Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 206, people should not judge by their appearance

"Do you still want your legs?"

Wang Tong looked at Wang Wu coldly, and was about to throw Wang Wu under the cliff to feed the wolves.

At the same time, Feng Minsheng's and Chen Yu's eyes also looked straight at the past.

"I'm just kidding, I don't want to take this loss!"

Wang Wu rolled her eyes, and asked her hidden guard to bring a set of her clothes, and handed it to Feng Jin.

But taking advantage of the few people not paying attention, winked at Fengjin and whispered,
"Call me if you need it!"

He's not as stingy as Wang Tongchenyu, he's just at a disadvantage, he admits it!

If it is in modern times, the operation he most wants to do is to go to the women's bathhouse.

Not for anything else, just to purify my soul and make myself more like a girl (righteous words)!

There was a trace of wretchedness on the beautiful face.

But because her looks are so outrageous, it's easy for people to ignore the wretchedness on her face, and instead feel that this beauty is delicate.

The servants of the Feng family were a little puzzled by the reactions of the few people.

What's the relationship between Miss and Wang Wu being close?

They're all women anyway.

But the master reacted so strongly that they didn't dare to ask.

"Need not!"

Feng Jin thought of the more than 200-jin physical education class representative, and shook his head decisively.

Wang Wu didn't think she was at a disadvantage, but she also thought she was at a disadvantage!

Ahem, if it's a modern idol, she can accept it!

"Tsk tsk~"

Wang Wu clicked his tongue twice, and waved with Fengjin, letting Fengjin change her clothes by herself.

Looking down, his feet were all covered with dark red mud, and a crack finally appeared on Qingcheng's face.

The mentality almost collapsed.

It was unknown whose flesh and blood it was, and it just stuck to the bottom of her feet, and she couldn't even pick it off.

Wang Wu glanced around, saw the small pool in front of Feng Minsheng and the others, and walked over decisively.

Washing the shoes.

She didn't go deep, she didn't have any on her body, she just brushed and washed her shoes casually, and she became that delicate young lady again!
After washing, Wang Wu sat on the stone and waited for Fengjin and the others to clean up her hygiene.

The servants of the Feng family stood motionless at the rear, not looking sideways.

After Wang Wu cleaned up, then clean up herself, girls first.

But Wang Wu sat on the stone man for a long time, and had no intention of leaving at all.

"I said, you've finished washing, why don't you hurry up?"

Smelling the stench on his body, Wang Tong couldn't hold back any longer, and couldn't help but want to drive Wang Wu away.

"What's the matter? I'm basking in the sun here, waiting for Xiaojin, what's none of your business?"

Wang Wu didn't have a good temper with Wang Tong. After all, this guy had ordered people to arrest him and imprison him.

"Whether a man or a woman can give or take a kiss!"

Wang Tong ground his molars, and forced out a few words.

Wang Tong, Chen Yu, and Feng Minsheng were all men, their bodies were covered in blood, and they had to swim back and forth in the pool several times to wash off the filth on their bodies.

It is indeed inappropriate for Wang Wu to stand here.

"What's the matter, I don't look at you!"

Wang Wu rolled her eyes, glanced at the three men with dark faces in front of her, and shook her face with contempt.

I'm not interested!
"Pay attention to etiquette, integrity and shame!"

Feng Minsheng coughed.

He knew Wang Wu's identity in the past, and he hung out with Wang Tong and the others all day, but now, it's better to keep a distance.

"What's the matter, we went to the bathhouse to take a bath together before!"

Wang Wu muttered, stood up and left.

It is true that Feng Minsheng and Wang Tong did not respond.

But Chen Yu's face became a little weird, and his eyes lingered back and forth on Wang Tong and Wang Wu.

What the hell is this Wang Tong doing!

She obviously looks like Xinyi Xiaojin, why is she having trouble with Miss Wang's family again?
Even the servants of the Feng family looked at Wang Tong strangely.

This guy is the boss of the boss of the Lie organization, and he sold them cheap because he fell in love with his little girl.

Why are you hanging out with Miss Wang's family now?

I don't understand, I don't understand.

But Feng Zheng and the others had a thought floating in their hearts, the boss of their former boss turned out to be a scumbag!
Meet one love one!
"Don't get me wrong, we were normal before."

Wang Tong naturally noticed the eyes of Chen Yu and others. He believed very much that this guy would take this opportunity to ruin his reputation, so he hurriedly added,
"Actually, not only the two of us, but also the teacher, we all washed together!"

Chen Yu became even more silent when he heard Wang Tong's defense.

Looking at Feng Minsheng with dull eyes, there is something complicated in his eyes.

A gentleman who seems to be elegant and elegant, who knows astronomy and geography, but also...

Fengzheng and the others silently looked at their feet, pretending not to hear anything.

It is the most basic common sense not to talk about the affairs of the master.

But... the master is really playing!
People are unbelievable!
"Don't listen to his nonsense, it's nothing."

Feng Minsheng waved his hands with a smile, and kicked Wang Tong into the pool with one kick.

When kicking Wang Tong, it was more or less mixed with a trace of anger.

Feng Zheng watched the former boss's boss fly away from his master's feet, and swallowed silently.

Decisively pretend to be deaf, today's matter must not be revealed in half!

It's just that Feng Zheng is vaguely curious, if Miss Wang becomes the master's successor, can Missy agree?

My friend has become my own mother, the eldest lady will probably be very moved!
Feng Zheng and a group of servants and maids wandered in the sky, and their brain circuits were both outside of reason and within reason.

Suddenly, a chill enveloped them.

Looking up, it was Feng Minsheng who was looking at them sullenly.

I didn't lift my foot, but the meaning was already obvious.

Feng Zheng calmly saluted Feng Minsheng.

Handsome and refined, he tidied up his blood-stained robes and posed in a pose.

Then, at a speed that is difficult to catch with the naked eye, he rushed towards the small water pool.

When he was about to reach the small pool, he paused for a moment, and jumped up, as if he had been kicked by someone, and fell into the water weightlessly.

There was a huge splash.

As a qualified servant, he doesn't need his master to lift his feet himself, he can make all kinds of weightless movements similar to being kicked!

It's that good!

Fengzheng is like this, and so are the other servants.

Bang bang bang!
Huge water splashes exploded in the pool, one after another.

——Splashed Feng Minsheng's body with water, and washed his head by the way.

Everyone in Feng Minsheng is stupid.

Is the servant of his family deliberately taking revenge on him?

Feng Xiaofeng and other maids naturally had no choice but to stay in the pool, so they headed towards Feng Jin.

Of course, when walking, he also imitated Fengzheng's movements, jumped up, and then fell weightlessly.

Those who know are saving trouble for the master, those who don't know think they are provoking Feng Minsheng.

"Since when did the dead fighters of the Lie organization have such a good IQ?"

Wang Tong looked at several people in the water, his face twitched fiercely.

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