Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 203 My servants can't see blood


All the boys in the store started to move.

Even the four maids who helped organize the manuscripts in the backyard put away the manuscripts, touched the jade hairpins pinned to their heads, and came to the lobby.

The guests in the lobby were dumbfounded.

Haven't eaten yet?
Why is it closed.

"Sorry, our boss has urgent matters to deal with. We don't accept cash today. Everyone in line will be given a hamburger and a glass of sweet water."

After Feng Zheng left a word, he and Feng Minsheng headed towards Yangliu Village.

The boys who were working immediately followed them out, more than a dozen of them were still wearing the uniforms of the icing on the cake shop, and they looked neat and uniform.

Some people still have flour wrapped in their hands.

Some people wear fire sticks on their waists.

Only one Feng Xiaofeng was left to deal with the aftermath of the guests in line.

The store never sells overnight ingredients. There are a lot of hamburgers, and it is closed today, so it is just right to give it to the guests.

The guests didn't feel anything when they heard that they were eating for free.

Burgers are made of fine rice noodles and meat!
No loss!

After Feng Xiaofeng quickly dealt with the matters in the shop, he also rushed towards Yangliu Village.

Her thin and small body was like a cannonball, and it almost disappeared quickly on the street.

The residents on the side of the road rushed out before they could see her appearance clearly.

At the same time, the entire Fengyang County almost moved.

Beggars and officials walked side by side, running in one direction.

Even the county magistrate, who usually only knows big fish and big meat, followed with a serious face.

It's just that, among these people, the magistrate seems to be the worst.

The beggars all have kung fu.

Lin Chengjie's background is very strong, corrupt and perverting the law, and the official posts are not ordinary official posts, they all have kung fu.

Only Lin Chengjie is a weak chicken.

A real white-faced scholar, the kind who doesn't know kung fu.

I was exhausted after half the run.

If it wasn't for Feng Jin who needed help, Lin Chengjie would have turned back!

"It would be great if that guy Wang Tong was beaten!"

Lin Chengjie muttered, while limping towards the direction of the mountains.

When Wang Tong was beaten, he would be so active.

When the time comes, he will run over non-stop - watching a play.

Among the deep mountains.

The white cloth strip on Fengjin's face had turned dark red, and when she wanted to take it off, Chen Yu always pressed her hand.

In the end, even Feng Jin didn't want to take it off.

She knew that as soon as she took it off, what she saw would be a piece of corpse that fell somewhere.

Even, maybe she has some human tissue cells hanging on her body.


Suddenly there was the sound of long swords colliding at the foot of the mountain.

Reinforcements are coming!

Feng Jin regained her spirits immediately, and put her hand on the white cloth covering her face, but she still didn't take it off.

"It's a bunch of beggars, your...friends."

Chen Yu's voice was a little hoarse, and the long sword in his hand relaxed slightly.

He knew Wang Tong's identity, and he also knew what kind of existence Wang Tong's subordinates were.

This is the second time.

The group of beggars under Wang Tong didn't even change the clothes of the dead men, they just went to bed wearing beggars' clothes.

There was no delay at all.

I can't care less about being exposed.

The one who rushed first was still Wang Tong.

Just like that time when Xiao Jin was kidnapped to the deep mountains, her usual wretched face was full of hostility.

"Wang Tong is here!"

Feng Jin swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling that she should be happy, but she couldn't be happy.

She knew better than anyone else what kind of world Wang Tong lived in.

Wang Tong looked carefree, and usually uttered some bad words.

But he is also a caring person who likes small animals.

Now he...

Not only him, but also her, Wang Wu, Lin Chengjie, and her father have all changed.

In this world, it seems that if you don't kill, you will be killed.

The word human rights is not worth mentioning.

Fengjin's nails are almost embedded in the flesh, and she wants to make the world the same as before, but finds that she can't change it.

A huge hand has been covering Fengjin's hand, and gently breaks away Fengjin's holding hand.

Chen Yu didn't say anything, but Feng Jin could feel that Chen Yu was looking at her.

But she couldn't feel the slightest twist.

Her buddies are killing people.

The explosives she threw killed an unknown number of people.

All of this is self-preservation and tragedy.


Chen Yu's people also arrived.

The dark guards in black surrounded all the dark guards on the mountainside.

There are explosives on the top of the mountain, and beggars and hidden guards at the foot of the mountain.

None of the dead soldiers who were not killed in the bombing ran away, except for the dead, they were all here.

It's not that they don't run away, the next task is to let Chen Yu die.

With so many dead soldiers, even their masters thought that Chen Yu would surely die, so there was no other way for them to retreat.

A dead man lives to complete the task, and if he fails to complete the task, he dies.

Therefore, the dead soldiers frantically rushed towards the top of the mountain.

Wave after wave.

But it made the air more smell of fire and a strong stench.

When Feng Minsheng was carried by the wind and rushed to the mountainside, he happened to see the dead soldiers rushing desperately towards the top of the mountain.

Faintly, I saw Feng Jin dressed in red.

Feng Jin was wearing light pink clothes today, but now it is dark red.

"Master, rest for a while!"

He Zheng put Feng Minsheng under a big tree, touched his waist, and pulled out a soft sword from nowhere.

After a while, he rushed to the position with the most dead soldiers.

The long sword moved slightly, and the dead soldiers fell to the ground and died wherever they passed.

See blood seal throat.

The dead soldier who has undergone countless trainings since he was a child has not blocked a single move in Fengzheng's hands.

He is the master who has taught countless dead men, the steward of the icing on the cake, and the servant of the Feng family.

The robe moved slightly, and the clothes were covered with blood.

That smiling Fengzheng exuded a hostility that would make a dead man tremble.

As soon as he made a shot, the soldiers retreated by three points.

Followed by other servant girls in Feng's shop.

The man holds a soft sword, and the woman holds a hosta.

Like ghosts, they didn't make any sound, but the places they passed were quiet.

Even Chen Yu's hidden guards were startled, and they took a few glances at the servant girls who rushed over suddenly.

Fortunately, it was my own people who felt emotion spontaneously.

These people are still wearing uniform clothes.

There is even a hat on the head of a servant, which is the chef's special brain.

In addition to holding soft swords in their hands, some servants also had a fire stick pinned to their backs.

It looked like the fire was still burning just now, and rushed over before throwing down the fire stick.

It is such a group of people who make no sound when they come, and make no sound when they kill people.

Only the color of the clothes on his body changed, the gray gown turned red, and his face seemed to have been washed with blood.

The situation reversed in an instant.

Really stop a thousand with one!

"Is it almost over?"

Feng Jin felt that his ears were much clearer all of a sudden, there was no sound of shouting and killing, and the sound of explosives exploding was also much less.

She had good ears and heard the sound of many heavy objects falling to the ground.

She knew it must be the sound of a dead person falling to the ground.

"Well, all your servants and maids are here."

Chen Yu responded, glanced at the ghostly maidservant, and fell into deep thought.

Can a tael of silver still buy a servant like them?

"What? They don't know martial arts, don't let them get too close, I'm afraid they will faint!"

Feng Jin was dumbfounded.

Her servants and maids know how to cook and write manuscripts, so they can't kill people!

Chen Yu and the hidden guards who were protecting Feng Jin looked at the most murderous people and fell silent.

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