of dense footsteps suddenly came from all around.

Now, even if Chen Yu is blocking Feng Jin, Feng Jin can still see the densely packed people in black around him.

It's not the same group of men in black who kidnapped him last time. The aura of these people is condensed, and they look even more powerful.

"Sit tight."

Chen Yu's eyes sank, he took a long sword, cut off the carriage, and pulled Feng Jin to sit on the red horse.


Chen Yu slapped the horse with the hilt of his sword. The horse suffered from pain and ran quickly.

The hidden guards also rushed out, and some guards in brocade clothes rushed out from nowhere.

Collided with the man in black.

The place where the sky was still blue just now was instantly filled with people, and no one spoke.

Only blood was spilled on the ground, and from time to time, people fell heavily on the ground, and the hidden guards simply made up the knife.

This time it was daytime, Fengjin could see it more clearly.

He even clearly saw the man in black whose throat had been cut, with red blood trickling from the throat around his neck.

After all, he had never really killed anyone, Feng Jin couldn't bear to look any further, his face turned pale.

Chen Yu held Feng Jin in his arms, pressed her head, and said in a low voice,

"It's okay, it will be fine in a while."

For Chen Yu, it was commonplace.

He is the prince, and he has offended many courtiers.

There are too many people who want him to die, and it is normal to be assassinated.

And Feng Jin is just a prospective college student in the 21st century who has experienced the cruelest thing, and it is only the college entrance examination.

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