Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 209, Earth Dragon Turns Over

"Xiao Jin, you are here!"

A touch of red rushed towards Fengjin and Feng Minsheng.

Feng Minsheng dodged quickly and headed towards the Lingquan creek.

A pile of wine-making jars were placed beside the creek, filled with various fruit wines.

Feng Minsheng subconsciously glanced at the place where the explosives were placed before, there were still a few scattered packs, and there were not many left.

Feng Minsheng didn't say anything, he just knew that he should continue hoarding supplies, otherwise he would always worry that his daughter would be killed by this feudal dynasty.

The red fox jumped into Fengjin's arms, and the white tiger lay obediently beside Fengjin, looking at Fengjin eagerly.

Feng Jin couldn't help rubbing its head with its naive appearance.

Bai Hu narrowed his eyes comfortably, with a humane smirk on his face.

Feng Jin hugged the red fox and sat in front of the desk, and the white tiger followed step by step, and finally lay down beside Feng Jin's hand.

Feng Jin picks up a pen and writes, writes and draws on a piece of paper, constantly scribbling.

"Xiao Jin, what did you write this for?"

Red Fox looked at Xiaojin's writing with some curiosity. It was not like the novels he wrote before, densely packed, and there were some arrow symbols.

"Here's the outline, I'm going to write a bigger one!"

Feng Jin raised her eyebrows, feeling that she was getting more and more deadly.

I used to write various stories about the prince, the emperor, the prince, and the prime minister, and now I have to write a book that is about to overthrow the world.

Feng Jin is preparing to write a storybook about the dynasty of women in the male dynasty.

She believes that as long as this script is released, it will definitely subtly change the psychology of some female compatriots.

She didn't know how much she had changed, but what she knew was that this was the best thing she could do right now.

It can be seen from the share that there are many people who read her script.

It's just that the words of the female emperor's dynasty can't be too realistic.

If it is true that women can have three wives and four concubines, I am afraid that she will be beaten to death walking on the street.

Step by step, write monogamous uniforms, and then the status of women is higher than that of men.

Even so, it will definitely give all pedantic scholars a head-on blow!
"Will I be beaten to death for writing this?"

The red fox always feels that the master has a feeling that death is at home.

If this is the case, it must accompany and protect the master.

It doesn't want to change its master anymore, it's troublesome digging holes, it's troublesome to change masters.

"There is this risk!"

Feng Jin nodded solemnly.

Don't talk about others, just talk about that guy from Lizi Village, he probably got angry and beat someone when he saw her writing the scriptures of the Empress Dynasty.

Not to mention being beaten, if it can improve the status of women in this world, Feng Jin feels that even if she is beaten, it will be fine.

"Xiao Jin, don't worry about writing, I will protect you well!"

The red fox's dark eyes stared straight at the paper written by Fengjin, with a serious expression.

It really likes the current boss, no matter what its owner does, it will support it.

Even if the white tiger is stunned to make up his body, it's fine!
Hearing the red fox's words, Feng Jin rubbed its small and exquisite ears with a smile, and began to organize the outline seriously.

In the space, all kinds of fruit trees are planted on the same piece of land, and they are fruitful.

There are many picked fruits piled up on the side, pile after pile, which will never rot until they are brewed into wine or enter people's stomachs.

The rich fruity fragrance permeates the space, mixed with the fragrance of various vegetables.

Feng Jin is writing the outline.

Feng Minsheng was busy with farm work in the space, picking vegetables for a while, and continuing to make explosives for a while.

It was not until late at night that the two came out of the space.

When he came out, the red fox lay on Fengjin's shoulder and followed him out of the space.

Because she was too tired, Feng Jin washed up carelessly twice, and then went to sleep with the red fox in her arms.

Very sleepy.

"Boss! Hurry up! It's not good! In about an hour, Dilong will turn over!"

The red fox suddenly jumped up from Fengjin's pillow, and slapped Fengjin's face with its fluffy paws.

clap clap clap!
Although there are no sharp nails sticking out, the beating is a real beating.

Feng Jin was woken up by the red fox.

"What ground dragon turned over?"

Feng Jin rubbed her eyes vigorously, but she still didn't wake up.

By the way, I also glanced out the window, it was gray and the sky was not yet fully bright.

After a while, people in the village will get up one after another to do farm work.

And she can still sleep for a few more hours, and wait for her father to cook and call her.

"Earth Dragon turning over is Earth Dragon turning over, let's get out quickly, or we will be smashed to death!"

The red fox was a little anxious, and put its fluffy paws on Fengjin's hand, trying to pull Fengjin away.

But it can't catch it no matter what, its damn fluffy little claws can't drag people away at all.

"Could it be an earthquake?"

Feng Jin finally came to his senses, and asked Red Fox in a daze,

"How did you know there was going to be an earthquake?"

Modern detection equipment may not be able to warn two hours in advance, how does this guy know?
Strange in his heart, Feng Jin quickly put on his coat and shoes, and rushed towards Feng Minsheng's room with the red fox in his arms.

"Of course I know. I've experienced many times of ground dragon turning around outside before, so I know it by feeling!"

Red Fox replied quickly.

When Feng Jin heard Honghu's answer, she didn't ask any more questions.

Animals are inherently more sensitive than humans, and they can quickly perceive the dangers of nature.

On the eve of the earthquake, some animals did escape earlier than humans.

clap clap clap!
"Father, get up!"

Feng Jin didn't care about Sanqi 21, and rushed directly to Feng Minsheng's bed, raised his hand and patted it.

There is absolutely no intention of public revenge.

I just want to call my father to get up and escape.

"What...? Not enough explosives?"

Feng Minsheng woke up from the dream, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Feng Jin hugging the red fox in front of his bed.

The first sentence is to ask if there is enough explosives.

When Feng Minsheng was dreaming just now, he dreamed that his daughter asked him for explosives!

Day thinking, night dreaming.

Probably because yesterday was too exciting, if there were no explosives, my daughter would be in danger, Feng Minsheng always wanted to fill up the space quickly.

Eat, drink, and explosives must fill up the space, so that you can feel at ease.

"There's an earthquake, let's get out!"

Feng Jin spoke quickly, and tore Feng Minsheng off the bed.

Feng Jin's strength was quite strong, and Feng Minsheng lost all weight in an instant, and fell to the ground.

There was a chirp, and the sound was quite loud.

"I think I can go."

Feng Minsheng's head was full of black lines, and he silently got up from the ground.

Good guy, I almost wished my daughter an early year.

Feng Minsheng also believed in the mythical beasts in the space, the black lines belonged to the black lines, and there was no ink stain, so Ma Liudi and his daughter went out of the house.

Standing in the yard, Feng Minsheng looked up at the sky and touched his face with his hands.

"Girl, why is my face numb?"

"I don't know, maybe I was bitten by a mosquito!"

Feng Jin calmly shook his head.

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