Feng Jin turned her face to look at Chen Yu, as if looking at a painting.

I don't know who is in the picture.

I don't know what it has to do with him.

I just think this person is beautiful.

Feng Jin rubbed her eyes vigorously, her hands were covered with tears, and the tears were still falling down.

A voice in her heart was screaming frantically, to help these people.

There is also a hysterical voice, don't cry, crying won't solve the problem.

Feng Jin is like a nightmare, she can't control herself no matter what.

There was such a feeling that she felt as if she would disappear, or fall into a deep sleep forever.

And this body will be taken over by another consciousness at any time.

"Xiao Jin, what's wrong?"

Wang Tong discovered Fengjin's abnormality.

He understood that Xiao Jin was a hard-spoken person with a soft heart.

Even if I see so many people in misery, I won't be crying silently like I am now.

Instead, she will use her actions to prove her heart. She may stand up to help the villagers who are suppressed by things, and do what she can.

The current state is very wrong.

"Xiao Jin."

Looking at Feng Jin's dark eyes, Chen Yu always felt that these eyes seemed to have become much more hollow.

Chen Yu wanted to grab the gleam of light before, but he couldn't, so he could only tighten his arms again.

"Who are you! Come on! Men and women can't kiss each other!"


A crisp voice sounded amidst the crying.

Wang Tong stared dumbfounded at Feng Jin's sudden uproar, broke away from Chen Yu's embrace, and then gave Chen Yu a slap.

At this time, Feng Jin was like an introverted person who was suddenly offended by others, exhausted all his strength, and just slapped the other party.

Feng Jin backed away quickly, her eyes full of alertness.

The small body trembled uncontrollably, being stared at by everyone, trying to shrink together.

I want to minimize my presence.

But the gazes of the people around were too dazzling, tears were falling down, and I was extremely scared.

Compared with Feng Jin, who was mischievous and mischievous since she was a child, and who dared to cut school, climb walls and play games with her buddies, she was a little more cowardly.

It's like the little girl that everyone said was about to be bullied to death.

And Feng Jin, who is not afraid of anything, is two people.

"...Xiao Jin?"

Feng Minsheng seemed to have thought of something, stood up suddenly, and walked in front of Fengjin, his face was stiff and his voice was trembling.

He didn't know how they came to this world, and he didn't know why they became peasant father and daughter in this world.

Is there a soul in the world?
Feng Minsheng thinks there is, or not.

The existence form of life is the soul, but what is the soul made of?
Feng Minsheng has also dabbled in living organisms to a certain extent, and even went to some remote countryside specifically to study brain waves.

Work on ghosts, upper bodies and things like that.

In the end, of course, there is no special conclusion, which is something that science cannot explain.

But after Feng Minsheng came to this world, he found that the bodies used by him and Fengjin were not the same as before.

It means that apart from their own thoughts, even their brains do not belong to them.

Does that mean that their father and daughter are the "ghosts" from outside.

The original body did not perish. In a sense, the original body did not die.

If the consciousness and brain waves of the original body come back again, where will they go?
The former body?

Feng Minsheng didn't dare to continue thinking.

It's been several months since they came here, and the father and daughter really don't have any other relatives and friends except Fengjin's buddies and classmates.

The original body was probably discovered long ago because of the rotten smell, and then burned.

Even if they are lucky, there may not be someone who is so kind to put them in the hospital and support their bodies like a vegetable.

"Father... I had a nightmare."

Seeing Feng Minsheng, Feng Jin cried even more violently, tears kept falling down.

The voice trembled, like a child who just woke up and finally saw his parents.

Feng Minsheng's heart sank, his fingers suddenly tightened, and he stared at Fengjin in front of him.

"Xiao Jin, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Yu was slapped by Feng Jin, and his fair face became red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking at Fengjin, he always felt that Xiaojin had suddenly changed into a different person.

turned into a very strange person.

"You, don't come here!"

Feng Jin saw that Chen Yu seemed to want to belittle her again, and quickly backed away, lest she could avoid it.

"Xiao Jin, who am I?"

When Feng Jin retreated in a panic, he suddenly bumped into a person, turned his head, and heard a voice before he saw who the other person was.

No sadness or joy, as if it was just a simple greeting.


Feng Jin screamed, trembling non-stop, and took several steps back before looking at Wang Tong's face.

He looked like a wretched beggar, but his eyes seemed a little unfriendly, as if he wanted to eat people.


Feng Jin uttered two words without any emotion, but the fear in her eyes and the emotion of wanting to turn herself into a little transparent are really different from the usual Feng Jin.

"Look behind you."

A smile suddenly appeared on Wang Tong's face.

It's just that this smile is a bit ugly, worse than crying.

Feng Jin subconsciously turned her head when she heard Wang Tong's words.


As soon as he turned around, there was a sudden pain in the back of his neck, and he didn't know anything when his eyes went dark.

All I know is that in the end, I fell into a warm but smelly embrace.

"Minsheng! What's wrong with Miss Jin?"

Village head Yang noticed the abnormality here, looked at Feng Jin who was already on Feng Minsheng's back, and asked quickly.

At this time, everyone was in a mess, but fortunately, not too many people were injured, only Fengjin was unconscious.

Girl Jin seemed to be in a nightmare just now, and suddenly slapped the nobleman. Fortunately, the nobleman has a good temper, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

"Xiao Jin is too scared, just let her sleep for a while, the yard at home is burning, I'll go to the town to see first."

Feng Minsheng left a word and walked towards the entrance of the village without looking back.

"I went to the town and found a watcher to show Jin girl, if I lost my soul, please scream!"

Village head Yang shouted at Feng Minsheng's back.

Children are the easiest to lose their souls, just find an older one and scream.

Feng Minsheng's face was sullen, he didn't say a word, he didn't respond, he just kept his head down and walked forward.

Wang Tong didn't speak either, and walked behind Feng Minsheng silently, looking at Xiao Jin on Feng Minsheng's back.

There are crooked trees and collapsed houses everywhere on the side of the road, but I don't have the mind to look elsewhere.

Chen Yu followed Feng Minsheng nervously, seeing the blush on the back of Feng Jin's neck, his heart ached terribly.

Thinking of the slap in the face without hesitation and the frightened look in his eyes when he looked at him just now, Chen Yu almost stopped breathing.

A thought flashed by, and the footsteps were a little staggering.


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