Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 201, acquaintances all over the mountains and plains

"If you can't beat it, let's go to a place where there is no one. I can take you to a safe place."

At this moment, Feng Jin was ready to expose her own space.

It doesn't matter if Chen Yu knows this place.

Even if it is Wang Tong, Lin Chengjie, or Wang Wu, she will trust them very much, and will take them to hide in the space if there is danger.

Wang Tong and the others are old classmates and buddies, Feng Jin naturally wouldn't guard against them, just like they wouldn't guard against themselves.

But Chen Yu is different, his existence is even more special.

It's not the trust between the best friends of the classmates, the distance between them is closer.

"it is good."

Chen Yu pursed his thin lips, followed Feng Jin's words, and covered Feng Jin's eyes with one hand.

The voice was gentle, but when he looked around, there was an endless chill.

He saw black human heads surging on the endless mountains in the distance.

Countless dead soldiers rushed towards this direction crazily.

Tens of thousands!

Much more than the number of killer organizations ranked second last time!

It's not the same man behind the scenes.

If the killer came for Xiao Jin last time, the large number of dead men this time must be for him.

With so many dead men, he has not received any news at all.

"what happened?"

Feng Jin vaguely felt that the surrounding area was much quieter, and the exposed skin felt goosebumps aroused by the sudden cold air.

"It's nothing, the scene is too bloody, don't watch it."

Chen Yu tore off a strand of white cloth from the white robe, covering Feng Jin's eyes.

The free hand gripped the long sword tightly.

The long sword trembled slightly.

When he was assassinated, he had never been afraid of anything, even when the hidden guards beside him were dead when he met Fengjin last time, he was not afraid at all.

To die is to die.

But this time, he didn't want to die, he wanted to live a good life and live with Xiao Jin.

When Feng Jin heard Chen Yu's words, her heart sank.

It seems that there are many people on the opposite side this time.

"If it doesn't work, let's disappear in place, I have space."

Feng Jin grabbed Chen Yu's hand and lowered his voice.

After all, he still talked about space.

Chen Yu understands what space means, and there is this concept in the fantasy novel written by Feng Jin.

Xiao Jin said yes, so there must be.

"No! I can solve it, don't expose it!"

Chen Yu pressed Fengjin's shoulder with a heavy voice.

There are so many dead soldiers on the other side, it is impossible to eliminate them all.

The enemy doesn't know who it is yet, so he must not easily expose Xiao Jin's affairs.

Their target is him, and Xiao Jin can no longer be involved.

"We can't hold it anymore, let's go in!"

Feng Jin grabbed Chen Yu's clothes and had already made up her mind.

The eyes were covered by white cloth strips, but the sound of weapons being handed over could not be ignored.

"You can't go in, I'll take you out."

Chen Yu's voice became heavier.

Drops of warm liquid splashed onto Fengjin's hands.

The hot Fengjin subconsciously shivered twice.

She seems to be the most domineering among the many buddies, and she beats up a lot of people, basically every buddy has been beaten by her.

But I have to admit that she is the most cowardly.

No chicken was ever killed!
Chen Yu rode a horse and galloped in one direction quickly, while the man in black chased in the direction of the horse without making a sound.

The dark guards tried their best to stop them, but many men in black caught up with Chen Yu and Feng Jin.

Chen Yu quickly swung the long sword in his hand, and every time he swung, he cut the throat of the man in black steadily and fiercely.

Waves of men in black fell, and another group of men in black chased after them.

In the distance, there are more men in black chasing crowdedly in this direction.

This is to put Chen Yu and Feng Jin to death.

"Can you contact your people, there are explosives in my space."

When Feng Jin heard Chen Yu's suppressed muffled hum, she slammed close to Chen Yu, and whispered in Chen Yu's ear.

Chen Yu paused slightly, the long sword in his hand still did not stop, "What?"

He doesn't know what dynamite is.

"Let your people gather with us, and then throw something at the enemy, remember to be quick! You gather them all first!"

Feng Jin's voice was a little anxious.

Because while she was talking, Chen Yu was stabbed a few more times.

She subconsciously wanted to tear off the white cloth covering her eyes, but Chen Yu's big sticky hands pressed her firmly.

I can't pull it off.

Even though the white cloth had turned into a red cloth, Feng Jin could even touch the viscous liquid on his face.

"Our men are already around us."

Chen Yu glanced at the distance, with a bitter look on the corner of his mouth.

The hidden guards were still around them, and those who were not around him were all dead.

The dark guards couldn't stop the many men in black, they could barely save their own lives.

Those men in black are powerful in kung fu, and there are many of them, and they are everywhere in the distance.

There is no need to distinguish which side is our own and which side is the enemy.

Those in the distance are enemies, and all of us are by our side.

"Okay, you give them a signal, let them not be afraid for a while, there may be an earth dragon turning around."

Feng Jin took a deep breath and decided to use the explosives developed by her father.

I don't know how many people can be killed by throwing it over, but there must be a deterrent effect.

When throwing it, it must be thrown far away, and it is estimated that few people will not be killed.

Feng Jin was completely unaware that there were enemies everywhere on the hills in the distance.

"it is good!"

Chen Yu looked down at Feng Jin in his arms, and nodded heavily.

A rapid whistle sounded, which was a signal that belonged to one's own people alone.

The hidden guards were desperately resisting, and when they heard the whistle, they frantically surrounded the horse.


Feng Jin asked Chen Yu anxiously.

"All right!"

Chen Yu glanced around, saw only half of the hidden guards left, and responded in a low voice.

The white clothes on his body had turned into red clothes, which looked shocking.

Only Fengjin's body looked clean, except for a lot of red blood splattered on his face and hands.

"Quick, throw it out! Throw it towards the enemy! It won't kill you, so it's good to scare them!"

Feng Jin directly took out a large pack of explosives from the space, lit it with a fire pocket, and handed it to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu was stunned for a second when he saw the explosives that Fengjin had made out of thin air, but he quickly took over the explosive package that was smoking.

With a vigorous flick of his arm, Chen Yu didn't even look at the specific position of the enemy. He threw it casually and landed precisely among a group of men in black.


A deafening sound sounded.

The ground also trembled violently.

A huge heat wave, accompanied by the pungent nitric acid smell of explosives, came from behind.

Chen Yu and the hidden guards were prepared, but they were still taken aback.

Many people were thrown to the ground by the heat wave.

A strong stench was accompanied by the red limbs and flew far, far away.

The charred pieces of meat fell evenly among the men in black.

The mountain is full of acquaintances flying.

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