Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 205, because he is expensive

The servant of the Feng family silently followed behind his master.

Hearing the conversation between Feng Jin and His Highness the Crown Prince, they all fell silent.

The master really wants to usurp the throne, right?

Fortunately, they have this strength.

Feng Zhengyun calmly wrapped the soft sword around his waist again, and turned into a gentle butler again.

But his red body and that gentle face are really out of place.

Feng Zheng smiled, and Hades also smiled.

"Ouch——Xiao Jin, you have nothing to do for a few days, let's go! It's time to call it a day!"

Wang Wu and Lin Chengjie vomited so much that they could hardly stand up, and when they saw Feng Jin, they rushed over.

Forcibly pushing Feng Minsheng and Chen Yu away, pulling Feng Jin one by one.

I really didn't consider myself an outsider at all.

"You two really worked hard!"

Wang Tong looked at the pale Wang Wu and Lin Chengjie, and smiled softly.

Rarely did not laugh.

To be able to stand at the foot of your mountain like this is already quite remarkable for these scumbag buddies.

After all, they used to dare not kill chickens.

"Ouch——Wang Tong, I always thought you were the most perverted between us, but I didn't expect it to be so!"

Lin Chengjie gave a thumbs up to Wang Tong who didn't change his face, and of course he didn't ignore the blood on his body.

What role does this guy play in this world?

Lin Chengjie felt more and more that their coming to this world was definitely not just by chance.

The officials fell silent when they saw Mr. Lin who was so familiar with He Fengjin.

Mr. Lin is already old enough to be the father of a little girl. Is it appropriate to flirt with her like this?

Or, is this about to marry the eighth wife?
No one knows how much the inner thoughts of the serious officials are jumping.

"It's still time for Mr. Lin to deal with the aftermath!"

Wang Tong pointed to the mountain behind him, and there were several corpses and traces of explosives nearby.

Naturally, these things cannot be seen by others.

The appearance of these explosives alone is enough to shock the world.

"Don't worry, leave it to me! By the way, you should keep someone with good kung fu. If a dead man comes over, I can hold on for a while!"

Lin Chengjie did not continue to go with the others, but stayed with the officials, but he did not forget to ask Fengjin and the others for help.

There are seven beautiful daughter-in-laws in his family, and seven lovely daughters to raise.

What's more, there are still a lot of gold, silver and jewelry that have not been spent, so they must not be hung up!

"Who should stay?"

Wang Wu looked at the servant of the Feng family and fell silent.

She was frightened and stupid when she came here, but she was not blind.

A boy of one tael of silver is stronger than her family's 50,000 taels of gold!

And the tricks are similar, quietly wipe people's necks.

When Wang Wu saw Wang Tong, what else did she not understand!

This guy is destined to sell it to Fengjin's family for a cheap price, and then cheat the old father of her family for money!

"Let Wang Duojin stay!"

Wang Tong smiled obscenely at Wang Wu, without any embarrassment at all.

He is a businessman.

If you earn money, you can never have too much.

The family's money, if you don't earn it, you don't earn it, such as Xiao Jin.

If it's other people's money, if you don't earn it, you're a bastard!

Wang Duojin retorted weakly.

His master is here, and so are his brothers and sisters.

The most heart-wrenching thing is that everyone is better than him, why did he stay?
It's not that he doesn't want to stay, but the main reason is that the atmosphere here is too cautious. If it weren't for the training since childhood, he really couldn't stand it.

Under the feet, there are already sticky pieces of flesh belonging to an unknown number of people.

"Because you are the most expensive!"

The wind is blowing gently.

Wang Duojin shut up instantly, bowed slightly to Wang Wu, turned around and left with Lin Chengjie.

If so, he has nothing to say.

He really doesn't know how to save money for his master, even the price is much higher than his master, senior brother and senior sister!

inferiority complex!
Wang Duojin didn't realize at all that because he was expensive, in the future, the dirty work would be easily returned to him.

Those who sell expensive must work more, there is nothing wrong with this!

When her legs and feet ached, Feng Jin was allowed to take off the cloth covering her face.

The first reaction is to look behind you.

I have already walked a long way, and all I see is the green on the mountains, completely covering the mountains I was in just now.

The tip of the nose is still filled with the smell of blood, not from the front and back, but from the body.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw that the red blood on his body had dried up and coagulated on his body, and his soft clothes became a little stiff.

Not only her body, but everyone except Wang Wu's body was dirty and red.

Including her family's servant girl.

Especially when seeing the four maids who wrote manuscripts for her, Feng Jin almost burst into tears.

She didn't know whose fault it was.

Is it the dynasty's fault, or her fault.

But no matter whose fault it was, so many people did die.

She couldn't see how many people died, but only heard the footsteps, there were tens of thousands of people.

A crackling sound came from behind.

Lin Chengjie led people to set fire to the mountain.

"This guy dares to burn like this, isn't he afraid of burning the entire dynasty?"

Wang Wu rubbed his nose, a little uncomfortable with the smell of the corpse being burned together with the trees.

It's like the smell of burnt protein in the hair, just smell it, and you will feel it on your head.

"The isolation belt must be cut."

Wang Tong spoke slowly.

He has good hearing and can hear the sound of trees being cut in the distance.

"What is the isolation zone?"

Chen Yu blocked Feng Jin's sight and prevented her from looking behind her, with a trace of curiosity on her face.

A few drops of blood splattered around the beautiful peach blossom eyes, which could not be wiped off, and dried up on the face.

There was a hint of coquettishness in the peerless smile.

There is also a touch of melancholy.

"The isolation zone is to cut down the trees at the foot of the mountain to prevent other mountains from being burned."

Feng Jin explained and didn't look at Chen Yu again.

Maybe it's because of the blood on his body, maybe it's because of the inexplicable melancholy on his face.

Maybe it was because it might have started with him.

Feng Jin always felt confused.

What is her purpose in coming to this world?
Is it living in a daze, or is it just to experience the way of life of the ancients?

She wants to change the world if she can.

But how could this world be changed so easily?
Chen Yu saw the confusion in Feng Jin's eyes, he wanted to ask, but kept silent like Feng Jin.

He vaguely knew what Xiao Jin was confused about.

But there seemed to be nothing he could do.

"We are almost in the village. We can't do this. There is a pool in front of us. Let's go back after washing!"

Feng Minsheng sighed and looked at the more than 20 people covered in blood.

"I asked them to send some clothes over."

Chen Yu made a gesture towards the dark place.

The hidden guards in the dark disappeared and went to get the clothes.

"I have clothes here, I'll change into Xiaojin later, I'll help Xiaojin, you are self-reliant."

Wang Wu bared her teeth and smiled.

He is considered a girl now, so it is not a disadvantage to change Xiaojin's clothes.

If he suffers, he admits it!

Who made him selfless!

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