The three remained silent until the icing on the cake.

The situation in the county town looks much better than in the village.

Many people were frightened, but there were not many cases of houses collapsing, at most some old houses in disrepair.

Probably because the village is close to the mountains, the vibrations are most obvious on the mountains.

"Master, is Miss all right?"

Feng Zheng was the first to see Feng Minsheng coming in from the outside, and hurried over to greet him.

Wang Tong's people had notified them in advance, and they had woken up early, and cleaned up the shop that was disturbed by the earth dragon's overturning.

The rest of the people quickly gathered around and looked at Fengjin worriedly.

These dead men have always been indifferent, and never know what kind of life ordinary people should live.

Since coming here, they suddenly understood how to live.

And Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin didn't treat them as an emotionless killing machine, they really treated them as a person.

Gradually, they seemed to forget that they were just a killer.

"It's okay, you are busy with your work."

What Feng Minsheng said was not the case, and they even felt a little cold.

Seeing that Feng Minsheng and Wang Tong's complexions were not very good, Feng Zheng wisely didn't ask any more questions, and followed Feng Minsheng into Feng Jin's room.

He is a dead man and a doctor. The flesh and bones of the dead are exaggerated, but his medical skills are definitely not inferior to the doctors in the palace.

"Go to the doctor."

Feng Minsheng put Fengjin on the bed, and said the right way to Feng who came in.

"Master, this slave has some medical skills."

Feng Zheng hastily opened his mouth.

Feng Minsheng glanced at Wang Tong who was at the side, and Wang Tong nodded slightly.

Only then did Feng Minsheng make room for Feng Zheng to move forward.

Feng Zheng took out a white handkerchief and put it on Feng Jin's wrist.

After all, Feng Jin is the master, there is a difference between a master and a servant, Feng Zheng always knows the rules.

Feng Zheng listened carefully to Feng Jin's pulse, and observed Feng Jin's face.

The complexion is ruddy, and the pulse condition is stable.

Other than the eyes seeming a bit red and swollen, there are no other problems.

"Master,'s nothing."

When Feng Zheng said these words, he had already begun to doubt his own medical skills.

Could it be that he has been working as an accountant for a long time and neglected his medical skills?
"Bring the Medicine King here."

Chen Yu's voice was low, and he said something to the window.

A figure in the dark bowed to Chen Yu, and then disappeared.

Feng Minsheng didn't respond to Feng Zheng's words, and was not surprised by the results of Feng Zheng's words, so he sat silently by the bed.

This is his only relative.

She is also his daughter who was brought up by himself.

No one can understand the mood of an old father.


Feng Jin on the bed suddenly uttered a word dreamily, without opening his eyes.

There was the sound of pouring water and shattering glasses.

Chen Yu ignored the glass that was broken due to trembling hands, and quickly took another glass.

He poured the water again and moved over cautiously.

The tea touched Fengjin's lips, but he couldn't get it in.

Barely moistened the throat.

But Feng Jin's eyes have been opened a little, revealing dark eyeballs.

"Xiao Jin, wake up...come back."

Chen Yu's voice was very low, so low that he could hardly hear it.

But Fengzheng's ears are very good, and he heard it all at once.

He looked at Chen Yu in surprise, as well as Wang Tong and his master who were heavy-hearted.

It's not at all clear what's going on here.

Missy seems to really have nothing to do.

However, as a servant, he didn't feel that the master and the others were too nervous. The eldest lady is the eldest lady, and it is right to be nervous.

Feng Jin only felt that his throat was very dry, and he saw a face in a daze.

Heh, it's pretty nice.

Instinctively wanted to get closer, but couldn't move.

He wanted to drink the tea in his mouth, but he couldn't swallow it, so he could only vomit with himself.

Anger is anger, Feng Jin is still trying to control her body, trying to stand up.

Once, twice.

Feng Jin exhausted all the strength in her body, but she couldn't move, so she could only try again and again.


Under everyone's gaze, Feng Jin suddenly sat up and accidentally knocked over the tea in Chen Yu's hand.

Some ordinary tea was spilled on Fengjin's quilt.

Feng Jin didn't dislike it either, but felt very thirsty, and snatched the quilt from Chen Yu's hand.

Drink the remaining half cup of tea in one gulp.

"Still thirsty."

Feng Jin didn't notice everyone's gazes, she stuffed the quilt into Chen Yu's hand, and pursed her dry lips.

Chen Yu stared at Feng Jin without moving, and tightly squeezed the cup's hand.

He is confirming.

Confirm whether the Fengjin in front of you is his Fengjin.

"Xiao Jin, do you know me?"

Wang Tong asked the question at the beginning again.

He tried his best to get close to Fengjin, so that his entire face could be presented in front of Fengjin.

Feng Jin looked at the wretched big face in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Although the Wang Tong in the previous life and the current Wang Tong don't have the same face at all, but just looking at it at a glance, the feeling is still the same.

Wang Tong is still Wang Tong, his temperament is exactly the same, there is no change at all.

"I know you even when you turned into ashes." Feng Jin thought for a while, and added, "By the way, did you lend me the game currency before and didn't return it?"

As soon as he thought of it, Feng Jin said it without going through his brain, and he didn't realize where he was at all.

Who else is around.

"Well, I haven't paid it back. It's impossible to pay it back in this life. I'll pay it back to you like a cow in my next life."

Wang Tong nodded vigorously, sand began to get into his eyes, he stood up suddenly, and rubbed his eyes vigorously with Feng Jin on his back.

Feng Minsheng also heaved a sigh of relief, and slowly let go of his hands.

Before I knew it, my nails turned red.

"Ah! What's wrong with your face? Also, why am I lying here? Isn't this a town? Am I not in a village?"

At this time, Feng Jin realized that Chen Yu's face had become red and swollen.

She has a lot of questions now, but what she cares most about is Chen Yu's face.

Such a beautiful face looks almost disfigured, who made such a black hand!
There was a clear and complete slap print on the fair face, which followed that flirtatious face like a shadow, so no one could ignore it.

The red and swollen skin was already covered with bloodshot eyes.

Such a beautiful face looks almost disfigured, who made such a black hand!
"'s fine. We were hit by a tree just now. I was hit in the face, and you were hit in the back of the head."

Chen Yu opened his mouth slowly, and Feng Jin approached again, always feeling that the distance was too far.

A faint scent of ambergris permeated Fengjin's side.

Feng Jin sniffed, touched the back of her head, and muttered,
"This tree can really be smashed."

It can make a slap print on a person's face!

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