"They're all right."

It took a long time for Chen Yu to spit out a few words.

It's the dead men who have trouble.

They are also dead men, and those dead men in black are like ordinary people in the hands of the Feng family servant.

It was easily wiped on the neck.

In Jianghu, among the dead soldiers of the Lie organization, the price of 20,000 taels gold has now risen to 50,000 taels gold.

Even the richest man in the Wang family bought one without hesitation.

In Feng's shop, there are only servants who light the fire.

Chen Yu looked at the beggar rushing forward, his eyes flickered slightly.

Wang Tong, Bai Xiaosheng, the leaders of the beggar gang, and some secret organizations.

I didn't have any contact with Xiaojin before, until these people began to change their temperaments and suddenly became friends who talked about everything.

Chen Yu's hand unconsciously grasped Xiao Jin a little more, as if she would suddenly disappear.

"Xiao Jin!"

A pair of big hands were suddenly placed on her head, and she was hit by a chestnut.

This strength, this feeling, this degree of pain, it is her father who is right.

Feng Minsheng ran directly from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and there was no dead man alive behind the servant of the Feng family.

Although he was astonished at the bravery of his servant, he still reached the top of the mountain immediately.

"Father, you are here!"

Feng Jin raised her eyebrows, and subconsciously wanted to untie the cloth covering her eyes.

Slimy and slightly uncomfortable.

She didn't want to see the scenes of dead bodies everywhere, but the old man came over, and seeing these scenes didn't seem to be a terrible thing.

But this time, Feng Minsheng stopped her.

"Go home and untie it!"

Feng Minsheng's voice pretended to be relaxed, but he quickly changed Fengjin into a white cloth.

There was a moment of light in front of her eyes, and she couldn't open her eyes because of the bright sunlight.

Soon, Feng Minsheng put a clean white cloth over Fengjin's eyes again.

At the moment of exchanging white cloths, besides the glare of the sun, Feng Jin saw a touch of crimson.

Everything around it is red.

No green grass, no green trees.

What is splashed on green is red.


Feng Jin nodded silently, the white cloth blocked her eyes, making it hard to see what she was thinking.

at the foot of the mountain.

Wang Wu and Lin Chengjie also arrived.

Wang Duojin, worth 50,000 taels of gold, quickly joined the battle under Wang Wu's command.

However, compared with the servants of the Feng family, he is not so imposing.

One person can block a thousand, but in front of the former master, he can only restrain his edge.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the officials could only silently follow behind some big boss hidden guards, making up for those injured hidden guards.

It can be regarded as a help.


Both Lin Chengjie and Wang Wu bent over, couldn't support themselves, and vomited.

Even at the foot of the mountain, they can clearly see that the surroundings are full of human cells and tissues.

On the black scorched earth, there are countless broken fingers and toes. If you are lucky, you can see the cracked brain at a glance.

The strong fishy smell pierces the nostrils, and it is difficult to ignore it.

It was the first time for the two of them, a corrupt official and a young lady, to see such a scene.

He didn't scare the pee on the spot, so he already has a lot of backbone.

"Teacher is awesome!"

Wang Wu vomited so badly that it took her a long time to stick out a thumb.

Don't think about it, you know that these explosives are from the teacher's handwriting.

If conditions permit, the teacher has the ability to send people from Yeguo to the sky to watch the stars together!
Lin Chengjie waved his hand, unable to speak anymore, only glanced at the top of the mountain, and continued to vomit.

He is no longer worried about Xiao Jin, but he is a little worried about the health of the dead soldiers who hunted down Xiao Jin.

The whole body is probably gone, I hope I can have a good pregnancy in the next life, and stop fighting against the teacher Xiaojin.

An hour later.

The whole mountain finally fell silent.

The mountain also seems to be wrapped in a layer of meat sauce, and the rich yellow-red color sticks to the surface, accompanied by the smell of gunpowder.

Chen Yu's hidden guards hid in the darkness again.

The beggars brought by Wang Tong also disappeared again, changed their clothes, lay down on a certain street again, and continued to beg for food.

In addition to Feng Jinchenyu and others, there are also some officers and soldiers and Wang Duojin, a servant girl of the Feng family.

"Xiaojin, are you okay?"

Wang Tong stretched out his hand and touched Feng Jin's head fiercely, making the already messy hair even more messy.

"It's all right!"

Feng Jin slapped Wang Tong's hand away.

Wang Tong's hand turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his face, which was still full of hostility just now, became a little helpless.

"Your physique is not good, you are always being hacked!"

Wang Tong touched the place where he was photographed, and the corners of his mouth and eyes fell on the scorched earth.

There was a little doubt on his face.

When Xiaojin went out, she still carried so many explosives with her?
Wang Tong wanted to ask, but didn't.

Chen Yu is here.

No matter how good the relationship between Chen Yu and Xiao Jin is, in Wang Tong's eyes, Chen Yu is still an "outsider".

"Stop talking here, it's getting late, go back and eat!"

Feng Minsheng glanced at his servant, then at Wang Tong, and didn't ask any further questions.

The place to buy servant girls was introduced by Wang Tong, one tael of silver, very cheap.

Unexpectedly, in addition to being cheap, it is also worth the money. These people are not ordinary people.

"I'll carry you."

Chen Yu said that he was about to put Xiao Jin on his back, but was stopped by Wang Tong and Feng Minsheng at the same time.

"Not suitable."

"Your clothes should be washed."

Wang Tong and Feng Minsheng said at the same time.

Chen Yu was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked at himself.

Dirty, with a mixture of dirt and blood hanging, and even a wisp of meat sauce...

Chen Yu subconsciously moved away from some Fengjin.

"I can go by myself!"

Feng Jin pressed the white cloth on his face, feeling that he was indeed a little hypocritical.

It's fine if you don't watch this scene, you can't even walk without walking.

"Let's go!"

Feng Minsheng directly pulled Fengjin, and walked slowly towards the foot of the mountain.

Fengjin is already in modern times, women's colleges avoid their fathers, and they have a good relationship with each other, but they seldom walk hand in hand.

For a moment, Fengjin felt as if she had returned to the scene when her father dragged her to go shopping when she was a child.

She gnawed on candied haws and let her father drag her through the crowd. She no longer remembered where she went shopping, but that warm feeling was always there.

"Father, what did you think of?"

Feng Jin follows Feng Minsheng like a blind person, just like before, she doesn't know the destination, but she will go wherever her father goes.

"I thought of the little Junjun I raised in the past, who was dragged away like this."

Feng Minsheng raised his eyebrows, and even the corners of his mouth curled up in the place where the mountain was covered with red blood.

Feng Jin: ...

Xiao Junjun is an Erha she once raised.

"Who is Xiao Junjun?"

Chen Yu was guarding on the other side of Fengjin, and asked curiously.

The emperor is also the emperor.

He believed in his intuition more and more. Xiao Jin and the others were not from this world, and people in this world would never say such things as raising Xiao Junjun.

"It's a dog."

Feng Jin said.

Chen Yu: ...

For the first time, I feel that the word Jun is so unattractive.

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