Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 202, the breeze is just right

Ye Guo Dynasty, Mingchen 37 years.

The breeze is just right, the weather is clear, blue sky and white clouds.

Temperature: 20°C~3000°C.


The dead soldiers have undergone rigorous training, and under normal circumstances, such a short-term startled reaction will not occur.

For the dead, it will be fatal.

But this time.

Everyone looked at the place that had turned into scorched earth in horror.

Just now, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and hundreds of people died all at once.

The corpses of their companions are everywhere, and in the air they breathe, there is their flesh and blood.

"Did a lot of people die?"

Feng Jin didn't see anything.

But smelling the stench in the air, his face turned pale.

This is also the first time she has killed in a real sense!
How many people died, she didn't know.

But she knew that these people wanted to kill her, so she could only do so.

"No, several people were injured, and the blood flowed all over the place, hurry up."

Chen Yu pursed his thin lips, hugged Feng Jin tightly with one arm, and the hurried whistle sounded again.

The hidden guard beside Chen Yu moved quickly, and the long sword harvested those dead soldiers who were a little bit stupefied.

The sound of the long sword cutting through human skin was sharp.

Just listening to it makes my scalp tingle.

It was only for a breath that the dead man was stunned, but it was enough for the hidden guards to fight their way out.

The dead soldiers who reacted frantically chased the direction of Chen Yu and Feng Jin, this time, they were even more frantic than before.

The dense footsteps sounded again, and the distance was even closer than before.

In the invisible mountains, there was also the sound of long swords cutting through trees.

Gritting her teeth, Feng Jin took out another pack of explosives and stuffed it directly into Chen Yu's hand.

Chen Yu had already seen the power of explosives and knew how to use them, so he took the explosives and handed them directly to the hidden guard beside him.

The hidden guard was not ambiguous either. Although he was amazed at how the princess conjured explosives out of thin air, the most important thing now was to deal with these dead men.

So, the dark guard took the explosives and rushed towards the direction with the most dead.

In the densest place, throw the ignited explosives over.

This kind of thing happened to every hidden guard.

Feng Jin didn't even remember how many explosive packets he had taken out of the space, but only knew that the ground was shaking all the time.

The smell of fire nitrate is much stronger than the stench at the beginning.

The dense footsteps around him also became a lot less.

Occasionally something falls from the sky, and it is not known whether it is a stone or a corpse.

Are dead men afraid of death?
Not afraid.

Apart from the shock at the beginning, after regaining their senses, they continued to rush towards Chen Yu as if they were dead.

But the explosives produced by Feng Minsheng are enough to make the entire dynasty mature.

The dead soldiers couldn't figure out what kind of terrifying monster the little girl in the prince's arms was.

Why do you keep pulling out such terrible weapons.

As Feng Jin's wrist began to ache, Chen Yu finally ran out of the encirclement with her in his arms.

The horse under him was too frightened to move because of the explosives, so he left the horse and ran to a high place.

Chen Yu's dark guards had already set off a signal flare, and reinforcements would be coming soon.

With explosives, no matter how many dead people there are, they will only be killed by the explosives, so there is no need to worry about safety.

The mountains near Fengjin's home are endless.

I can't tell which mountain range I'm in now.

However, the high mountaintop is conducive to throwing explosives, and it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

From time to time, unrepentant soldiers rushed up, all of whom were blown to death by Chen Yu's hidden guards with explosives.

The dead soldiers knew that it was impossible to complete the task, but they still did not retreat and continued to guard below.

Their mission this time is to kill Chen Yu, even if everyone dies.

Therefore, no matter how difficult Chen Yu is to kill, he must complete the task.

There was not a single dead soldier who fled the battle.


In a village near the mountains.

The villagers knelt down towards the mountain one by one, shouting to the mountain god for mercy.

Since an hour ago, the ground has been shaking.

In the depths of the mountains, there was also a roar similar to that of a wild beast, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains.

Everyone thought it was the mountain god who was angry.

The people of Yangliu Village also knelt in the direction of the mountains in the village.

The older people have already knelt to discuss the matter of offering sacrifices to the mountain god.

There is a person kneeling on the road, Feng Minsheng.

He knew something had happened the first time he heard the voice in the mountains.

If it is not a particularly dangerous situation, Xiao Jin will never use explosives.

In this case, Xiao Jin will not consider the situation of space exposure.

Feng Minsheng didn't care that Feng Nanshu was alone at home, so he just ran out.

Feng Nanshu has read a lot of poetry and books, but he also believes in the things of mountain gods.

He also knelt down piously for the share of Feng Min's livelihood.

He didn't know where Feng Minsheng had gone.

It's just pure hope that the mountain god will not be angry and can protect his hometown.

He hopes that his hometown will be fine, because this land is where his wife is buried and where he will rest forever.

Feng Minsheng didn't go directly to the mountains, he went to two places.

Wang Tong's workplace.

The yamen of Fengyang County.

Move rescuers.

In a hurry, in a hurry.

When he finally came out of the yamen, he almost dragged Lin Chengjie's clothes.

"Teacher, don't worry, I'll call everyone up!"

Lin Chengjie rolled his eyes when he was strangled by his clothes.

"Go to the street over there to find Wang Wu, she also has hidden guards there!"

Feng Minsheng let go of Lin Chengjie, and suddenly walked towards his shop.

He knew that the situation was critical, and Xiao Jin would definitely need support from many, many people.

I didn't rush over rashly, because I was afraid of making trouble for Xiao Jin.

Xiao Jin has space, it must be fine.

But with so many explosives thrown out, there must be many enemies.

Except for his few students, it seems that no one can help.

He always felt that there were not enough people.

Even the servants who spend two taels of silver at home thought of it.

A dozen men, if they fight, should be okay.

The shop entrance is still bustling.

Many people are queuing.

Occasionally, someone would look in the direction of the mountains, and at such a distance, they could hear the roar of the beast from afar.

The residents of the county did not have the same way of worshiping the mountain god as the villagers, but some were too frightened by the slight shaking of the ground to stay at home.

They all ran outside.

Being idle outside is also idle, just buy something to eat.

The icing on the cake is even more prosperous.

"Call everyone and follow me."

Feng Minsheng grabbed Feng Zheng who was entertaining guests with a smile, his face turned pale.

Feng Zheng was taken aback.

Feng Minsheng has always looked confident, free and easy, and calm.

I've never seen him so flustered.

Unless something really happened.

There are only two masters in the Feng family, so something must have happened to Miss Xiaojin.


Feng Zheng's gentle and smiling eyes instantly changed, and after a reply, he shouted,
"Everyone, I'm sorry, we are closed today!"

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