After 1 minutes of silence.

"How do I notify the people in the village that an earthquake is coming?"

Feng Jin hugged the red fox, thinking that if there was an earthquake, many people would definitely die.

At this point, everyone is sleeping.

An hour later there will be an earthquake, and at that time the villagers will just wake up and prepare to do farm work.

There will also be a lot of people in the house.

Once the house collapses, the conditions are limited, the search and rescue are difficult, and there are no doctors in the village, so how many people will die!
It doesn't matter if Fengjin's sympathy is overflowing, or she is too kind, within the limits of her ability, she should remind the villagers.

"It's definitely not okay to say it directly, maybe it will be regarded as a monster, but is there any way to make everyone run out at the same time?"

Feng Minsheng touched his blushing face, and always felt that one side of his face was a little fat.

"Unless your eldest brother embarrasses himself again, maybe everyone will watch the fun."

Feng Jin teased.

The affairs of Fengmincheng and Li Juan had many people watching the excitement last time, and the ancestral hall was packed.

While teasing Feng Jin, she also took out a pen and paper from the space, regardless of whether the hidden guards in the dark would see it or not.

Anyway, when we were on the mountain, I don’t know how many trucks of explosives were pulled out, and they already knew it.

Feng Jin thought for a while, then wrote some letters on the paper, found a purse, and hung it around the red fox's neck.

"For Wang Tong and the others? You write in English, who can understand?"

When Feng Minsheng saw the letters, he subconsciously thought that Fengjin wrote in English.

He knows his students, even if they are already prospective college students, their English level is about the same as that of junior high school, and the college entrance examination depends entirely on their English.

"Written in pinyin, I can't write English either!"

Spreading her arms, Feng Jin whispered a few words in Red Fox's ear.

The red fox nodded humanely, then turned into a red light and headed towards the county seat.

After finally meeting an old friend in a foreign country, it is natural to tell Wang Tong and the others.

Feng Jin has no reservations about her buddies.

Of course, by the way, let Wang Tong inform Chen Yu that things must be busier after Dilong turned over.

Disaster victims also need proper arrangements.

Feng Minsheng rolled his eyes when he heard Fengjin's words.

All right, he overestimated his daughter's ability!
It's just this group of scumbags, except for Chinese characters, they can only use pinyin to communicate secretly!
"Father, why don't you make a sacrifice, I'll go outside and tell you that you're going to die, and the people in the village must come over to watch the fun!"

Feng Jin raised her eyebrows, thinking of a "good idea".

But Feng Jin doesn't know that people from the whole village can't come, but what Feng Jin knows is that people from Feng's old house will definitely come.

Run out to see if Feng Minsheng is dead or not.

"You child!"

Feng Minsheng gave Fengjin a chestnut, and suddenly thought of an idea.
"If someone's house catches fire, people in the village must run out to fight the fire! If there is a fire now, if the crops in the field are burned, the whole village will be hungry!"

Now the crops in the field are about to mature, and the buckwheat has begun to turn yellow, and it will be ready at one o'clock.

Food is the life of a farmer, even if it is a good harvest year, it may not be enough to feed the children and the elderly at home.

Not to mention a fire.

Once it was burned, it destroyed the food in several villages.

"Then burn whose house?"

Feng Jin blinked.

The roofs of people's houses in the village are basically covered with straw, and they are easily damaged.

"For the sake of everyone's lives, we can only let those people in the old house of the Feng family suffer a bit, and I don't know if Fengmin City will be able to escape at that time."

Feng Minsheng said as he walked towards the kitchen and brought out a jar of spirits.

"Wait a minute... the houses are all green bricks and tiles, so they can't be burned down. Even if they do, the people in the village will think that the people in the old house of the Feng family are lifesavers!"

Feng Jin feels that burning the house of the Feng family's old house is a bit of a loss.

"Makes sense."

Feng Minsheng stopped in his tracks, and silently looked at his house.

It's tattered, with thatch everywhere, and it looks good.

In addition, Feng Minsheng has already thought about what kind of house to build, this broken yard can be burned!
thought here.

Feng Minsheng quickly opened the jar, and quickly poured spirits around his house.

It's one-sided, and he still doesn't forget to remind Fengjin to tidy up her things.

"Hurry up and put away all your things, and they will all be gone when they burn!"

The corner of Feng Jin's mouth twitched and looked at Feng Minsheng, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Setting fire to your own home is kinda...exciting.

Feng Jin didn't have too much time to sigh, and rushed into the room quickly, and put all the usable things into the space with a single brain.

Not all of them are collected into the space, and some things have to be left for show.

An hour is only two hours, and Feng Minsheng didn't dare to order a house right away, fearing that the fire would be extinguished quickly, everyone went home to rest again.

It is best to get stuck half an hour before the earthquake.

Fearing that it would not burn well, Feng Minsheng poured several jars of spirits.

By the way, I also poured a jar at Mrs. Wang's house next door...

To be neighbors is to have a prosperous life together!

After everything was prepared, there was still half an hour before the earthquake, that is, an hour.

Feng Minsheng was holding a fire book, ready to set fire at any time.

"Why don't you let it go now! What if the earthquake comes earlier!"

Feng Jin was a little afraid that Dilong would turn around earlier, and the red fox is not a scientific instrument, so he said it would be an hour later, who knows if it will be one hour four 10 minutes later!


Feng Minsheng gritted his teeth, and took another jar of spirits to Aunt Wang's roof.

With a trace of condensation on his gentle and refined face, he looked at Fengjin seriously.

Feng Jin took a few steps on the spot, then nodded.

It's ready.

Call the villagers as soon as it burns.

Feng Minsheng took one last look at the dilapidated courtyard, took a deep breath, and threw the fire bag over.

The fire pockets are faintly visible in the gray air, and the dots of light seem to be extinguished at any time.

But when the faint yellow light fell on the ground, a flame quickly sprang up and rushed straight to the roof.

"It's on fire! Come and put out the fire! The fire is almost burning the grain in the field!"

Feng Jin shouted out immediately.

He didn't talk about saving his own fire, only that the food in the ground was about to burn.

In this way, people in the whole village can wake up quickly, no matter adults or children, they will wake up in the sound of burning food.

"Ms. Wang, wake up, it's on fire! The fire in my house is going to burn your house, your field!"

Of course Feng Jin didn't forget her neighbors, after rushing out of her yard, she slammed on the door of Aunt Wang's house.

After hearing the rustling sounds inside, he ran towards the village again.

Shouting all the way.

"It's on fire!"

"All the food in the field will be burned!"

"If you don't put out the fire, people will starve to death in the coming year!"


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