Feng Minsheng was not idle either, and ran towards the village chief's house.

The hidden guard in the dark silently watched the father and daughter's operations, and for a moment didn't know whether to come forward to help put out the fire.

His Royal Highness's order is to protect the father and daughter.

The house is on fire, and the fire must be put out.

But they were the ones who started the fire themselves, and for a while, they also fell silent.

"Bang bang bang!"

"The village head! The village head! It's bad! It's on fire! The crops in the field are going to be burned!"

Feng Minsheng slapped the gate of the village chief's house vigorously, wishing to make a hole in the gate.

The sound of nailing was heard, and the village chief was very anxious.

"Minsheng, what are you talking about!"

Village head Yang quickly opened the door, he didn't even put on his clothes, and put them on indiscriminately.

He didn't have a cane, but it didn't affect his walking speed at all.

There was still an anxious look on his face.

"My house is on fire. Behind the house is everyone's field. The fire is too big. It is estimated that the crops in the field will be burned down soon!"

"Village chief, hurry up and ask everyone to fight the fire together!"

"It may be that the fire in my house was too loud, and I heard the sound of howling wolves!"

"Children and the elderly are not safe at home, they all come out together, everyone stays together, there is a care!"

Feng Minsheng was talking nonsense in a serious manner.

Scared the old village chief.

In the disaster year, the wolves on the mountain once went down the mountain to eat people. According to the records left in the village, more than 20 people were killed in the village!

If this really attracts the wolves, it will be really troublesome!

Except for the old houses of Feng's family, which are all green brick and tile houses, the yards of ordinary people are either wooden or empty at all.

It is really not safe for the elderly and children to be alone at home!

"Go and notify everyone, let everyone come out to fight the fire, the elderly and children also come out, just say wolf is coming! Everyone stay safe together!"

The old village chief didn't care if the wolf really came or not, if he just said that, everyone would definitely come out.

"I'm going over now!"

The village chief's son had already taken a gong, and it was beating ding ding ding, the sound was deafening.

"It's gone! The wolf is coming! Hurry up and gather at Minsheng's house!"

"If the fire burns to the ground, everyone will be hungry next year!"

"Hold the child who won't leave! Don't be caught by wolves!"

Following the yelling of the village chief's son, people from every household ran out.

Wolves are scary.

But starvation can kill.

The feeling of not having food to eat is too uncomfortable, and the crops in the field are the life of the family.

There is really no food, and the whole family will starve to death!

So, no matter men, women, old or young, they all rushed towards the west of the village.

From a distance, he could see flames soaring into the sky from Feng Minsheng's house.

Flames shot up into the sky.

Even fetching water from the village wells is only a drop in the bucket.

The fire cannot be extinguished.

The villagers lined up and poured water in quick relay.

The flame was still expanding, but it had already started to die out at a turtle speed.

Feng Jin glanced at the busy villagers, silently counting the number in her heart.

Most of the people in the village are here.

Mr. Feng's family was not there, and the doors of a few sporadic households were also closed.

In addition to Feng's old house, Feng Jin also went to knock on the doors of other closed houses, but got no response.

It seems that they don't want to help put out the fire, or they are afraid of wolves.

Feng Jin also took a look at their house, the thatched hut, if it collapsed, it shouldn't kill anyone, but it's not bad enough.

After doing everything that needs to be done, Fengjin has no psychological burden and returns home again.

From a distance, I saw the flames go out little by little.

This will not work!

"Please come here!"

Feng Jin waved his hand towards the dark place.

She remembered that Red Fox said that there was a hidden guard hidden in the big tree at the entrance of the village, and there were other places too, but the one on the tree was the closest to Fengjin.

Just as Feng Jin greeted the dark guard, a man in ordinary clothes walked over.

When I took a quick look, I thought it was a villager in the village. They looked so ordinary that they couldn't be seen among the crowd.

But if you look carefully, everyone will feel that this person looks familiar, but he is definitely not from the village.

The dark guards don't have to be all in black, they can also be in various disguises, and his face is disguised to become the face of the public in the village.

Even if it is hidden in the dark, it is strictly in accordance with the villagers' dress, and it will never be exposed.

"See the princess."

The hidden guard who looked like an ordinary villager gave Fengjin a slight salute, and spoke to Fengjin in a low voice.

If it wasn't for the villagers fighting the fire nearby, according to etiquette, he would have to salute.

There is no doubt that Feng Jin must be the future crown princess.

Calling now is the same as calling later.

And... His Royal Highness wants to hear this title even more. Every time he reports the situation with His Royal Highness, if he calls Princess Princess, he can watch the Prince laugh once for free.

it's a bargain.

After all, they had never seen the prince smile before!
"You find a way to spill the wine on the roof of my house, don't let the fire go out!"

The situation was urgent, and Feng Jin didn't care what the dark guard called him just now, and directly stuffed the dark guard with a wine jar.

"Yes! Crown Princess."

The dark guard responded, and disappeared without a sound while holding the wine jar.

"Don't mess around..."

Feng Jin finally heard what the other party called him this time, his ears and face turned red instantly, and just as he was about to refute, the dark guard had disappeared.

Feng Jin could only stamp her feet on the spot, pretending she didn't hear anything.

But my mind began to think in a mess.

Cough cough, if it's really with that guy Chen Yu, it's pretty good.

At the very least, the parents are good-looking. In terms of appearance, they must be taking advantage of themselves!

It sounds exciting to be a princess or something.

But Feng Jin remembered that the emperor could be the 72nd concubine of the Sixth Court of Sangong, so he frowned and stopped thinking about it.

The meandering dissipated, and ran towards the door of his house with small steps.

As soon as he stood still, a red figure rushed towards Fengjin.

Red Fox is back.

The pouch hanging from its neck has been removed.

It seems that Wang Tong has already received the news, so don't worry about your buddies!


"Who the hell is so short-sighted!"

"How dare you burn the yard of Teacher Laozi's house!"

"If I catch someone, I have to kill him and let his whole family beg for food!"

Wang Tong rushed towards this direction cursing, skipped Fengjin, and rushed towards the sea of ​​flames.

"Wang Tong! Come out! We're outside!"

Feng Jin's eyes widened, she yelled loudly, and hurriedly ran towards the yard.

"Cough cough!"

Wang Tong was choked by the thick smoke and coughed violently for the two of them, then ran outside quickly.

Fortunately, those who did not escape into the house were only roasted by the fire in the yard.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Feng Jin at the door, rushed out quickly, grabbed Feng Jin's clothes, and took two steps back.

away from the sea of ​​fire.

At the same time, Wang Tong caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye that the secret guard who often guarded Fengjin's house had evenly sprinkled a jug of wine on the roof.

The fire grew hotter.

Wang Tong: ...

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