Chen Yu couldn't imagine what another world would look like.

But judging from the behavior and relationship of these people, it must be a free world.

"Come and sit down!"

Feng Jin patted the red fox in his arms, and patted the open space beside him.

The red fox licked Fengjin's hand, his swarthy eyes seemed about to speak.

Feng Jin knew that the time was coming.

Chen Yu seemed to have changed into the cold and cold look before who didn't say a word.

It's just that when he was sitting on the ground, he slapped Fengjin's side, and couldn't help but want to get closer, and get closer.

As if in this way, the gap between the two can be broken, and she will be closer to the real her.


Feng Jin called out to Feng Minsheng, who was talking to the village chief in the distance, and made an OK gesture.

Feng Minsheng nodded slightly, did not remind the villagers, but just found a place to sit down.

Conveniently, he also pulled the village chief who had inconvenient legs and sat on the ground.

They are all farmers, and they sit anywhere when doing farm work, and they don't care about it.

It doesn't matter if the body is dirty with mud, just slap it twice.

"Minsheng, if your family's money is used to buy fruit trees in the mountains and crops in the field, just tell me, I still have some savings at home, so I need a place to live."

Looking at the crackling yard, the old village chief sighed inwardly.

If I knew it, I would have persuaded Feng Minsheng to build a house at home. The yard is dilapidated, basically made of thatch and wood, and it is completely out of control.

Fortunately, the back mountain was not burned, otherwise Feng Minsheng's newly bought back mountain and the crops in the village would not be able to keep.

"Don't worry, the village chief. I just planned to build a house. If the house collapses, it will collapse. I'll just build a new one."

Feng Minsheng didn't show any distressed expression because of the yard.

Village Chief Yang heaved a sigh of relief, it seems that the noble people Minsheng met were pretty good, at least the money they gave was a lot.

creak creak --

There was a grinding sound from Feng Minsheng's mouth.

Village head Yang noticed that Feng Minsheng's eyes seemed to be eating people.

Following his gaze, Feng Jin was sitting on the ground, beside her, there was a beggar and a nobleman.

The three of them were talking, but they were actually talking about Feng Jin and the beggar, and when they were talking, they secretly pointed to Feng Minsheng.

That face, that look.

Even the old village head knew that they must be talking bad things about Feng Minsheng.

"Minsheng, Xiao Jin has grown up and looks good, so she won't find a beggar in the future, right?"

Village Chief Yang lowered his voice when he said this, Feng Minsheng couldn't hear it unless he listened carefully.

Mainly because he was afraid of ruining Xiaojin's reputation.

At the age of thirteen or fourteen, whether they are old or young, it is indeed time to discuss marriage.

Feng Minsheng also passed No. 1 in the Tongsheng Examination, so he will have to marry the landlord no matter what in the future!
"It's hard to say."

Feng Minsheng spoke gloomily.

If you dare to speak ill of Lao Tzu to your face, you may be beaten to death by your hard-working old father before you get married.


Village head Yang saw that Feng Minsheng's expression was not very good, and he was afraid that he would be angry with Fengjin, and just about to say that Xiaojin was still young, suddenly a feeling of dizziness swept over him.

The ground began to tremble violently.

The dogs in the village started barking crazily, screaming.

The chickens and ducks all uttered panic calls.

The mountains in the distance can also vibrate visibly with the naked eye.

Pieces of black birds flew up from the forest, circling non-stop in the sky.


"Mother! Mother! What's wrong!"

"Ah! Daughter-in-law, hurry up and hold the child well, don't let go!"

"The mountain god is angry again!"


The villagers who were busy fighting the fire just now staggered to and fro with the shaking of the ground, and finally couldn't hold on any longer, and fell to the ground suddenly.

Feng Jin hugged the peach tree tightly, even so, it still felt a bit like riding a roller coaster.

The ground kept falling.

There was the sound of crackling and heavy objects collapsing.

I don't know whose house collapsed.

No one can accurately judge the direction.

Feng Jin reluctantly took a look around, only to feel that the sky was red everywhere.

The sun is in the east, why is the west also red?
Before Feng Jin could see the weird sky over there clearly, the ground began to shake violently again.

Feng Jin hugged the root of the peach tree and began to scream, as if it would rise from the ground at any time and hit the ground.

"Ah! The house! Our yard!"

"My God! I beg the mountain god to spare me!"

"Master Mountain God, we will sacrifice to you, please don't be angry!"

As more and more houses collapsed, villagers began to kneel and pray in the direction of the mountains.

But kneeling on the ground is unstable, always staggering.

Feng Jin couldn't hold onto the tree, and almost fell to the ground.

But Feng Jin took a quick look at the two men around him.

One is Chen Yu and the other is Wang Tong.

Feng Jin took 0.01 second to judge, then let go decisively, and fell towards Chen Yu.

Not surprisingly, he crashed into a firm embrace.

Chen Yu subconsciously put his hand on Feng Jin's shoulder, thinking in his heart, this time, the distance is one step closer.

I just don't know if there is still a long way to go before her world.

But no matter how far the road is, it must be walked.

Wang Tong subconsciously stretched out his arms to protect Feng Jin, but Feng Jin was already in Chen Yu's arms, so he could only silently retract his arms.

The ground kept shaking, Wang Tong hugged the peach tree silently, and grabbed the red fox that fell out of Fengjin's arms with one hand.

The red fox silently huddled beside Wang Tong, ignoring the owner and Chen Yu who were surrounded by pink bubbles.

The ground trembled intermittently for as long as a cup of tea.

When it came to a complete stop, almost all the surrounding houses were damaged to varying degrees.

Some wooden houses and thatched houses are okay, even if they collapse, they can be repaired quickly.

Some old houses collapsed directly, with thick beams lying on the ground, which looked shocking.

Dust swirls everywhere.

The house in Fengjin's family is still burning, but the wood and grass have basically been burned, and the flames are getting smaller and smaller.

"Wow--mother, I'm afraid!"

"Grandma, wake up!"

"Woooooo... I... my home is gone!"

"Father, your legs..."

There were bursts of crying.

Without raising her head, Feng Jin could empathize with the helplessness and despair of the villagers.

Children, old people, men, women, all crying.

Everyone is exuding the fear of the earth dragon turning over from the inside out.

Feng Jin felt a little sad suddenly, it was the consciousness of the original owner in her body that was causing the trouble.

Probably because I saw the end of the same villagers from childhood to adulthood.

Feng Jin touched his eyes, and a lot of tears poured out of his eyes unconsciously.

Feng Jin looked at his hand in a daze, not knowing who he was for a moment.

The original owner, is he still there?

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everyone."

Chen Yu felt Feng Jin's body trembling, tightened his arms slightly, and murmured in a low voice.

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