"What does it mean to be a person who is not in the same world?"

Chen Yu already had a guess in his heart, but when he heard Wang Tong say it himself, there was still a shocked expression on his face.

Someone from another world?

It was hard for him to imagine what kind of world that would be.

In such a world, there is an omniscient Mr. Feng Minsheng, Xiao Jin, and Wang Tong.

When they meet in this world, there is no barrier, and they can completely trust each other without hesitation.

Even if one is a beggar on the side of the road, one is a corrupt official, and the other is the young lady of the richest man's family.

They will all use equal identities to be friends with each other without any grievances.

Chen Yu is the prince, and he has always been aloof. After meeting Xiao Jin and Feng Minsheng, he learned to get along with an equal attitude.

But it is completely impossible for him to get along with everyone in an equal manner.

"Literally, I tell you this to explain that we can come to this world suddenly, and we can leave here without any scruples, because we don't belong here in the first place."

Wang Tong paused word by word.

So, don't think about what to do after knowing Xiaojin's secret.

Even if the power of this world is inferior to yours, it will never give you a chance.

When Wang Tong said these words, he automatically assumed the identity of the vicious male lead.

He is also afraid.

After all, the prince in front of him is crazy. If the prince sees such a powerful gunpowder in the hands of Xiao Jin and the teacher, and has other thoughts, it will be Xiao Jin and the others who will be hurt.

In addition, Wang Tong was also afraid that Chen Yu, an ancient man, would not cherish him.

No matter how serious the topic is, Wang Tong has to admit that Chen Yu is closer to Xiao Jin than himself.

Get vaccinated first and let this ancient man know that even if their status is just an ordinary person, they will never be controlled by the royal family.

"Originally... it doesn't belong here."

Chen Yu repeated what Wang Tong said, without any emotion in his voice.

But his fingers trembled slightly, and the swaying water splashed showed that his heart was not at peace at this time.

"No one can interfere with Xiaojin's wishes. Her choice represents the future path. Even if you are the prince, you can't stop anything."

Wang Tong left the last sentence, ignored Chen Yu who was stunned, got up and left the pool.

Wang Tong was dripping wet, and he didn't even change into clean clothes.

His heart is not peaceful either.

He knew the way back, but the place where the way back was located was still difficult to reach.

He just wanted Chen Yu to know, don't try to tie Xiao Jin with his identity.

However, it is not with another kind of fantasy.

If there is really a god who can make his dream come true, he just wants to take Xiaojin and the others back to their world together.

In that world, he and Xiaojin applied for the same university, and their university life is about to begin.

He thought, when the time comes, he will definitely chase after him with a faceless face, and the college life is happy and wonderful...

In the dilapidated yard of Xiaojin's house.

There are two tables in the main room, and the tables are full of dishes. Feng Minsheng and Feng Zheng are in charge of cooking, including hamburgers and braised pork.

The aroma is tangy.

The servants and maids sat at a table, which looked very quiet, and they were all eating in a gentle manner.

At the table of Feng Jinfeng Minsheng and Wang Wu, there were also a few servants.

But because of the wind, the boys are also a little gentle.

Naturally, Feng Jin and the others would not be polite, what they ate was called a whirlwind.

"Xiao Jin, when will our family build a big house again?"

Wang Wu took a look at the roof, and when he looked up, he could see the sky exposed through the small hole.

There are a few dots.

One can imagine how lively it will be when it rains.

"It's fine if you can live, don't worry."

Feng Jin didn't think it was a big deal, anyway, she was quite rich now.

As a successful writer, every share has reached [-] taels.

I have to say that shopkeeper Gao is quite honest, and he didn't deduct her fees. Every time he gave her money, it was a large sum.

"Teacher, let's build one! When the fruit trees in the back mountain are mature, the family will definitely buy some people and build a big one again, which can also live in it."

Wang Wu urged.

He also has his own selfish intentions. If Xiaojin's house is rebuilt, he can live here anytime and anywhere in the future.

There is also a place for him to live now, but Chen Yu and Wang Tong are running here every day, and they are about to live here for a long time. Wang Wu is really afraid that he will be kicked out.

The place at home is too small!

"It's really time to build a yard. Hurry up and I will draw some blueprints, and I will also build a house in the back mountain by the way."

Feng Minsheng rubbed his chin, probably his mood fluctuated a lot today, his beard was protruding from his head, and it was a bit irritating.

I really don't have the energy to draw today.


Wang Wu made a comparison, and happily gnawed on her elbow, looking happier than Feng Jin.

"Why haven't Chen Yu and Wang Tong come over yet?"

Feng Jin stuffed a mouthful of braised pork, and looked at the door suspiciously.

The gate was not closed, just thinking that the two of them would come over soon, but they didn't expect to come over after an hour.

"Don't worry about them, leave food in the pot for them!"

Feng Minsheng's eyes flickered slightly.

That guy Wang Tong looks wretched, but he is actually quite dark-bellied.

Who knows what he will say to Chen Yu!

It's okay to say something.

Feng Minsheng was also afraid that if Chen Yu found out about Xiaojin's space, it would bring disaster.

It's not that Feng Minsheng doesn't believe in Chen Yu, it's that Feng Minsheng doesn't believe in people of this era.

The ancients were really too ignorant, this can't be ended by just chatting.

"So slow!"

Feng Jin quickly snatched the last hamburger on the table, peeled it open and took a big bite.

"They eat delicious food and drink spicy food every day. I guess they can't eat that much. Can I eat what's in the pot?"

Wang Wu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and silently retracted her hand that hadn't thought of Hamburg, and looked in the direction of the kitchen.

His body has a small bird's stomach, but he is still quite edible, mainly because his mouth is greedy!
"You can beat either of them, you can."

Feng Jin opened his mouth faintly.

"Forget it, the elbow is quite delicious."

Wang Wu gave up decisively and buried her head in her elbow.

It's good to be alive, there's no need to provoke Wang Tong and Chen Yu's bottom line.

Talking and laughing, after eating, the servants and maids went back to the shops in the county seat.

I have to go back and prepare again, and the business will continue tomorrow.

Wang Wu also went back to the county seat, planning to pack up and come to stay for a long time tomorrow. By the way, he would find out if the shopkeeper of the Wang family knew the workers who built the house, so that he could start work quickly.

Neither Wang Tong nor Chen Yu came over until the stars were shining in the sky.

Feng Jin thought they were busy with the affairs of the dead, but didn't care.

At night, Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin entered the space.

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